HTTP content-type



HTTP content-type 对照表












application/octet-stream .tif image/tiff
.001 application/x-001 .301 application/x-301
.323 text/h323 .906 application/x-906
.907 drawing/907 .a11 application/x-a11
.acp audio/x-mei-aac .ai application/postscript
.aif audio/aiff .aifc audio/aiff
.aiff audio/aiff .anv application/x-anv
.asa text/asa .asf video/x-ms-asf
.asp text/asp .asx video/x-ms-asf
.au audio/basic .avi video/avi
.awf application/vnd.adobe.workflow .biz text/xml
.bmp application/x-bmp .bot application/x-bot
.c4t application/x-c4t .c90 application/x-c90
.cal application/x-cals .cat application/
.cdf application/x-netcdf .cdr application/x-cdr
.cel application/x-cel .cer application/x-x509-ca-cert
.cg4 application/x-g4 .cgm application/x-cgm
.cit application/x-cit .class java/*
.cml text/xml .cmp application/x-cmp
.cmx application/x-cmx .cot application/x-cot
.crl application/pkix-crl .crt application/x-x509-ca-cert
.csi application/x-csi .css text/css
.cut application/x-cut .dbf application/x-dbf
.dbm application/x-dbm .dbx application/x-dbx
.dcd text/xml .dcx application/x-dcx
.der application/x-x509-ca-cert .dgn application/x-dgn
.dib application/x-dib .dll application/x-msdownload
.doc application/msword .dot application/msword
.drw application/x-drw .dtd text/xml
.dwf Model/vnd.dwf .dwf application/x-dwf
.dwg application/x-dwg .dxb application/x-dxb
.dxf application/x-dxf .edn application/vnd.adobe.edn
.emf application/x-emf .eml message/rfc822
.ent text/xml .epi application/x-epi
.eps application/x-ps .eps application/postscript
.etd application/x-ebx .exe application/x-msdownload
.fax image/fax .fdf application/vnd.fdf
.fif application/fractals .fo text/xml
.frm application/x-frm .g4 application/x-g4
.gbr application/x-gbr . application/x-
.gif image/gif .gl2 application/x-gl2
.gp4 application/x-gp4 .hgl application/x-hgl
.hmr application/x-hmr .hpg application/x-hpgl
.hpl application/x-hpl .hqx application/mac-binhex40
.hrf application/x-hrf .hta application/hta
.htc text/x-component .htm text/html
.html text/html .htt text/webviewhtml
.htx text/html .icb application/x-icb
.ico image/x-icon .ico application/x-ico
.iff application/x-iff .ig4 application/x-g4
.igs application/x-igs .iii application/x-iphone
.img application/x-img .ins application/x-internet-signup
.isp application/x-internet-signup .IVF video/x-ivf
.java java/* .jfif image/jpeg
.jpe image/jpeg .jpe application/x-jpe
.jpeg image/jpeg .jpg image/jpeg
.jpg application/x-jpg .js application/x-javascript
.jsp text/html .la1 audio/x-liquid-file
.lar application/x-laplayer-reg .latex application/x-latex
.lavs audio/x-liquid-secure .lbm application/x-lbm
.lmsff audio/x-la-lms .ls application/x-javascript
.ltr application/x-ltr .m1v video/x-mpeg
.m2v video/x-mpeg .m3u audio/mpegurl
.m4e video/mpeg4 .mac application/x-mac
.man application/x-troff-man .math text/xml
.mdb application/msaccess .mdb application/x-mdb
.mfp application/x-shockwave-flash .mht message/rfc822
.mhtml message/rfc822 .mi application/x-mi
.mid audio/mid .midi audio/mid
.mil application/x-mil .mml text/xml
.mnd audio/x-musicnet-download .mns audio/x-musicnet-stream
.mocha application/x-javascript .movie video/x-sgi-movie
.mp1 audio/mp1 .mp2 audio/mp2
.mp2v video/mpeg .mp3 audio/mp3
.mp4 video/mpeg4 .mpa video/x-mpg
.mpd application/ .mpe video/x-mpeg
.mpeg video/mpg .mpg video/mpg
.mpga audio/rn-mpeg .mpp application/
.mps video/x-mpeg .mpt application/
.mpv video/mpg .mpv2 video/mpeg
.mpw application/ .mpx application/
.mtx text/xml .mxp application/x-mmxp
.net image/pnetvue .nrf application/x-nrf
.nws message/rfc822 .odc text/x-ms-odc
.out application/x-out .p10 application/pkcs10
.p12 application/x-pkcs12 .p7b application/x-pkcs7-certificates
.p7c application/pkcs7-mime .p7m application/pkcs7-mime
.p7r application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp .p7s application/pkcs7-signature
.pc5 application/x-pc5 .pci application/x-pci
