《Windows Azure Platform 系列文章目录

  Azure Cosmos DB的体系结构分为以下几个部分:



  1.Database Accounts

  Database Account就是1个可以访问的namespace命名空间


  Database就是CosmosDB Container的集合

  3.Database Container

  Azure Cosmos Container是可缩放性预配的吞吐量和存储单元

  下表描述了Azure Cosmos Database和特定API Entiry的对应关系

Azure Cosmos Entity SQL API Cassandra API Azure Cosmos DB's API for MongoDB Gremlin API Table API
Azure Cosmos database database Keyspace databsae database NA



  Azure Cosmos Container

  Azure Cosmos Container是可缩放性预配的吞吐量和存储单元。Container通过Partition Key(分区键)进行水平分区,并且支持在多个Azure数据中心进行复制。

  当我们创建Azure Cosmos Container的时候,支持以下两种吞吐量模式:


  1个Container的吞吐量是独享的,不与其他Container共享Request Unit (RU)的吞吐量


  在同一个Database下的多个Azure container,互相共享Request Unit (RU)的吞吐量

  无论采用独享模式,或者共享模式创建Container,Azure Cosmos Container都可以支持横向扩展

  Azure Cosmos Container是与架构无关的,Container里的数据可以是任意架构。


  Azure Cosmos Container与特定API Entiry的对应关系

Azure Cosmos Entity SQL API Cassandra API Azure Cosmos DB's API for MongoDB Gremlin API Table API
Azure Cosmos Container Collection Table Collection Graph Table

  也就是说,Azure Cosmos Container 在 Azure Cosmos DB API for MongoDB里,指的是Collection,也就是传统关系型数据库的Table数据表

  Azure Cosmos Container中的属性:

  Azure Cosmos 容器包含一组系统自定义属性。 根据所选的 API,其中一些属性可能不会直接公开。 下表描述了系统定义的属性的列表:

Defined property System generated or user-configurable Purpose SQL API Cassandra API Azure Cosmos DB's API for MongoDB Gremlin API Table API
_rid System generated Unique identifier of container Yes No No No No
_etag System generated Entity tag used for optimistic concurrency control Yes No No No No
_ts System generated Last updated timestamp of the container Yes No No No No
_self System generated Addressable URI of the container Yes No No No No
id User configurable User-defined unique name of the container Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
indexingPolicy User configurable Provides the ability to change the index path, index type and index mode. Yes No No No Yes
TimeToLive User configurable Provides the ability to delete items automatically from a container after a certain time period. For more details, see the Time To Livearticle. Yes No No No Yes
changeFeedPolicy User configurable Used to read changes made to items in a container. For more details, see the Change Feed article. Yes No No No Yes
uniqueKeyPolicy User configurable Used to ensure the uniqueness of one or more values within a logical partition. For more information, see the Unique Key constraintsarticle. Yes No No No Yes

  Azure Cosmos数据

  根据选择不同的API,Azure Cosmos 数据可以表示一个文件,数据表中的一行,或者Graph API的一个节点。

  下表表示Azure Cosmos数据与API实体之间的对应关系

Azure Cosmos Entity SQL API Cassandra API Azure Cosmos DB's API for MongoDB Gremlin API Table API
Azure Cosmos Item Document Row Document Node or Edge Item

  Azure Cosmos数据的属性

  Azure Cosmos数据有系统自定义的属性。根据所选的 API,其中一些属性可能不会直接公开。

System defined property System generated or user-configurable Purpose SQL API Cassandra API Azure Cosmos DB's API for MongoDB Gremlin API Table API
_id System generated Unique identifier of item Yes No No No No
_etag System generated Entity tag used for optimistic concurrency control Yes No No No No
_ts System generated The timestamp of the last update of the item Yes No No No No
_self System generated Addressable URI of the item Yes No No No No
id Either User-defined unique name within a logical partition. If the user doesn’t specify the id, the system will automatically generate one. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Arbitrary user-defined properties User-defined User-defined properties represented in API-native representation (JSON, BSON, CQL, etc.) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

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