Visual Studio 2012 trial version
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Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Download Free Trial VS2012
Microsoft has released Visual Studio 2012 RTM (final build) for the market and for use of professional software developers' use in August,2012 after the release of Visual Studio 2012 RC (Release Candidate) at the end of May, 2012. Microsoft .NET Framework developers can download Visual Studio 2012 free for the trial editions.
The VS2012 downloads are available in various formats including web installer and as standalone downloadable .ISO images files. Although it is easy to complete Visual Studio 2012 installation through web installer, I found it more convenient to download Visual Studio 2012 as .ISO file. I've already download and install Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate edition after I mount the .iso setup image.
Visual Studio 2012 Editions
Before you downlad Visual Studio 2012 editions, I think it is good to give brief information about Visual Stusio 2012 editions. Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 is launched with 5 different editions excluding Visual Studio 2012 Express editions. The released VS2012 editions for Microsoft .NET programmers are:
Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate edition,
Visual Studio 2012 Premium edition,
Visual Studio 2012 Professional edition,
Visual Studio 2012 Test Professional edition, and
Visual Studio 2012 Team Foundation Server edition.
And Visual Studio 2012 Express editions cover the below product range:
Visual Studio 2012 Express for Web edition,
Visual Studio 2012 Express for Windows 8 edition,
Visual Studio 2012 Express for Windows Desktop edition, and
Visual Studio Team Foundation Server Express 2012 edition.
Visual Studio Ultimate 2012
If you are an IT professional looking for standalone Visual Studio 2012 installer for Visual Studio Ultimate edition, you can use the below links that I used for downloading. If you prefer .iso image just as I did, you can download MS VS2012 Ultimate free from VS2012_ULT_enu.iso.
Just a small note for programmers who want to download, .iso image file VS2012_ULT_enu.iso for Visual Studio Ultimate 2012 edition is around 1.5 GB in size.
Also Microsoft .NET developers can find other Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate downloadoptions at Microsoft Downloads web portal.
Visual Studio Premium 2012
An other MS Visual Studio 2012 edition is Microsoft Visual Studio Premium 2012. VS2012 Premium edition provides tools for development, test and debugging, diagnostics and automation of tasks within the Visual Studio 2012 integrated development environment (IDE). IT professionals can get more detailed information like system requirements at this official download URL.
Also you can directly download the setup .iso image file VS2012_PREM_enu.iso following thisdownload link.
Please note that just as Ultimate edition Visual Studio 2012 Premium edition setup file is also around 1.5 GB in size.
Visual Studio Professional 2012
Developers who are looking for Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Professional download, they can visit to Microsoft Downloads. Or Microsoft .NET Framework developers can directly downloadVS2012_PRO_enu.iso .ISO image of the Visual Studio 2012 Professional edition RTM build usingdownload URL. The size of Visual Studio 2012 RTM Professional edition has a 1.4 GB download size.
Visual Studio Test Professional 2012
If you want to try Visual Studio test tools of the RTM release Visual Studio 2012, software developers can download Visual Studio 2012 Test Professional edition. Please visit Microsoft Downloads portal.
It is also possible for programmers to download VS2012_TESTPRO_enu.iso .ISO setup image directly using the VS2012 download URL.
Visual Studio Test Professional 2012 setup imace file VS2012_TESTPRO_enu.iso is about 145 MB in size for download.
Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2012
Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2012 is collaboration center for your team and their software development activities. Development teams who want to try the new version of Team Foundation Server can download this 90 days free trial software using web insaller. Better is to download the setup file as .iso file format following Microsoft downloads link for Visual Studio 2012 Team Foundation Server edition
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