The ngx_http_limit_req_module module (0.7.21) is used to limit the request processing rate per a defined key, in particular, the processing rate of requests coming from a single IP address. The limitation is done using the “leaky bucket” method.

ngx_http_limit_req_module 模块用于限制对每个定义键的请求处理速率,例如,单客户端IP的每秒请求数。实现的原理是使用“漏桶”原理。

Example Configuration:

[plain] view plain copy

  1. http {
  2. limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=one:10m rate=1r/s;
  3. ...
  4. server {
  5. ...
  6. location /search/ {
  7. limit_req zone=one burst=5;
  8. }


  1. Syntax: limit_req zone=name [burst=number] [nodelay];
  2. Default:    —
  3. Context:    http, server, location

Sets the shared memory zone and the maximum burst size of requests. If the requests rate exceeds the rate configured for a zone, their processing is delayed such that requests are processed at a defined rate. Excessive requests are delayed until their number exceeds the maximum burst size in which case the request is terminated with an error 503 (Service Temporarily Unavailable). By default, the maximum burst size is equal to zero. For example, the directives

  1. limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=one:10m rate=1r/s;
  2. server {
  3. location /search/ {
  4. limit_req zone=one burst=5;
  5. }

allow not more than 1 request per second at an average, with bursts not exceeding 5 requests.

If delaying of excessive requests while requests are being limited is not desired, the parameter nodelay should be used:

  1. limit_req zone=one burst=5 nodelay;

There could be several limit_req directives. For example, the following configuration will limit the processing rate of requests coming from a single IP address and, at the same time, the request processing rate by the virtual server:

  1. limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=perip:10m rate=1r/s;
  2. limit_req_zone $server_name zone=perserver:10m rate=10r/s;
  3. server {
  4. ...
  5. limit_req zone=perip burst=5 nodelay;
  6. limit_req zone=perserver burst=10;
  7. }

These directives are inherited from the previous level if and only if there are no limit_req directives on the current level.

  1. Syntax: limit_req_log_level info | notice | warn | error;
  2. Default:
  3. limit_req_log_level error;
  4. Context:    http, server, location
  5. This directive appeared in version 0.8.18.

Sets the desired logging level for cases when the server refuses to process requests due to rate exceeding, or delays request processing. Logging level for delays is one point less than for refusals; for example, if “limit_req_log_level notice” is specified, delays are logged with the info level.
设置服务器拒绝请求速率,或者延迟处理的情况下的日志级别。对于延迟的请求来说,日志的级别比拒绝请求要低。例如,“limit_req_log_level notice” 是通知级别,那么,延迟请求只是信息的日志级别。

  1. Syntax: limit_req_status code;
  2. Default:
  3. limit_req_status 503;
  4. Context:    http, server, location
  5. This directive appeared in version 1.3.15.

Sets the status code to return in response to rejected requests.

  1. Syntax: limit_req_zone key zone=name:size rate=rate;
  2. Default:    —
  3. Context:    http

Sets parameters for a shared memory zone that will keep states for various keys. In particular, the state stores the current number of excessive requests. The key can contain text, variables, and their combination. Requests with an empty key value are not accounted.

Usage example:

  1. limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=one:10m rate=1r/s;

Here, the states are kept in a 10 megabyte zone “one”, and an average request processing rate for this zone cannot exceed 1 request per second.

A client IP address serves as a key. Note that instead of $remote_addr, the $binary_remote_addr variable is used here, that allows decreasing the state size down to 64 bytes. One megabyte zone can keep about 16 thousand 64-byte states. If the zone storage is exhausted, the server will return the 503 (Service Temporarily Unavailable) error to all further requests.

The rate is specified in requests per second (r/s). If a rate of less than one request per second is desired, it is specified in request per minute (r/m). For example, half-request per second is 30r/m.

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