进程:A process can have one or many threads.一个进程有多个线程。
- import time
- import threading
- begin = time.time()
- def foo(n):
- print('foo%s'%n)
- time.sleep(1)
- def bar(n):
- print('bar%s'%n)
- time.sleep(2)
- # foo()
- # bar()
- # end = time.time()
- #并发,两个线程竞争执行
- t1 = threading.Thread(target = foo, args =(1,) )
- t2 = threading.Thread(target = bar, args =(2,) )
- t1.start()
- t2.start()
- t1.join()#t1,t2执行完再往下执行
- t2.join()
- #t1,t2同时执行
- end = time.time()
- print(end - begin)
- 并发,两个线程竞争执行
- foo1
- bar2
- 2.002244710922241
- Process finished with exit code 0
- import time
- import threading
- begin = time.time()
- def add(n):
- sum = 0
- for i in range(n):
- sum += i
- print(sum)
- # add(50000000)
- # add(80000000)
- #并发,两个线程竞争执行
- t1 = threading.Thread(target = add, args =(50000000,) )
- t2 = threading.Thread(target = add, args =(80000000,) )
- t1.start()
- t2.start()
- t1.join()#t1,t2执行完再往下执行
- t2.join()
- end = time.time()
- print(end - begin)
In CPython, due to the Global Interpreter Lock, only one thread can execute Python code at once.
- Threads share the address space of the process that created it; processes have their own address space.
- Threads have direct access to the data segment of its process; processes have their own copy of the data segment of the parent process.
- Threads can directly communicate with other threads of its process; processes must use interprocess communication to communicate with sibling processes.
- New threads are easily created; new processes require duplication of the parent process.
- Threads can exercise considerable control over threads of the same process; processes can only exercise control over child processes.
- Changes to the main thread (cancellation, priority change, etc.) may affect the behavior of the other threads of the process; changes to the parent process does not affect child processes.
- import threading
- from time import ctime,sleep
- import time
- def music(func):
- for i in range(2):
- print ("Begin listening to %s. %s" %(func,ctime()))
- sleep(1)
- print("end listening %s"%ctime())
- def move(func):
- for i in range(2):
- print ("Begin watching at the %s! %s" %(func,ctime()))
- sleep(5)
- print('end watching %s'%ctime())
- threads = []
- t1 = threading.Thread(target=music,args=('七里香',))
- threads.append(t1)
- t2 = threading.Thread(target=move,args=('阿甘正传',))
- threads.append(t2)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- for t in threads:#线程加到了列表中
- # t.setDaemon(True)
- t.start()
- # t.join()
- # t1.join()
- #t2.join()########考虑这三种join位置下的结果?
- print ("all over %s" %ctime())
- #一共执行10秒
- Begin listening to 七里香. Fri Nov 2 16:43:09 2018
- all over Fri Nov 2 16:43:09 2018
- Begin watching at the 阿甘正传! Fri Nov 2 16:43:09 2018
- end listening Fri Nov 2 16:43:10 2018
- Begin listening to 七里香. Fri Nov 2 16:43:10 2018
- end listening Fri Nov 2 16:43:11 2018
- end watching Fri Nov 2 16:43:14 2018
- Begin watching at the 阿甘正传! Fri Nov 2 16:43:14 2018
- end watching Fri Nov 2 16:43:20 2018
- Process finished with exit code 0
- import threading
- from time import ctime,sleep
- import time
- def music(func):
- for i in range(2):
- print ("Begin listening to %s. %s" %(func,ctime()))
- sleep(2)
- print("end listening %s"%ctime())
- def move(func):
- for i in range(2):
- print ("Begin watching at the %s! %s" %(func,ctime()))
- sleep(3)
- print('end watching %s'%ctime())
- threads = []
- t1 = threading.Thread(target=music,args=('七里香',))
- threads.append(t1)
- t2 = threading.Thread(target=move,args=('阿甘正传',))
- threads.append(t2)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- for t in threads:#线程加到了列表中
- # t.setDaemon(True)
- t.start()
- #t.join() #变成了串行 t1已经执行完了,但是t2阻塞了,其中t为t2
- t1.join() #all over在第四秒就会被打印,因为t1四秒执行完,不再阻塞,而t2还在执行
- #t2.join()########考虑这三种join位置下的结果?
