新概念英语(1-65)Not a Baby

Does Jill take the key to the front door?

A:What are you going to do this evening, Jill?

B:I'm going to meet some friends, Dad.

A:You mustn't come home late.
You must be home at half pass ten.

B:I can't get home so early, Dad!
Can I have the key to the front door, please?

A:No, you can't.

C:Jill's eighteen years old, Tom.
She's not a baby.
Give her the key.
She always comes home early.

A:Oh, all right!
Here you are.
But you mustn't come home after a quarter pass eleven.
Do you hear?

B:Yes, dad.
Thanks, Mum.

C:That's all right.
Good bye.
Enjoy yourself!

B:We always enjoy ourselves.Bye,bye.

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