cocos2d-x 2.x 图层特效Effect(转)
- CCSprite* sp = CCSprite::create("Default.png");
- sp->setPosition(ccp(, ));
- addChild(sp);
- //常见的22种特效
- //3D晃动的特效
- // CCActionInterval* shaky3D = CCShaky3D::create(5, CCSize(10, 10), 15, false);
- // sp->runAction(shaky3D);
- //3D瓷砖晃动特效
- // CCActionInterval* shakyTiles3D = CCShakyTiles3D::create(5, CCSize(10, 10), 5, false);
- // sp->runAction(shakyTiles3D);
- //波动特效
- // CCActionInterval* waves = CCWaves::create(5, CCSize(10, 10), 10, 20, true, true);
- // sp->runAction(waves);
- //3D波动特效
- // CCActionInterval* waves3D = CCWaves3D::create(5, CCSize(10, 10), 10, 20);
- // sp->runAction(waves3D);
- //3D瓷砖波动特效
- // CCActionInterval* wavesTiles3D = CCWavesTiles3D::create(5, CCSize(10, 10), 10, 20);
- // sp->runAction(wavesTiles3D);
- //X轴 3D反转特效
- // CCActionInterval* filpX = CCFlipX3D::create(5);
- // sp->runAction(filpX);
- //Y轴3D反转特效
- // CCActionInterval* filpY = CCFlipY3D::create(5);
- // sp->runAction(filpY);
- //凸透镜特效
- // CCActionInterval* lens = CCLens3D::create(2, CCSize(10, 10),CCPointMake(240, 160), 240);
- // sp->runAction(lens);
- //水波纹特效
- // CCActionInterval* ripple = CCRipple3D::create(5, CCSize(10, 10), CCPointMake(240, 160), 240, 4, 160);
- // sp->runAction(ripple);
- //液体特效
- // CCActionInterval* liquid = CCLiquid::create(5, CCSize(10, 10), 4, 20);
- // sp->runAction(liquid);
- //扭曲旋转特效
- // CCActionInterval* twirl = CCTwirl::create(50, CCSize(10, 10), CCPointMake(240, 160), 2, 2.5);
- // sp->runAction(twirl);
- //破碎的3D瓷砖特效
- // CCActionInterval* shatteredTiles = CCShatteredTiles3D::create(15, CCSize(10, 10), 50, true);
- // sp->runAction(shatteredTiles);
- //瓷砖洗牌特效
- // CCActionInterval* shuffle = CCShuffleTiles::create(5, CCSize(50, 50), 50);
- // sp->runAction(shuffle);
- //部落格效果,从左下角到右上角
- // CCActionInterval* fadeOutTRTiles = CCFadeOutTRTiles::create(5, CCSize(50, 50));
- // sp->runAction(fadeOutTRTiles);
- //部落格效果,从右上角到左下角
- // CCActionInterval* fadeOutBLTiles = CCFadeOutBLTiles::create(5, CCSize(50, 50));
- // sp->runAction(fadeOutBLTiles);
- //折叠效果 从下到上
- // CCActionInterval* fadeOutUpTiles = CCFadeOutUpTiles::create(5, CCSize(10, 10));
- // sp->runAction(fadeOutUpTiles);
- //折叠效果,从上到下
- // CCActionInterval* fadeOutDownTiles = CCFadeOutDownTiles::create(4, CCSize(20, 50));
- // sp->runAction(fadeOutDownTiles);
- //方块消失特效
- // CCActionInterval* turnOffFiels = CCTurnOffTiles::create(4, CCSize(50, 50));
- // sp->runAction(turnOffFiels);
- //跳动的方块特效
- // CCActionInterval* jumpTiles = CCJumpTiles3D::create(5, CCSize(20, 20), 5, 20);
- // sp->runAction(jumpTiles);
- //分多行消失特效
- // CCActionInterval* splitCols = CCSplitCols::create(5, 50);
- // sp->runAction(splitCols);
- //分多列消失特效
- // CCActionInterval* splitRows = CCSplitRows::create(5, 50);
- // sp->runAction(splitRows);
- //3D翻页特效
- CCActionInterval* pageTurn3D = CCPageTurn3D::create(, CCSize(, ));
- sp->runAction(pageTurn3D);
- //这个是光晕效果的参数
- CCSpriteBatchNode *m_Batchnode=CCSpriteBatchNode::create("bullet.png");ccBlendFunc cb={GL_SRC_ALPHA,GL_ONE};
- //将光晕效果加入
- m_Batchnode->setBlendFunc(cb);
- //最后实例化一个
- CCSpriteBatchNode里this->addChild(m_Batchnode);
- //缓存中取出W1.png图片,这个图片是在plist文件中所在的<key>标签里面的
- CCSpriteCCSprite *bullet=CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("W1.png");
- //记得不是用this->addChild而是用m_Batchnode->addChild(bullet);
- //这样就能有光晕效果啦 主要是理解CCSpriteBatchNode
- bullet->setPosition(ccp(x,y));
- m_Batchnode->addChild(bullet);
- //1. 不断旋转
- CCRotateBy* rotate = CCRotateBy::actionWithDuration(, );
- CCRepeatForever* repeatRotate = CCRepeatForever::actionWithAction(rotate);
- //2. 上升消失
- CCMoveBy* move = CCMoveBy::actionWithDuration(, ccp(,));
- CCFadeOut* fadeOut = CCFadeOut::actionWithDuration();
- CCFiniteTimeAction* fadeOutAct = CCSpawn::actions(move,fadeOut,NULL);
- //3.贝赛而曲线
- ccBezierConfig bezier;
- bezier.controlPoint_1 = ccp(,);
- bezier.controlPoint_2 = ccp(, -);
- bezier.endPosition = ccp(, );
- CCBezierBy* bezierBy = CCBezierBy::actionWithDuration(5.0, bezier);
- //4. 变色
- CCTintTo* tint1 = CCTintTo::actionWithDuration(1.5, , , );
- CCTintTo* tint2 = CCTintTo::actionWithDuration(1.5, , , );
- CCTintTo* tint3 = CCTintTo::actionWithDuration(1.5, , , );
- CCFiniteTimeAction* tintActions = CCSequence::actions(tint1,tint2,tint3,NULL);
- CCRepeatForever* repeatTint = CCRepeatForever::actionWithAction((CCActionInterval*)tintActions);
- //5.闪烁
- CCBlink* blink = CCBlink::actionWithDuration(, );
- //6.动作(动画)结束后,调用某函数
- CCFadeOut* fadeOut = CCFadeOut::actionWithDuration(0.8);
- CCCallFunc* endCall = CCCallFunc::actionWithTarget(starSprite, callfunc_selector(FlashingMeteors::removeFromParentAndCleanup));
- CCFiniteTimeAction* acts = CCSequence::actions(fadeOut,endCall, NULL);
- starSprite->runAction(acts);
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