There are N points in total. Every point moves in certain direction and certain speed. We want to know at what time that the largest distance between any two points would be minimum. And also, we require you to calculate that minimum distance. We guarantee that no two points will move in exactly same speed and direction.

InputThe rst line has a number T (T <= 10) , indicating the number of test cases. 
For each test case, first line has a single number N (N <= 300), which is the number of points. 
For next N lines, each come with four integers X i, Y i, VX i and VY i (-10 6 <= X i, Y i <= 10 6, -10 2 <= VX i , VY i <= 10 2), (X i, Y i) is the position of the i thpoint, and (VX i , VY i) is its speed with direction. That is to say, after 1 second, this point will move to (X i + VX i , Y i + VY i).OutputFor test case X, output "Case #X: " first, then output two numbers, rounded to 0.01, as the answer of time and distance.Sample Input

0 0 1 0
2 0 -1 0
0 0 1 0
2 1 -1 0

Sample Output

Case #1: 1.00 0.00
Case #2: 1.00 1.00 这题也是三分的入门题(水题)
using namespace std;
int n;
struct node
double x,y,vx,vy;
double f(node a,node b ,double t)
return sqrt((a.x+a.vx*t-b.x-b.vx*t)*(a.x+a.vx*t-b.x-b.vx*t)+(a.y+a.vy*t-b.y-b.vy*t)*(a.y+a.vy*t-b.y-b.vy*t));
double check(double x)
double maxn=;
for (int i= ;i<n ;i++){
for (int j=i+ ;j<n ;j++){
return maxn;
int main() {
int t,cas=;
for (int i= ;i<n ;i++){
double l=,r=;
double lmid=l+(r-l)/;
double rmid=r-(r-l)/;
if (check(lmid)>check(rmid)) l=lmid;
else r=rmid;
printf("Case #%d: %.2lf %.2lf\n",cas++,l,check(l));
return ;

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