string and StringSource (load):

string spki = ...;
StringSource ss(spki, true /*pumpAll*/); RSA::PublicKey publicKey;

vector and ArraySource (load):

vector<byte> spki = ...;
ArraySource as(&spki[0], spki.length(), true /*pumpAll*/); RSA::PublicKey publicKey;

string and StringSink (save)

string spki;
StringSink ss(spki); RSA::PublicKey publicKey(...);

vector (save)

Below is an example of saving to and loading from a std::vector. You have to use an intermediate ByteQueue to save because you can't easily create a VectorSink.

AutoSeededRandomPool prng;
RSA::PrivateKey pk1, pk2; pk1.Initialize(prng, 1024);
ByteQueue queue;
pk1.Save(queue); vector<byte> spki;
spki.resize(queue.MaxRetrievable()); ArraySink as1(&spki[0], spki.size());
queue.CopyTo(as1); ArraySource as2(&spki[0], spki.size(), true);
pk2.Load(as2); bool valid = pk2.Validate(prng, 3);
cout << "Validated private key" << endl;
cout << "Failed to validate private key" << endl;

We don't have an explicit VectorSink, and we can't easily create one because of an implicit expectation of traits_type::char_type. For example:

using CryptoPP::StringSinkTemplate;
typedef StringSinkTemplate< std::vector<byte> > VectorSink; In file included from cryptopp-test.cpp:65:
In file included from /usr/local/include/cryptopp/files.h:5:
/usr/local/include/cryptopp/filters.h:590:22: error: no member named
'traits_type' in 'std::vector<unsigned char, std::allocator<unsigned char>
typedef typename T::traits_type::char_type char_type;
cryptopp-test.cpp:243:20: note: in instantiation of template class
'CryptoPP::StringSinkTemplate<std::vector<unsigned char,
std::allocator<unsigned char> > >' requested here
VectorSink vs(spki);



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