[LeetCode] Ugly Number 丑陋数
Write a program to check whether a given number is an ugly number.
Ugly numbers are positive numbers whose prime factors only include 2, 3, 5
Example 1:
- Input: 6
- Output: true
- Explanation: 6 = 2 × 3
Example 2:
- Input: 8
- Output: true
- Explanation: 8 = 2 × 2 × 2
Example 3:
- Input: 14
- Output: false
- Explanation:
is not ugly since it includes another prime factor7
is typically treated as an ugly number.- Input is within the 32-bit signed integer range: [−231, 231 − 1].
这道题让我们检测一个数是否为丑陋数,所谓丑陋数就是其质数因子只能是 2,3,5。那么最直接的办法就是不停的除以这些质数,如果剩余的数字是1的话就是丑陋数了,参见代码如下:
- class Solution {
- public:
- bool isUgly(int num) {
- while (num >= ) {
- if (num % == ) num /= ;
- else if (num % == ) num /= ;
- else if (num % == ) num /= ;
- else return false;
- }
- return num == ;
- }
- };
我们也可以换一种写法,分别不停的除以 2,3,5,并且看最后剩下来的数字是否为1即可,参见代码如下:
- class Solution {
- public:
- bool isUgly(int num) {
- if (num <= ) return false;
- while (num % == ) num /= ;
- while (num % == ) num /= ;
- while (num % == ) num /= ;
- return num == ;
- }
- };
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