Installation of USBDM USB drivers for Windows

There are four installers provided:

  • USBDM_Drivers_x_x_x_WinXP_x32.msi - Windows XP 32-bit
  • USBDM_Drivers_x_x_x_WinXP_x64.msi - Windows XP 64-bit
  • USBDM_Drivers_x_x_x_Win_x32.msi - Windows 7 32-bit
  • USBDM_Drivers_x_x_x_Win_x64.msi - Windows 7 64-bit

Note: On Windows, libusb1.0 is a thin wrapper around the Microsoft winUSB low-level USB drivers. Because of this you may see references to winusb in the following.
Note: These drivers are signed.
Please install the drivers before plugging in a BDM. 
Steps to follow under WIN-7 (it's similar for WIN-XP but there will be other confirmation dialogues). Windows 8 and 10 are less talkative.

    • Download the appropriate driver installation file (as above) from Sourceforge: USBDM Sourceforge
    • Remove the BDM if it is already plugged in.
    • Install the driver .msi file. This should clean out any incompatible driver files.
    • You will be prompted by a UAC dialogue to allow the installation of the drivers.

Installation of USBDM USB drivers for Linux

There isn't any. The DEB file provided will modify the /etc/udev/rules.d file to allow access to the USBDM device. The required driver for USBDM BDM interface (LibusbV1) is included in the standard Linux (at least Ubuntu current version). The CDC (serial port) is a standard device and should also be installed without any extra steps.

If more installation is required on your version you will have to investigate this yourself. I'm not a Linux expert and I don't have access to other versions for testing. If you find other steps are necessary then please advise and I will try to update the installation accordingly.

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