Spring Security provides comprehensive integration with Spring MVC Test

Spring Security提供与Spring MVC Test的全面集成

12.1 Setting Up MockMvc and Spring Security

In order to use Spring Security with Spring MVC Test it is necessary to add the Spring Security FilterChainProxy as a Filter. It is also necessary to add Spring Security’s TestSecurityContextHolderPostProcessor to support Running as a User in Spring MVC Test with Annotations. This can be done using Spring Security’s SecurityMockMvcConfigurers.springSecurity(). For example:

为了将Spring Security与Spring MVC Test一起使用,有必要将Spring Security FilterChainProxy添加为Filter。还需要添加Spring Security的TestSecurityContextHolderPostProcessor以支持在带有Annotations的Spring MVC Test中作为用户运行。这可以使用Spring Security的SecurityMockMvcConfigurers.springSecurity()来完成。例如:

Spring Security’s testing support requires spring-test-4.1.3.RELEASE or greater.

import static org.springframework.security.test.web.servlet.setup.SecurityMockMvcConfigurers.*;

public class CsrfShowcaseTests { @Autowired
private WebApplicationContext context; private MockMvc mvc; @Before
public void setup() {
mvc = MockMvcBuilders
.apply(springSecurity()) 1
} ...

1.SecurityMockMvcConfigurers.springSecurity() will perform all of the initial setup we need to integrate Spring Security with Spring MVC Test

SecurityMockMvcConfigurers.springSecurity()将执行我们将Spring Security与Spring MVC Test集成所需的所有初始设置

12.2 SecurityMockMvcRequestPostProcessors

Spring MVC Test provides a convenient interface called a RequestPostProcessor that can be used to modify a request. Spring Security provides a number of RequestPostProcessor implementations that make testing easier. In order to use Spring Security’s RequestPostProcessor implementations ensure the following static import is used:

Spring MVC Test提供了一个称为RequestPostProcessor的方便接口,可用于修改请求。 Spring Security提供了许多RequestPostProcessor实现,使测试更容易。为了使用Spring Security的RequestPostProcessor实现,请确保使用以下静态导入:
import static org.springframework.security.test.web.servlet.request.SecurityMockMvcRequestPostProcessors.*;

12.2.1 Testing with CSRF Protection

When testing any non-safe HTTP methods and using Spring Security’s CSRF protection, you must be sure to include a valid CSRF Token in the request. To specify a valid CSRF token as a request parameter using the following:

在测试任何非安全HTTP方法并使用Spring Security的CSRF保护时,您必须确保在请求中包含有效的CSRF令牌。要使用以下命令将有效的CSRF令牌指定为请求参数:

If you like you can include CSRF token in the header instead:


You can also test providing an invalid CSRF token using the following:


12.2.2 Running a Test as a User in Spring MVC Test

It is often desirable to run tests as a specific user. There are two simple ways of populating the user:


12.2.3 Running as a User in Spring MVC Test with RequestPostProcessor

There are a number of options available to associate a user to the current HttpServletRequest. For example, the following will run as a user (which does not need to exist) with the username "user", the password "password", and the role "ROLE_USER":


The support works by associating the user to the HttpServletRequest. To associate the request to the SecurityContextHolder you need to ensure that the SecurityContextPersistenceFilter is associated with the MockMvc instance. A few ways to do this are:

  • Invoking apply(springSecurity())
  • Adding Spring Security’s FilterChainProxy to MockMvc
  • Manually adding SecurityContextPersistenceFilter to the MockMvc instance may make sense when using MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup
  • 使用MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup时,手动将SecurityContextPersistenceFilter添加到MockMvc实例可能有意义

You can easily make customizations. For example, the following will run as a user (which does not need to exist) with the username "admin", the password "pass", and the roles "ROLE_USER" and "ROLE_ADMIN".


If you have a custom UserDetails that you would like to use, you can easily specify that as well. For example, the following will use the specified UserDetails (which does not need to exist) to run with a UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken that has a principal of the specified UserDetails:

You can run as anonymous user using the following:

This is especially useful if you are running with a default user and wish to execute a few requests as an anonymous user.

