def _add_q(self, q_object, used_aliases, branch_negated=False,
current_negated=False, allow_joins=True, split_subq=True):
Adds a Q-object to the current filter.
connector = q_object.connector
current_negated = current_negated ^ q_object.negated#或,判断要不要取反
branch_negated = branch_negated or q_object.negated
target_clause = self.where_class(connector=connector,
joinpromoter = JoinPromoter(q_object.connector, len(q_object.children), current_negated)
for child in q_object.children:#promotion促销,提升
if isinstance(child, Node):
child_clause, needed_inner = self._add_q(
child, used_aliases, branch_negated,
current_negated, allow_joins, split_subq)
child_clause, needed_inner = self.build_filter(
child, can_reuse=used_aliases, branch_negated=branch_negated,
current_negated=current_negated, connector=connector,
allow_joins=allow_joins, split_subq=split_subq,
if child_clause:
target_clause.add(child_clause, connector)
needed_inner = joinpromoter.update_join_types(self)
return target_clause, needed_inner
class Node(object):
A single internal node in the tree graph. A Node should be viewed as a
connection (the root) with the children being either leaf nodes or other
Node instances.
# Standard connector type. Clients usually won't use this at all and
# subclasses will usually override the value.
default = 'DEFAULT' def __init__(self, children=None, connector=None, negated=False):
Constructs a new Node. If no connector is given, the default will be
self.children = children[:] if children else []
self.connector = connector or self.default
self.negated = negated # We need this because of django.db.models.query_utils.Q. Q. __init__() is
# problematic, but it is a natural Node subclass in all other respects.
def _new_instance(cls, children=None, connector=None, negated=False):
This is called to create a new instance of this class when we need new
Nodes (or subclasses) in the internal code in this class. Normally, it
just shadows __init__(). However, subclasses with an __init__ signature
that is not an extension of Node.__init__ might need to implement this
method to allow a Node to create a new instance of them (if they have
any extra setting up to do).
obj = Node(children, connector, negated)
obj.__class__ = cls
return obj def __str__(self):
if self.negated:
return '(NOT (%s: %s))' % (self.connector, ', '.join(str(c) for c
in self.children))
return '(%s: %s)' % (self.connector, ', '.join(str(c) for c in
self.children)) def __repr__(self):
return "<%s: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self) def __deepcopy__(self, memodict):
Utility method used by copy.deepcopy().
obj = Node(connector=self.connector, negated=self.negated)
obj.__class__ = self.__class__
obj.children = copy.deepcopy(self.children, memodict)
return obj def __len__(self):
The size of a node if the number of children it has.
return len(self.children) def __bool__(self):
For truth value testing.
return bool(self.children) def __nonzero__(self): # Python 2 compatibility
return type(self).__bool__(self) def __contains__(self, other):
Returns True is 'other' is a direct child of this instance.
return other in self.children def add(self, data, conn_type, squash=True):
Combines this tree and the data represented by data using the
connector conn_type. The combine is done by squashing the node other
away if possible. This tree (self) will never be pushed to a child node of the
combined tree, nor will the connector or negated properties change. The function returns a node which can be used in place of data
regardless if the node other got squashed or not. If `squash` is False the data is prepared and added as a child to
this tree without further logic.
if data in self.children:#节点在孩子中,直接返回
return data
if not squash:#不挤进,追加到孩子中
return data
if self.connector == conn_type:#连接子相同
# We can reuse self.children to append or squash the node other.
if (isinstance(data, Node) and not data.negated
and (data.connector == conn_type or len(data) == 1)):
# We can squash the other node's children directly into this
# node. We are just doing (AB)(CD) == (ABCD) here, with the
# addition that if the length of the other node is 1 the
# connector doesn't matter. However, for the len(self) == 1
# case we don't want to do the squashing, as it would alter
# self.connector.
return self
# We could use perhaps additional logic here to see if some
# children could be used for pushdown here.
return data
obj = self._new_instance(self.children, self.connector,
self.connector = conn_type
self.children = [obj, data]
return data def negate(self):
Negate the sense of the root connector.
self.negated = not self.negated
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