





[root@localhost mysql3306]# /usr/bin/pt-heartbeat --stop --database=pt --defaults-file=/data/mysql/mysql3306/conf/my3306.cnf --socket=/data/mysql/mysql3306/3306.sock --ask-pass
Successfully created file /tmp/pt-heartbeat-sentinel




           type: string; default: /tmp/pt-heartbeat-sentinel
           Exit if this file exists.
           Stop running instances by creating the sentinel file.
           This should have the effect of stopping all running instances which are watching the same sentinel file.  If none of "--update", "--monitor" or "--check" is specified, "pt-heartbeat" will exit
           after creating the file.  If one of these is specified, "pt-heartbeat" will wait the interval given by "--interval", then remove the file and continue working.
           You might find this handy to stop cron jobs gracefully if necessary, or to replace one running instance with another.  For example, if you want to stop and restart "pt-heartbeat" every hour
           (just to make sure that it is restarted every hour, in case of a server crash or some other problem), you could use a "crontab" line like this:
            0 * * * * pt-heartbeat --update -D test --stop \
              --sentinel /tmp/pt-heartbeat-hourly
           The non-default "--sentinel" will make sure the hourly "cron" job stops only instances previously started with the same options (that is, from the same "cron" job).
           See also "--sentinel".
[root@localhost mysql3306]# cat /tmp/pt-heartbeat-sentinel
Remove this file to permit pt-heartbeat to run

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