BCH/BSV coin split troubleshooting
BCH/BSV coin split troubleshooting
Mark Lundeberg 2018 November 27
Locktime based splitting (no dust needed)
Geri’s guide (from BCA Discord)
My tips on splitting
My special Electron Cash version to make OP_CDS / OP_MUL splits. (You probably do NOT need this!)
Some SV electron cash servers (network dialog, second tab: right click then ‘use server’):
BCH-only dust sources:
BCH explorers: BlockDozer BlockChair btc.com bitcoin.com
BSV explorers:
https://bchsvexplorer.com/ - full featured block explorer (like bch blockdozer)
often service is down in recent days
https://bsvexplorer.info/ - decent explorer though not as full featured.
https://www.bitcoinsvexplorer.com/ - decent explorer though not as full featured.
Get help:
Bitcoin Cash Association Discord
Reddit r/btc
https://electroncash.org/ -- download version 3.3.2.
Do not download ‘SLP 3.4’ version -- it is actually an older codebase that still has some bugs relating to chain splits.
My transaction didn’t replay though I wanted it to!
There are several reasons why some replayable transactions might not automatically replay:
Locktime: some wallets (like Electron Cash) lock a transaction to the current chain height and cannot be replayed until both chains are at least at that height. Look up your transaction on blockchair to see the locktime.
Accident: the automatic replaying may simply have missed your transaction.
You can rebroadcast BCH transactions onto BSV by obtaining the raw hexadecimal transaction then pasting it here: https://bchsvexplorer.com/tx/send . The raw hexadecimal can be obtained on BCH block explorers such as blockchair. Alternatively, at this point you can still opt to make an incompatible transaction and thus split your coins.
Some transactions just won’t replay, meaning your coins are now split and you will have to make a new transaction:
Low fee: Some wallets (like bitcoin.com) have been occasionally making transactions with fee rate below 1.000 satoshi/byte. Such transactions *will not confirm on SV* since no miners appear to accept them.
Low fee transactions may get ‘stuck’ unconfirmed indefinitely, along with their descendants. To unstick them: 1) Import the inputs’ private keys to Electron Cash, 2) Connect to a variety of SV electrumx servers to find one that doesn’t have the stuck transaction, and 3) Create and broadcast a new transaction. This new transaction will eventually get confirmed and will erase the original unconfirmed chain of transactions.
Already-split inputs: If your transaction included even a single input that did not exist on both chains, then the resulting transaction will only exist on one chain.
In this case you will need to import your private keys into Electron Cash, then make a new transaction on the SV network.
My transaction replayed though I didn’t want it to!
If you are sending the coins on one of the chains, please be sure to wait one confirmations before you expect them to be available for move. For example, if you move all of your coins on the SV chain for yourself, do not issue any transaction on the BCH chain until the SV side of transactions are done (you have 1 conf), because your BCH transaction will maybe replayed on the SV chain, which invalidates your first transaction (depends on which one is being mined first).
Possible reasons for surprise replay:
Just made a normal transaction without taking any precautions.
Didn’t make a transaction using full wallet balance, so the ‘split dust’ did not get included.
Received unsplit coins even after the fork day, and used those unsplit coins in another transaction.
‘Slow replay’ -- you thought you mixed in some one-chain dust but it turned out to have a replayable history. It is important to make conflicting transactions on each chain, to prevent this from happening.
Only send balance to yourself before you finished splitting, so you will not lose your coins in the case you mess it up!
My Kraken/Coinex/Coinomi/etc. deposit didn’t give me both coins!
Check the transaction ID on BCH and BSV block explorers (see Resources) to see whether your deposit happened on both chains. If your transaction is not on both chains then see section above: “My transaction didn’t replay”. If your transaction *did* happen on both chains, then open a support ticket with the site in question.
Electron Cash is crashing / bugging!
Don’t use the “Electron Cash” Android mobile app. It crashes constantly.
Electron Cash 3.3.2 desktop is the most stable and full-powered version.
If desktop version is having issues, save your wallets and wipe the configuration.
When switching between BSV/BCH servers, Electron Cash sometimes acts strangely. In this case, restart the application.
I don’t see any SV servers in Electron Cash!
Go to the second tab of the Tools | Network dialog. Right-click on one of the known SV servers and select ‘Use this server’. Here are some servers that you can manually enter (which may not appear in the list by default):
electroncash.cascharia.com port 50002 (should appear in list)
satoshi.vision.cash port 50002
sv.electrumx.cash port 50002 BUT NOT 60002!
sv1.hsmiths.com port 60004
electron.bitcoinsv.io port 50002
Electron Cash doesn’t let me import my seed!
Most wallet seeds are ‘BIP39’ -- you’ll need to open the Options dialog when importing seed and select BIP39.
I imported my BIP39 seed into Electron Cash and there is no balance / no transaction history!
This can come from two issues: derivation path or password.
Common derivation paths for wallets are:
m/44’/0’/0’ (bitcoin.com)
m/44’/145’/0’ (Coinomi?)
m/44’/236’/0’ (Coinomi BSV path)
m/0’ (handcash)
Some wallets (like bitcoin.com advanced options during wallet creation) let you put a password on your BIP39 seed during initial wallet creation. There is no checksum on this so the only way to know the password was incorrect is that the list of addresses (see View | Addresses) is wrong, and the wallet has no transaction history. When recovering such a seed you need to check off the ‘custom words’ option in electron cash, and try to remember the original password you used when making that wallet.
Paper wallet problems
Bitcoin.com paper wallet sweep transactions can fail to replay on SV due to low fee. See “My transaction failed to replay!”
QR scanning in Electron Cash desktop is not functional in Windows / Mac. This will be fixed in the next release. For now you can: type private key by hand (difficult!) or get a third-party QR scanner app.
Private keys starting in “6P” are passworded (BIP38) keys and cannot be imported in Electron Cash. You can use a site like https://www.bitaddress.org/ to decrypt (see ‘wallet details’ tab). To be 100% safe with entering private keys, only use this site when offline. Make sure to take *both* of the decrypted WIF private keys (compressed and uncompressed) and enter them in sweep dialog, to make sure it can find your funds.
Hardware wallet problems
In principle Electron Cash can connect directly to your Trezor / Ledger and you can transact both on BCH and BSV blockchains this way, even if the official software doesn’t support it.
“exception: invalid status 6b00” -- update your Ledger firmware to 1.4.2
To be added… (suggestions+solutions welcome!)
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