If you want a custom Authentication (which does not need to exist) you can do so using the following:

You can even customize the SecurityContext using the following:


We can also ensure to run as a specific user for every request by using MockMvcBuilders's default request. For example, the following will run as a user (which does not need to exist) with the username "admin", the password "password", and the role "ROLE_ADMIN":

mvc = MockMvcBuilders

If you find you are using the same user in many of your tests, it is recommended to move the user to a method. For example, you can specify the following in your own class named CustomSecurityMockMvcRequestPostProcessors:

public static RequestPostProcessor rob() {
return user("rob").roles("ADMIN");

Now you can perform a static import on SecurityMockMvcRequestPostProcessors and use that within your tests:

import static sample.CustomSecurityMockMvcRequestPostProcessors.*;



Running as a User in Spring MVC Test with Annotations

在带有注释的Spring MVC测试中作为用户运行
As an alternative to using a RequestPostProcessor to create your user, you can use annotations described in Chapter 11, Testing Method Security. For example, the following will run the test with the user with username "user", password "password", and role "ROLE_USER":
public void requestProtectedUrlWithUser() throws Exception {

Alternatively, the following will run the test with the user with username "user", password "password", and role "ROLE_ADMIN":

public void requestProtectedUrlWithUser() throws Exception {

12.2.4 Testing HTTP Basic Authentication

While it has always been possible to authenticate with HTTP Basic, it was a bit tedious to remember the header name, format, and encode the values. Now this can be done using Spring Security’s httpBasic RequestPostProcessor. For example, the snippet below:

虽然始终可以使用HTTP Basic进行身份验证,但记住标题名称,格式和编码值有点乏味。现在可以使用Spring Security的httpBasic RequestPostProcessor来完成。例如,下面的代码段:

will attempt to use HTTP Basic to authenticate a user with the username "user" and the password "password" by ensuring the following header is populated on the HTTP Request:

将通过确保在HTTP请求上填充以下标头,尝试使用HTTP Basic使用用户名“user”和密码“password”对用户进行身份验证:
Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==

12.3 SecurityMockMvcRequestBuilders

Spring MVC Test also provides a RequestBuilder interface that can be used to create the MockHttpServletRequest used in your test. Spring Security provides a few RequestBuilder implementations that can be used to make testing easier. In order to use Spring Security’s RequestBuilder implementations ensure the following static import is used:

Spring MVC Test还提供了一个RequestBuilder接口,可用于创建测试中使用的MockHttpServletRequest。 Spring Security提供了一些RequestBuilder实现,可用于简化测试。为了使用Spring Security的RequestBuilder实现,请确保使用以下静态导入:
import static org.springframework.security.test.web.servlet.request.SecurityMockMvcRequestBuilders.*;


12.3.1 Testing Form Based Authentication

You can easily create a request to test a form based authentication using Spring Security’s testing support. For example, the following will submit a POST to "/login" with the username "user", the password "password", and a valid CSRF token:


It is easy to customize the request. For example, the following will submit a POST to "/auth" with the username "admin", the password "pass", and a valid CSRF token:

可以轻松自定义请求。例如,以下内容将使用用户名“admin”,密码“pass”和有效的CSRF令牌向“/ auth”提交POST:

We can also customize the parameters names that the username and password are included on. For example, this is the above request modified to include the username on the HTTP parameter "u" and the password on the HTTP parameter "p".


12.3.2 Testing Logout

While fairly trivial using standard Spring MVC Test, you can use Spring Security’s testing support to make testing log out easier. For example, the following will submit a POST to "/logout" with a valid CSRF token:

虽然使用标准的Spring MVC测试相当简单,但您可以使用Spring Security的测试支持来简化测试注销。例如,以下内容将使用有效的CSRF令牌向“/ logout”提交POST:

You can also customize the URL to post to. For example, the snippet below will submit a POST to "/signout" with a valid CSRF token:

您还可以自定义要发布到的URL。例如,下面的代码段将使用有效的CSRF令牌向“/ signout”提交POST:

12.4 SecurityMockMvcResultMatchers

At times it is desirable to make various security related assertions about a request. To accommodate this need, Spring Security Test support implements Spring MVC Test’s ResultMatcher interface. In order to use Spring Security’s ResultMatcher implementations ensure the following static import is used:

有时希望对请求做出各种与安全相关的断言。为了满足这种需求,Spring Security Test支持实现了Spring MVC Test的ResultMatcher接口。为了使用Spring Security的ResultMatcher实现,请确保使用以下静态导入:

12.4.2 Authenticated Assertion

It is often times that we must assert that an authenticated user exists. For example, we may want to verify that we authenticated successfully. We could verify that a form based login was successful with the following snippet of code:


If we wanted to assert the roles of the user, we could refine our previous code as shown below:


Alternatively, we could verify the username:


We can also combine the assertions:


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