- print ("all over %s" %ctime())
- #一共执行6秒
t1.join,t1执行完才能到下一步,所以4秒后才能print ("all over %s" %ctime())
t2.join,t2执行结束才能到下一步,所以6秒后才能print ("all over %s" %ctime())
- import threading
- from time import ctime,sleep
- import time
- def music(func):
- for i in range(2):
- print ("Begin listening to %s. %s" %(func,ctime()))
- sleep(2)
- print("end listening %s"%ctime())
- def move(func):
- for i in range(2):
- print ("Begin watching at the %s! %s" %(func,ctime()))
- sleep(3)
- print('end watching %s'%ctime())
- threads = []
- t1 = threading.Thread(target=music,args=('七里香',))
- threads.append(t1)
- t2 = threading.Thread(target=move,args=('阿甘正传',))
- threads.append(t2)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- t2.setDaemon(True)
- for t in threads:#线程加到了列表中
- #t.setDaemon(True)
- t.start()
- print ("all over %s" %ctime())
- #主线程只会等待没设定的子线程t1,t2被设定setDaemon
- #t1已经执行完(4s),但是t2还没执行完,和主线程一起退出
- 32 #主线程只会等待没设定的子线程t1,t2被设定setDaemon
- 33 #t1已经执行完(4s),但是t2还没执行完,和主线程一起退出
- 执行结果:
- Begin listening to 七里香. Fri Nov 2 17:33:29 2018
- Begin watching at the 阿甘正传! Fri Nov 2 17:33:29 2018
- all over Fri Nov 2 17:33:29 2018
- end listening Fri Nov 2 17:33:31 2018
- Begin listening to 七里香. Fri Nov 2 17:33:31 2018
- end watching Fri Nov 2 17:33:32 2018
- Begin watching at the 阿甘正传! Fri Nov 2 17:33:32 2018
- end listening Fri Nov 2 17:33:33 2018
- Process finished with exit code 0
- print属于主线程!
- 继承式调用
- import threading
- import time
- class MyThread(threading.Thread):#继承
- def __init__(self, num):
- threading.Thread.__init__(self)
- self.num = num
- def run(self): # 定义每个线程要运行的函数
- print("running on number:%s" % self.num)
- time.sleep(3)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- t1 = MyThread(1)
- t2 = MyThread(2)
- t1.start()
- t2.start()
- import time
- import threading
- def addNum():
- global num #在每个线程中都获取这个全局变量
- temp = num
- time.sleep(0.0001)#在前一次还没执行完,就开始减1
- num =temp-1 #对此公共变量进行-1操作
- num = 100 #设定一个共享变量
- thread_list = []
- r = threading.Lock()#同步锁
- for i in range(100):
- t = threading.Thread(target=addNum)
- t.start()
- thread_list.append(t)
- for t in thread_list: #等待所有线程执行完毕
- t.join()
- print('final num:', num )#有join所有执行完再输出
- final num: 47
- Process finished with exit code 0
正常情况:100-1=99,99-1=98........1-1 = 0。
- import time
- import threading
- def addNum():
- global num #在每个线程中都获取这个全局变量
- #num -= 1
- r.acquire()#同步锁,又变成串行
- temp = num
- #print('--get num:',num )
- time.sleep(0.0001)#在前一次还没执行完,就开始减1
- num =temp-1 #对此公共变量进行-1操作
- r.release()
- #只是将以上的部分变成了串行
- print('ok')
- #将不是数据的部分内容不放到锁中,100个线程同时拿到ok,这部分将不是串行,而是并发
- num = 100 #设定一个共享变量
- thread_list = []
- r = threading.Lock()#同步锁
- for i in range(100):
- t = threading.Thread(target=addNum)
- t.start()
- thread_list.append(t)
- for t in thread_list: #等待所有线程执行完毕
- t.join()
- print('final num:', num )#有join所有执
- import threading,time
- class myThread(threading.Thread):
- def doA(self):
- lockA.acquire()
- print(,"gotlockA",time.ctime())
- time.sleep(3)#以上部分被A锁住
- lockB.acquire()#下面的也锁住
- print(,"gotlockB",time.ctime())
- lockB.release()#释放后,执行doB
- lockA.release()
- def doB(self):
- #在此过程中,第二个线程进入,因为A,B已经被释放
- lockB.acquire()#有锁,正常输出,由于第二个进入,所以A(第二个线程),B(第一个线程)几乎同时获取
- #但是之后第一个线程想要获取A锁的时候,A锁已经被第二个线程占着,造成死锁.
