1. Compare two branches: branch_1 and branch_2:

      1. git diff branch_1branch_2
    2. Merge specified files of one branch(e.g. branch_name) into current branch:
      1. git checkout branch_name ./src/…/file1 ./src/…/file2 ./src/…/file3
    3. Change the committed comments:
      1. git commit --amend
    4. Reset and delete the remote URL:

      1. git remote set-url origin git://new.url.here
      2. git remote remove origin
    5. Clone a single branch:

      1. git clone -b <branch> <remote_repo>
      2. git clone -b my-branch git@github.com:user/myproject.git
    6. Ignore history after one commit and preserve changes locally:

      1. git reset <commit>

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