1.1 About this document
The ffmpeg is a open source package that provides video application for general usage. User can download
and view information in the ffmpeg web site:
? http://ffmpeg.mplayerhq.hu/
The SDK of Faraday Platform provides a modified ffmpeg package base on version 0.4.8. It has been
modified by Faraday for such reasons:
? A/V Sync calculator
? Different Thread handling
? Faraday Grab Device
? Faraday Audio Device
? Faraday Codec API
This document describes about ffmpeg application usage for Faraday H.264, MPEG4 and JPEG codec. It can
be run in GM8120/GM818x platform.
GM8120 ˇ ˇ
GM818x ˇ ˇ ˇ
1.2 Installation
The SDK of ffmpeg MUST be installed in such directory “/usr/src/”.
# cp ffmpeg-0.4.8.xxx.tar.gz /usr/src
# tar zxvf ffmpeg-0.4.8.xxx.tar.gz
After you extract the tar archive, the ffmpeg-0.4.8 will be created.
? /usr/src/ffmpeg-0.4.8
ffmpeg user guide
1.3 Compiling software environment
The ffmpeg can be compiler in Linux 2.4/2.6 environment. Before you compiler ffmpeg, you must compiler
Linux kernel and don’t change Linux kernel and ffmpeg directory. To compiler in Linux 2.4 environment,
you should execute such command:
For GM8120 in Linux 2.4 environment.
# ./switch.sh 8120_24
For GM8120 in Linux 2.6 environment.
# ./switch.sh 8120_26
For GM8180 in Linux 2.6 environment.
# ./switch.sh 8180_26
For GM8185 in Linux 2.6 environment.
# ./switch.sh 8185_26
You may use command to do the compiler:
# make clean
# make
The ouput file “ffmpeg” and “ffplay” will be build in ffmpeg-0.4.8 directory.
ffmpeg user guide
1.4 Capture/Codec Module
Before execute the ffmpeg program, please make sure the capture and codec driver are installed well. Use the
module list information to see the installation.
# lsmod
In GM8120, you should check if such module installed
? fcap_drv.o (GM8120/GM8150 Capture driver)
? fmcp_drv.o (MPEG4/JPEG common driver)
? fmpeg4_drv.o (MPEG4 driver)
? fmjpeg_drv.o (JPEG driver module)
In GM818x, the driver module list:
? fcap_common.ko (GM8180 Capture common driver)
? fcap0.ko (Capture 0 driver)
? fcap1.ko (Capture 1 driver)
? fcap100_xxxx.ko (Video Input Module for capture driver, such as fcap100_ov7660.ko is for OV7660)
? favc_common.ko (H.264 common driver)
? favc_drv.ko (H.264 video driver)
? fmcp420_drv.ko or fmcp422.ko(MPEG4/JPEG common driver, fmcp420_drv.ko for JPG decoding on
420 display, and fmcp422_drv.ko for JPG decoding on 422CbYCrY display)
? fmpeg4_drv.ko (MPEG4 driver)
? fmjpeg_drv.ko (JPEG driver module)
ffmpeg user guide
1.5 FFMPEG Help/Preview Option
Any time for help, type
If you want to preview the video in GM8120 according to the resolution. The WxH may be 320x240,
640x480, 720x480…etc.
#./ffmpeg –focus WxH


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