He's awful!
How did Pauline answer the telephone at the nine o'clock?
A:What's Ron Marston like, Pauline?
B:He's awful!
He telephoned me four times yesterday and three times the day before yesterday.
He telephoned the office yesterday morning and yesterday afternoon.
My boss answered the telephone.
A:What did your boss say to him?
B:He said, 'Pauline is typing letters.
She can't speak to you now!'
Then I arrived home at six o'clock yesterday evening.
He telephoned again.
But I didn't answer the phone!
A:Did he telephone again last night?
B:Yes, he did.
He telephoned at nine o'clock.
A:What did you say to him?
B:I said, 'This is Pauline's mother.
Please don't telephone my daughter again!'
A:Did he telephone again?
B:No, he didn't!

How,What…be like,What…look like区别


“How's Ron?"
"He's very well."

"What's Ron like?"
"He's tall and dark,and a bit shy."

"How does he look?"

"What does he look like?"


"How was the film?"

“How's you steak?"

"How's the new job?


“What is she like?"

“What does she like?"
"Dancing and fast cars."
” 跳舞和赛车。”

How is the weather?=What is the weather like?

5.What does/do …… look like?

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