
A sequence of integers is given.

The bytecomputer is a device that allows the following operation on the sequence:

incrementing for any.

There is no limit on the range of integers the bytecomputer can store, i.e., each can (in principle) have arbitrarily small or large value.

Program the bytecomputer so that it transforms the input sequence into a non-decreasing sequence (i.e., such that ) with the minimum number of operations.




The first line of the standard input holds a single integer , the number of elements in the (bytecomputer's) input sequence.

The second line contains integers that are the successive elements of the (bytecomputer's) input sequence, separated by single spaces.

In tests worth 24% of the total points it holds that , and in tests worth 48% of the total points it holds that .


The first and only line of the standard output should give one integer, the minimum number of operations the bytecomputer has to perform to make its input sequence non-decreasing, of the single word BRAK (Polish for none) if obtaining such a sequence is impossible.


输入样例#1: 复制


-1 1 0 -1 0 1

输出样例#1: 复制


  1. 显然-2及以下是不可能出现所以不会出现的
  2. 显然2及以上是因为愚蠢所以不会出现的




#define LL long long
#define max(a,b) ((a)>(b)? (a):(b))
#define min(a,b) ((a)<(b)? (a):(b)) using namespace std; int d[100001],f[100001][4],n,b[1000001][4],i,j; int main()
for(i=1;i<=n;i++) scanf("%d",&d[i]);
b[1][d[1]+1]=1; f[1][d[1]+1]=0;
if(d[i]==-1 && (!b[i-1][0]) && (!b[i-1][2]))
return 0;
} if(d[i]==-1)
if(b[i-1][0]) b[i][0]=1, f[i][0]=f[i-1][0];
if(b[i-1][2]) b[i][2]=1, f[i][2]=f[i-1][2]+2;
} if(d[i]==0)
b[i][1]=1; f[i][1]=f[i-1][0];
b[i][0]=1; f[i][0]=f[i-1][0]+1;
if(b[i-1][1]) b[i][1]=1, f[i][1]=min(f[i][1],f[i-1][1]);
if(b[i-1][2]) b[i][2]=1, f[i][2]=min(f[i][2],f[i-1][2]+1);
b[i][1]=1; f[i][1]=f[i-1][0]+1;
b[i][2]=1; f[i][2]=f[i-1][0];
b[i][0]=1; f[i][0]=f[i-1][0]+2;
if(b[i-1][1]) b[i][2]=1, f[i][2]=min(f[i][2], f[i-1][1]);
if(b[i-1][2]) b[i][2]=1, f[i][2]=min(f[i][2], f[i-1][2]);

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