.pcl application/x-pcl .pcx application/x-pcx
.pdf application/pdf .pdf application/pdf
.pdx application/vnd.adobe.pdx .pfx application/x-pkcs12
.pgl application/x-pgl .pic application/x-pic
.pko application/ .pl application/x-perl
.plg text/html .pls audio/scpls
.plt application/x-plt .png image/png
.png application/x-png .pot application/
.ppa application/ .ppm application/x-ppm
.pps application/ .ppt application/
.ppt application/x-ppt .pr application/x-pr
.prf application/pics-rules .prn application/x-prn
.prt application/x-prt .ps application/x-ps
.ps application/postscript .ptn application/x-ptn
.pwz application/ .r3t text/vnd.rn-realtext3d
.ra audio/vnd.rn-realaudio .ram audio/x-pn-realaudio
.ras application/x-ras .rat application/rat-file
.rdf text/xml .rec application/vnd.rn-recording
.red application/x-red .rgb application/x-rgb
.rjs application/vnd.rn-realsystem-rjs .rjt application/vnd.rn-realsystem-rjt
.rlc application/x-rlc .rle application/x-rle
.rm application/vnd.rn-realmedia .rmf application/vnd.adobe.rmf
.rmi audio/mid .rmj application/vnd.rn-realsystem-rmj
.rmm audio/x-pn-realaudio .rmp application/vnd.rn-rn_music_package
.rms application/vnd.rn-realmedia-secure .rmvb application/vnd.rn-realmedia-vbr
.rmx application/vnd.rn-realsystem-rmx .rnx application/vnd.rn-realplayer
.rp image/vnd.rn-realpix .rpm audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin
.rsml application/vnd.rn-rsml .rt text/vnd.rn-realtext
.rtf application/msword .rtf application/x-rtf
.rv video/vnd.rn-realvideo .sam application/x-sam
.sat application/x-sat .sdp application/sdp
.sdw application/x-sdw .sit application/x-stuffit
.slb application/x-slb .sld application/x-sld
.slk drawing/x-slk .smi application/smil
.smil application/smil .smk application/x-smk
.snd audio/basic .sol text/plain
.sor text/plain .spc application/x-pkcs7-certificates
.spl application/futuresplash .spp text/xml
.ssm application/streamingmedia .sst application/
.stl application/ .stm text/html
.sty application/x-sty .svg text/xml
.swf application/x-shockwave-flash .tdf application/x-tdf
.tg4 application/x-tg4 .tga application/x-tga
.tif image/tiff .tif application/x-tif
.tiff image/tiff .tld text/xml
.top drawing/x-top .torrent application/x-bittorrent
.tsd text/xml .txt text/plain
.uin application/x-icq .uls text/iuls
.vcf text/x-vcard .vda application/x-vda
.vdx application/vnd.visio .vml text/xml
.vpg application/x-vpeg005 .vsd application/vnd.visio
.vsd application/x-vsd .vss application/vnd.visio
.vst application/vnd.visio .vst application/x-vst
.vsw application/vnd.visio .vsx application/vnd.visio
.vtx application/vnd.visio .vxml text/xml
.wav audio/wav .wax audio/x-ms-wax
.wb1 application/x-wb1 .wb2 application/x-wb2
.wb3 application/x-wb3 .wbmp image/vnd.wap.wbmp
.wiz application/msword .wk3 application/x-wk3
.wk4 application/x-wk4 .wkq application/x-wkq
.wks application/x-wks .wm video/x-ms-wm
.wma audio/x-ms-wma .wmd application/x-ms-wmd
.wmf application/x-wmf .wml text/vnd.wap.wml
.wmv video/x-ms-wmv .wmx video/x-ms-wmx
.wmz application/x-ms-wmz .wp6 application/x-wp6
.wpd application/x-wpd .wpg application/x-wpg
.wpl application/ .wq1 application/x-wq1
.wr1 application/x-wr1 .wri application/x-wri
.wrk application/x-wrk .ws application/x-ws
.ws2 application/x-ws .wsc text/scriptlet
.wsdl text/xml .wvx video/x-ms-wvx
.xdp application/vnd.adobe.xdp .xdr text/xml
.xfd application/vnd.adobe.xfd .xfdf application/vnd.adobe.xfdf
.xhtml text/html .xls application/
.xls application/x-xls .xlw application/x-xlw
.xml text/xml .xpl audio/scpls
.xq text/xml .xql text/xml
.xquery text/xml .xsd text/xml
.xsl text/xml .xslt text/xml
.xwd application/x-xwd .x_b application/x-x_b
.sis application/vnd.symbian.install .sisx application/vnd.symbian.install
.x_t application/x-x_t .ipa application/vnd.iphone
.apk application/ .xap application/x-silverlight-app

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