

  1. windowsMediaPlay.fullScreen = true;


  1. windowsMediaPlay.URL = _videoPath;
  2. windowsMediaPlay.Ctlcontrols.play();
  3. windowsMediaPlay.fullScreen = true;
  4. windowsMediaPlay.ClickEvent += windowsMediaPlay_ClickEvent;
  5. windowsMediaPlay.KeyUpEvent += windowsMediaPlay_KeyUpEvent;
  6. windowsMediaPlay.StatusChange += windowsMediaPlay_StatusChange;




  1. void windowsMediaPlay_StatusChange(object sender, EventArgs e)
  2. {
  3. /*
  4. * 0 Undefined Windows Media Player is in an undefined state.(未定义)
  5. 1 Stopped Playback of the current media item is stopped.(停止)
  6. 2 Paused Playback of the current media item is paused. When a media item is paused, resuming
    playback begins from the same location.(停留)
  7. 3 Playing The current media item is playing.(播放)
  8. 4 ScanForward The current media item is fast forwarding.
  9. 5 ScanReverse The current media item is fast rewinding.
  10. 6 Buffering The current media item is getting additional data from the server.(转换)
  11. 7 Waiting Connection is established, but the server is not sending data. Waiting for session to begin.(暂停)
  12. 8 MediaEnded Media item has completed playback. (播放结束)
  13. 9 Transitioning Preparing new media item.
  14. 10 Ready Ready to begin playing.(准备就绪)
  15. 11 Reconnecting Reconnecting to stream.(重新连接)
  16. */
  17. //判断视频是否已停止播放
  18. if ((int)windowsMediaPlay.playState == )
  19. {
  20. //停顿2秒钟再重新播放
  21. System.Threading.Thread.Sleep();
  22. //重新播放
  23. windowsMediaPlay.Ctlcontrols.play();
  24. }
  25. else if ((int)windowsMediaPlay.playState == )
  26. {
  27. windowsMediaPlay.fullScreen = true;
  28. }
  29. }



For full-screen mode to work properly when embedding the Windows Media Player control, the video display area must have a height and width of at least one pixel. If uiMode is set to "mini" or "full", the height of the control itself must be 65 or greater to accommodate the video display area in addition to the user interface.

If uiMode is set to "invisible", then setting this property to true raises an error and does not affect the behavior of the control.

During full-screen playback, Windows Media Player hides the mouse cursor when enableContextMenu equals false and uiMode equals "none".

If uiMode is set to "full" or "mini", Windows Media Player displays transport controls in full-screen mode when the mouse cursor moves. After a brief interval of no mouse movement, the transport controls are hidden. If uiMode is set to "none", no controls are displayed in full-screen mode.

Note  Displaying transport controls in full-screen mode requires the Windows XP operating system.

If transport controls are not displayed in full-screen mode, then Windows Media Player automatically exits full-screen mode when playback stops.



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