- print(,"gotlockB",time.ctime())
- time.sleep(2)
- lockA.acquire()
- print(,"gotlockA",time.ctime())#没有被打印,反而第二个线程的被打印了
- lockA.release()
- lockB.release()
- def run(self):
- self.doA()
- self.doB()
- if __name__=="__main__":
- lockA=threading.Lock()#两个锁
- lockB=threading.Lock()
- #lock = threading.RLock()#该锁可以多次获取,多次acquire和release
- threads=[]
- for i in range(5):#5个线程
- threads.append(myThread())
- for t in threads:
- t.start()
- for t in threads:
- t.join()#等待线程结束,后面再讲。
- Thread-1 gotlockA Sat Nov 3 13:40:48 2018
- Thread-1 gotlockB Sat Nov 3 13:40:51 2018
- Thread-1 gotlockB Sat Nov 3 13:40:51 2018
- Thread-2 gotlockA Sat Nov 3 13:40:51 2018
- import threading,time
- class myThread(threading.Thread):
- def doA(self):
- lock.acquire()
- print(,"gotlockA",time.ctime())
- time.sleep(3)#以上部分被A锁住
- lock.acquire()#下面的也锁住
- print(,"gotlockB",time.ctime())
- lock.release()#释放后,执行doB
- lock.release()
- def doB(self):
- #在此过程中,第二个线程进入,因为A,B已经被释放
- lock.acquire()#有锁,正常输出,由于第二个进入,所以A(第二个线程),B(第一个线程)几乎同时获取
- #但是之后第一个线程想要获取A锁的时候,A锁已经被第二个线程占着,造成死锁.
- print(,"gotlockB",time.ctime())
- time.sleep(2)
- lock.acquire()
- print(,"gotlockA",time.ctime())#没有被打印,反而第二个线程的被打印了
- lock.release()
- lock.release()
- def run(self):
- self.doA()
- self.doB()
- if __name__=="__main__":
- # lockA=threading.Lock()#两个锁
- # lockB=threading.Lock()
- lock = threading.RLock()#该锁可以多次获取,多次acquire和release
- threads=[]
- for i in range(5):#5个线程
- threads.append(myThread())
- for t in threads:
- t.start()
- for t in threads:
- t.join()#等待线程结束,后
lock = threading.RLock(),该锁可以重用,只用lock。不用lockA,lockB。
- Thread-1 gotlockA Sat Nov 3 13:48:04 2018
- Thread-1 gotlockB Sat Nov 3 13:48:07 2018
- Thread-1 gotlockB Sat Nov 3 13:48:07 2018
- Thread-1 gotlockA Sat Nov 3 13:48:09 2018
- Thread-3 gotlockA Sat Nov 3 13:48:09 2018
- Thread-3 gotlockB Sat Nov 3 13:48:12 2018
- Thread-4 gotlockA Sat Nov 3 13:48:12 2018
- Thread-4 gotlockB Sat Nov 3 13:48:15 2018
- Thread-4 gotlockB Sat Nov 3 13:48:15 2018
- Thread-4 gotlockA Sat Nov 3 13:48:17 2018
- Thread-2 gotlockA Sat Nov 3 13:48:17 2018
- Thread-2 gotlockB Sat Nov 3 13:48:20 2018
- Thread-2 gotlockB Sat Nov 3 13:48:20 2018
- Thread-2 gotlockA Sat Nov 3 13:48:22 2018
- Thread-5 gotlockA Sat Nov 3 13:48:22 2018
- Thread-5 gotlockB Sat Nov 3 13:48:25 2018
- Thread-3 gotlockB Sat Nov 3 13:48:25 2018
- Thread-3 gotlockA Sat Nov 3 13:48:27 2018
- Thread-5 gotlockB Sat Nov 3 13:48:27 2018
- Thread-5 gotlockA Sat Nov 3 13:48:29 2018
信号量用来控制线程并发数的,BoundedSemaphore或Semaphore管理一个内置的计数 器,每当调用acquire()时-1,调用release()时+1。
