解决了刚才的'config.h' file not found问题,本以为就可以顺畅的跑起来,谁知道又被恶心到了,Build input file cannot be found!!!


error: Build input file cannot be found: '/Users/galahad/Desktop/ziliao/RN和Native交互/react-native-blog-examples/Chapter10-RNInteractionWithNative/RNAddNative/node_modules/react-native/Libraries/WebSocket/libfishhook.a'


通常编译报 Build input file cannot be found错误,说明该文件存放位置有问题,只需要移除之后,重新添加一下文件就可以编译通过。如下:


如果你不幸遇到了  #import <CodePush/CodePush.h> 出现file not found 的情况,请检查下路径是否正确


Build Setting -> Search Header Path -> 添加


error: Build input file cannot be found: '*******/node_modules/react-native/Libraries/WebSocket/libfishhook.a' 问题解决记录的更多相关文章

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