POJ 3255_Roadblocks
using namespace std;
#define se second
#define fi first
typedef pair<int, int>pii;
struct edge{int to,w,next;};
const int maxm = 200010, maxn = 5005, INF = 0x3fffffff;
edge e[maxm];
int n,R;
int head[maxn], d[maxn], d2[maxn];
int dijkstra()
priority_queue<pii,vector<pii>,greater<pii> > q;
fill(d, d+n+1, INF);
fill(d2, d2+n+1, INF);
d[1] = 0;
pii tmp = q.top();q.pop();
int ne = head[tmp.se];
int v = e[ne].to;
int di = e[ne].w+tmp.fi;
int temp =di;
if(d[v] > di){
temp = d[v];
if(d2[v] > temp){
d2[v] = temp;
ne = e[ne].next;
return d2[n];
int main (void)
int a, b, di;
fill(head, head+n+1,-1);
for(int i = 0; i < 2 * R; i++){
e[i].to = b, e[i].w = di;
e[i].next = head[a];
head[a] = i++;
e[i].to = a, e[i].w = di;
e[i].next = head[b];
head[b] = i;
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