计数器不能小于0,当计数器为 0时,acquire()将阻塞线程至同步锁定状态,直到其他线程调用release()。(类似于停车位的概念)
BoundedSemaphore与Semaphore的唯一区别在于前者将在调用release()时检查计数 器的值是否超过了计数器的初始值,如果超过了将抛出一个异常。
- import threading,time
- class myThread(threading.Thread):
- def run(self):
- if semaphore.acquire():
- print(
- time.sleep(3)
- semaphore.release()
- if __name__=="__main__":
- semaphore=threading.Semaphore(5)
- thrs=[]
- for i in range(23):
- thrs.append(myThread())
- for t in thrs:
- t.start()
- Thread-1
- Thread-2
- Thread-3
- Thread-4
- Thread-5
- Thread-6
- Thread-7
- Thread-8
- Thread-9
- Thread-10
- Thread-11
- Thread-12
- Thread-13
- Thread-14
- Thread-15
- Thread-16
- Thread-17
- Thread-18
- Thread-19
- Thread-20
- Thread-21
- Thread-22
- Thread-23
- Process finished with exit code 0
- import threading,time
- from random import randint
- class Producer(threading.Thread):
- def run(self):
- global L#一屉
- while True:
- val=randint(0,100)
- print('生产者',,":Append"+str(val),L)
- if lock_con.acquire():#锁 ,与lock_con.acquire()一样
- L.append(val)#做包子,从后面加
- lock_con.notify()#通知wait,激活wait
- lock_con.release()
- time.sleep(3)
- class Consumer(threading.Thread):
- def run(self):
- global L
- while True:
- lock_con.acquire()
- if len(L)==0:#没包子
- lock_con.wait()#wait阻塞
- print('消费者',,":Delete"+str(L[0]),L)
- del L[0]#从前面吃
- lock_con.release()
- time.sleep(0.1)
- if __name__=="__main__":
- L=[]
- lock_con=threading.Condition()#条件变量的锁
- threads=[]
- for i in range(5):#启动五个人在做包子,5个线程
- threads.append(Producer())
- threads.append(Consumer())#
- for t in threads:
- t.start()
- for t in threads:
- t.join()
- import threading,time
- class Boss(threading.Thread):
- def run(self):
- print("BOSS:今晚大家都要加班到22:00。")
- event.isSet() or event.set()#set()设为true
- time.sleep(5)
- print("BOSS:<22:00>可以下班了。")
- event.isSet() or event.set()
- class Worker(threading.Thread):
- def run(self):
- event.wait()#等待老板决定,阻塞
- print("Worker:哎……命苦啊!")
- #event.clear() # 标志位 False 等老板说可以下班, 设为true
- time.sleep(1)
- event.clear()#标志位 False 等老板说可以下班, 设为true
- event.wait()#等老板说别的 ,设为true后
- print("Worker:OhYeah!") #print Oh,Yeah
- if __name__=="__main__":
- event=threading.Event()
- threads=[]
- for i in range(5):#五个worker
- threads.append(Worker())
- threads.append(Boss())#一个老板
- for t in threads:
- t.start()
- for t in threads:
- t.join()
- BOSS:今晚大家都要加班到22:00。
- Worker:哎……命苦啊!
- Worker:哎……命苦啊!
- Worker:哎……命苦啊!
- Worker:哎……命苦啊!
- Worker:哎……命苦啊!
- BOSS:<22:00>可以下班了。
- Worker:OhYeah!
- Worker:OhYeah!
- Worker:OhYeah!
- Worker:OhYeah!
- Worker:OhYeah!
- Process finished with exit code 0
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