Salesforce Sharing 使用说明


共享分为两种方式:Manual Sharing、Automatic Sharing

Manual SharingAccount Team也属于Manual Sharing 范畴。


l  这种手动共享的共享过程发生在一个完整的和不受限制的访问记录的用户。

  • 数据Owner
  • Owner 以上的Role 级别User
  • 被授权”Full Access” 的User
  • Administrator

l  只是这对于当前的Record,sharing规则设定好之后才有效

下图是account manual sharing 的操作步骤及说明:

  1. Click Sharing
  2. Click Add.
  3. From the Search drop-down list, select the type of group, user, role, or territory to add.

Depending on the data in your organization, your options can include:



Public Groups

All public groups defined by your administrator.


All users in your organization. Does not include portal users.


All roles defined for your organization. This includes all of the users in each role.

Roles and Subordinates

All of the users in the role plus all of the users in roles below that role in the hierarchy. Only available when no portals are enabled for your organization.


4. 可以通过Add和Remove来决定你的Share With 人员

5. 当你共享数据给其他user的时候,你可以按照实际情况来分配他们的访问权限,




User can view and edit the record, and add associated records, notes, and attachments to it.

Read Only

User can view the record, and add associated records to it. They cannot edit the record or add notes or attachments.


User cannot access the record in any way.

6. Save

Automatic Sharing

l  不同于manual sharing 对于单独一条Record 进行操作,而Automatic sharing 是对于多个Records进行操作的

l  当设置好规则后,凡是满足设定条件的,不管是历史数据还是新建数据都会执行。

l  限制:共享规则可以根据记录所有者或其他标准,包括记录类型和特定的字段值。您可以定义多达300账户共享规则,包括50 criteria-based共享规则。


下图是Account automatic sharing 的操作步骤及说明:


  1. From Setup, enter Sharing Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Sharing Settings.
  2. Select Manage sharing settings for :Account
  3. In the Account Sharing Rules related list, click New.(这三个步骤参照下图)
  4. Enter the Label Name and Rule Name. 名字保持一致就行
  5. Enter the Description.
  6. Select a rule type.
  7. Based on record owner—基于Records owner来sharing,以下图为例,是将’ASEANRelease Group’中的所有user的Account Records 共享给了Group为 ’AU BG Ops’中的所有User。

  • Based on criteria—满足设定条件的数据都是sharing的Records,如下图,是将所有Account中Account city 是Taiwan的Records 共享给 Group ‘AU BG Ops’所有的User。

特别注意的是,这种share with 中是没有User的,如果你想单独设置一个规则给一个User的话,那么你就应该先创建一个Group,然后把这个User加进Group就可以。

  1. Select the access settings for the records associated with the shared accounts.

Access Setting



(available for associated contacts, opportunities, and cases only)

Users can’t view or update records, unless access is granted outside of this sharing rule.

Read Only

Users can view, but not update, records.


Users can view and update records.




Account Sharing功能,两个例子中都是以Account为例,同样适用于其他Object的,都是共通的。



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