HDU 4816 Bathysphere (2013长春现场赛D题)
很简单的几何题,就是给了一条折线。 然后一个矩形窗去截取一部分,求最大面积。
现场跪在这题,最后时刻TLE到死,用的每一小段去三分,时间复杂度是O(n log n) , 感觉数据也不至于超时。
现场赛卡三分太SXBK了,我艹!!!! 好好的一个现场赛绝杀错过了。
以下是现场赛源码,在HDU顺利AC! 现场TLE到死!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <queue>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
const int MAXN = ;
int x[MAXN],y[MAXN];
int d;
int n;
int L;
int nowx ;
int nextx;
int r1,l2;
const double eps = 1e-;
double solve()
double left = nowx,right = nextx;
double ret1,ret2;
for(int cc = ;cc <= ;cc++)
double mid = (left + right)/;
double midmid = (mid + right)/;
double h1 = y[r1] + (double)(y[r1-] - y[r1]) * (mid - x[r1])/(x[r1-] - x[r1]);
double h2 = y[l2] + (double)(y[l2+] - y[l2])*(mid + *d - x[l2])/(x[l2 + ] - x[l2]);
ret1 = (double)(x[r1] - mid)*(h1 + y[r1])/ + (double)(mid + *d - x[l2])*(h2 + y[l2])/; h1 = y[r1] + (double)(y[r1-] - y[r1]) * (midmid - x[r1])/(x[r1-] - x[r1]);
h2 = y[l2] + (double)(y[l2+] - y[l2])*(midmid + *d - x[l2])/(x[l2 + ] - x[l2]);
ret2 = (double)(x[r1] - midmid)*(h1 + y[r1])/ + (double)(midmid + *d - x[l2])*(h2 + y[l2])/;
if(ret1 < ret2)
left = mid+eps;
else right = midmid-eps;
return ret1;
} int input()
char ch;
ch = getchar();
while(ch < '' || ch >'')
ch = getchar();
int ret = ;
while(ch >= '' && ch <= '')
ret *= ;
ret += ch -'';
ch = getchar();
return ret;
} int main()
int T;
for(int i = ;i <= n;i++)
//x[i] = input();
//y[i] = input();
double ans = ;
r1 = ;
l2 = ;
double tmp = ;
while(l2 < n && x[l2+] < *d)l2++;
for(int i = r1;i < l2;i++)
tmp += (double)(x[i+] - x[i])*(y[i] + y[i+])/;
if(l2 == )
tmp -= (double)(x[] - x[])*(y[] + y[])/;
x[n+] = x[n];
y[n+] = y[n];
nowx = ;
//printf("%d %d\n",r1,l2);
while(l2 < n && r1 <= n)
int p1 = x[r1];
int p2 = x[l2 + ] - *d;
if(p1 < p2)
nextx = p1;
else nextx = p2;
nextx = min(L- *d,nextx);
//printf("%d %d\n",nowx,nextx);
ans = max(ans,tmp + solve());
if(p1 < p2)
nowx = p1;
if(r1 < n)tmp -= (double)(x[r1+] - x[r1])*(y[r1+] + y[r1] )/;
nowx = p2;
tmp += (double)(x[l2+] - x[l2])*(y[l2+] + y[l2])/;
return ;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <queue>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
const int MAXN = ;
int x[MAXN],y[MAXN];
int d;
int n;
int L;
int nowx ;
int nextx;
int r1,l2;
const double eps = 1e-;
double solve()
double left = nowx,right = nextx;
double tmp11 = x[r1];
double tmp12 = -;
double tmp13 = (double)y[r1] - (double)x[r1]*(y[r1-] - y[r1])/(x[r1-] - x[r1])/;
double tmp14 = (double)(y[r1-] - y[r1])/(x[r1-] - x[r1])/;
double tmp21 = *d - x[l2];
double tmp22 = ;
double tmp23 = y[l2] + (double)(*d - x[l2])*(y[l2+] - y[l2])/(x[l2+] - x[l2])/;
double tmp24 = (double)(y[l2+] - y[l2])/(x[l2+] - x[l2])/;
//函数Y = (tmp11 + tmp12 * x)*(tmp13 + tmp14 * x) + (tmp21 + tmp22 * x)*(tmp23 + tmp24*x)
double a = tmp12 * tmp14 + tmp22 * tmp24;
double b = tmp11 * tmp14 + tmp12 * tmp13 + tmp21 * tmp24 + tmp22 * tmp23;
double c = tmp11 * tmp13 + tmp21 * tmp23; double x0 = -b /(*a);//对称轴
double ret = max(a*left*left + b*left + c,a*right *right + b * right + c);
if(x0 >= left && x0 <= right)
ret = max(ret,a * x0 * x0 + b*x0 + c);
return ret; /*
double ret1,ret2;
for(int cc = 0;cc <= 30;cc++)
double mid = (left + right)/2;
double midmid = (mid + right)/2;
double h1 = y[r1] + (double)(y[r1-1] - y[r1]) * (mid - x[r1])/(x[r1-1] - x[r1]);
double h2 = y[l2] + (double)(y[l2+1] - y[l2])*(mid + 2*d - x[l2])/(x[l2 + 1] - x[l2]);
ret1 = (double)(x[r1] - mid)*(h1 + y[r1])/2 + (double)(mid + 2*d - x[l2])*(h2 + y[l2])/2; h1 = y[r1] + (double)(y[r1-1] - y[r1]) * (midmid - x[r1])/(x[r1-1] - x[r1]);
h2 = y[l2] + (double)(y[l2+1] - y[l2])*(midmid + 2*d - x[l2])/(x[l2 + 1] - x[l2]);
ret2 = (double)(x[r1] - midmid)*(h1 + y[r1])/2 + (double)(midmid + 2*d - x[l2])*(h2 + y[l2])/2;
if(ret1 < ret2)
left = mid+eps;
else right = midmid-eps;
return ret1;
} int input()
char ch;
ch = getchar();
while(ch < '' || ch >'')
ch = getchar();
int ret = ;
while(ch >= '' && ch <= '')
ret *= ;
ret += ch -'';
ch = getchar();
return ret;
} int main()
int T;
for(int i = ;i <= n;i++)
//x[i] = input();
//y[i] = input();
double ans = ;
r1 = ;
l2 = ;
double tmp = ;
while(l2 < n && x[l2+] < *d)l2++;
for(int i = r1;i < l2;i++)
tmp += (double)(x[i+] - x[i])*(y[i] + y[i+])/;
if(l2 == )
tmp -= (double)(x[] - x[])*(y[] + y[])/;
x[n+] = x[n];
y[n+] = y[n];
nowx = ;
//printf("%d %d\n",r1,l2);
while(l2 < n && r1 <= n)
int p1 = x[r1];
int p2 = x[l2 + ] - *d;
if(p1 < p2)
nextx = p1;
else nextx = p2;
nextx = min(L- *d,nextx);
//printf("%d %d\n",nowx,nextx);
ans = max(ans,tmp + solve());
if(p1 < p2)
nowx = p1;
if(r1 < n)tmp -= (double)(x[r1+] - x[r1])*(y[r1+] + y[r1] )/;
nowx = p2;
tmp += (double)(x[l2+] - x[l2])*(y[l2+] + y[l2])/;
return ;
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