Project management -

Iron out problems. – resolve issues.

Critical path/items.

Risk mitigation- what is your risk mitigation strategy


Back on track




Red tape

Second thoughts

Track record

Ups and downs

A special team was put together to discuss that.

This delay is a disaster.

If we follow this sequence of tasks as shown on the project plan, We will finish on schedule

Useful Phrases for email
1. Response for information

I am writing to inquire about…

I am writing in reference to …

I read/heard… about would like
to know…

Could you please send me…

2. responding for requests.

-        Thank you for your interest/inquiry,
enclosed is the information you requested.

-        you can learn more about this at …

-        If you have further questions, don’t
hesitate to contact me.

-        If I can be of more help, please feel
free to contact me at …

3. Sample sentences: Requests

-        Could you please send me your most
recent brochure?

-        Could you fax me the results of the market

-        I would be very grateful if you could
send me this information

4. Sample Sentences: Introduction of

-        I am writing to tell you about…

-        I am writing to inform you that our new
product is coming out next month.

5. Sample Sentences: Reference

-        I am writing in regard to …

-        I am writing in reference to …

-        I hope you have had a chance to look
over the materials we sent to you.

6. Sample Sentences: Confirmation

-        I am writing to confirm …

-        I would like to confirm what we
discussed last Friday…

-        I would like to confirm the main points
we discussed…

7. Sample Sentences: Notification

-        I am writing to let you know that…

-        Please be aware/informed that…

-        I would like to inform you of a recent
policy change. I am happy to inform you that…

-        Your request for funding has been

Take care of the pence and the pounds will
take care of themselves.



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