

Adding a view to an ASP.NET Core MVC app

在asp.net core mvc中添加视图

2017-3-4 7 分钟阅读时长


1.Changing views and layout pages


2.Change the title and menu link in the layout file


3.Passing Data from the Controller to the View


By Rick Anderson

In this section you modify the HelloWorldController class to use Razor view template files to cleanly encapsulate the process of

在本节中,你将学会在 HelloWorldController 中使用Razor 视图模板文件来干净的处理并生成一个HTML响应并

generating HTML responses to a client.


You create a view template file using Razor. Razor-based view templates have a .cshtml file extension. They provide an elegant way

使用Razor创建一个视图模板文件。基于Razor的视图模板的文件扩展名是.cshtml 。他提供了一个简洁的方式

to create HTML output using C#.


Currently the Index method returns a string with a message that is hard-coded in the controller class.

目前 Index 方法返回一个在控制器中硬编码的字符串。

In the HelloWorldController class, replace the Index method with the following code:

用下面的代码替换 HelloWorldController 类中 Index 方法中的代码:

 public IActionResult Index()


     return View();


C# code

The preceding code returns a View object. It uses a view template to generate an HTML response to the browser.

前述代码返回了一个 View 对象。他会使用一个视图模板生成HTML并响应到浏览器。

Controller methods (also known as action methods) such as the Index method above,

像上面的 Index 方法就是一个控制器方法(也就是我们说的 action 方法),

generally return an IActionResult (or a class derived from ActionResult), not primitive types like string.

通常,不会返回一个像string这样的原始类型,而是IActionResult 或者一个继承自ActionResult 的类。

  • Right click on the Views folder, and then Add > New Folder and name the folder HelloWorld.

右击Views 文件夹,然后点击Add > New Folder 菜单,并将文件夹命名为HelloWorld

  • Right click on the Views/HelloWorld folder, and then Add > New Item.

右击 Views/HelloWorld 文件夹,然后点击Add > New Item 菜单。

  • In the Add New Item - MvcMovie dialog

Add New Item - MvcMovie 对话框中

  • In the search box in the upper-right, enter view

在右上角的搜索框中,输入 view

  • Tap MVC View Page

点击 MVC View Page 选项

  • In the Name box, change the name if necessary to Index.cshtml.

Name 框中,修改名字为 Index.cshtml

  • Tap Add

点击 Add

Replace the contents of the Views/HelloWorld/Index.cshtml Razor view file with the following:

使用下面的代码替换 Views/HelloWorld/Index.cshtml  文件中的代码:


     ViewData["Title"] = "Index";



 <p>Hello from our View Template!</p>

HTML code

Navigate to http://localhost:xxxx/HelloWorld. The Index method in the HelloWorldControllerdidn't do much;

导航到 http://localhost:xxxx/HelloWorld 。控制器中的 Index 方法没有做太多事情;

it ran the statement return View();,

他执行了语句 return View(); ,

which specified that the method should use a view template file to render a response to the browser.


Because you didn't explicitly specify the name of the view template file,


MVC defaulted to using the Index.cshtml view file in the /Views/HelloWorld folder.

MVC默认会使用 在 /Views/HelloWorld  这个文件夹下的 Index.cshtml 视图文件。

The image below shows the string "Hello from our View Template!" hard-coded in the view.

下图展示了被硬编码在视图文件中的字符串“Hello from our View Template!” 。

If your browser window is small (for example on a mobile device),


you might need to toggle (tap) the Bootstrap navigation button in the upper right to see the HomeAbout, and Contact links.

你可能需要点击右上角的导航菜单才能看到 HomeAbout,  Contact  链接。

Changing views and layout pages


Tap the menu links (MvcMovieHomeAbout). Each page shows the same menu layout.


The menu layout is implemented in the Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml file. Open the Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml file.

菜单布局在 Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml 文件中实现。打开这个文件。

Layout templates allow you to specify the HTML container layout of your site in one place and then apply it across multiple pages in your site.

Layout 模板可以使你在一个地方布局特定的html然后在你站点的多个页面上显示相同的内容与展现。

Find the @RenderBody() line.

找到 @RenderBody() 这一行。

RenderBody is a placeholder where all the view-specific pages you create show up, wrapped in the layout page.

RenderBody 是一个占位符,所有你创建的特定的视图页在布局页中包含在内。

For example, if you select the About link, the Views/Home/About.cshtml view is rendered inside the RenderBody method.

例如,若果你点击了 About 链接 ,Views/Home/About.cshtml 文件将会在 RenderBody 方法中渲染呈现。

Change the title and menu link in the layout file


Change the contents of the title element.


Change the anchor text in the layout template to "Movie App" and the controller from Home to Movies as highlighted below:


 @inject Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNetCore.JavaScriptSnippet JavaScriptSnippet

 <!DOCTYPE html>



     <meta charset="utf-8" />

     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />

     <title>@ViewData["Title"] - Movie App</title>

     <environment names="Development">

         <link rel="stylesheet" href="~/lib/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css" />

         <link rel="stylesheet" href="~/css/site.css" />


     <environment names="Staging,Production">

         <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css"


               asp-fallback-test-class="sr-only" asp-fallback-test-property="position" asp-fallback-test-value="absolute" />

         <link rel="stylesheet" href="~/css/site.min.css" asp-append-version="true" />





     <nav class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top">

         <div class="container">

             <div class="navbar-header">

                 <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse">

                     <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>

                     <span class="icon-bar"></span>

                     <span class="icon-bar"></span>

                     <span class="icon-bar"></span>


                 <a asp-area="" asp-controller="Movies" asp-action="Index" class="navbar-brand">MvcMovie</a>


             <div class="navbar-collapse collapse">

                 <ul class="nav navbar-nav">

                     <li><a asp-area="" asp-controller="Home" asp-action="Index">Home</a></li>

                     <li><a asp-area="" asp-controller="Home" asp-action="About">About</a></li>

                     <li><a asp-area="" asp-controller="Home" asp-action="Contact">Contact</a></li>





     <div class="container body-content">


         <hr />


             <p>&copy; 2017 - MvcMovie</p>



     <environment names="Development">

         <script src="~/lib/jquery/dist/jquery.js"></script>

         <script src="~/lib/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.js"></script>

         <script src="~/js/site.js" asp-append-version="true"></script>


     <environment names="Staging,Production">

         <script src="https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery/jquery-2.2.0.min.js"






         <script src="https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/bootstrap/3.3.7/bootstrap.min.js"


                 asp-fallback-test="window.jQuery && window.jQuery.fn && window.jQuery.fn.modal"




         <script src="~/js/site.min.js" asp-append-version="true"></script>


     @RenderSection("Scripts", required: false)



HTML code



We haven't implemented the Movies controller yet, so if you click on that link, you'll get a 404 (Not found) error.

因为我们还没有实现 Movies 控制器,所以当你点击链接时,将会得到一个404错误提示。

Save your changes and tap the About link.

保存修改并点击 About 链接。

Notice how the title on the browser tab now displays About - Movie App instead of About - Mvc Movie.

注意现在浏览器上标题显示已经由 About - Mvc Movie 变为 About - Movie App

Tap the Contact link and notice that it also displays Movie App.

点击 Contact 链接,注意看,现在显示的也是 Movie App

We were able to make the change once in the layout template and have all pages on the site reflect the new link text and new title.


Examine the Views/_ViewStart.cshtml file:

查看 Views/_ViewStart.cshtml  文件,如下:


     Layout = "_Layout";


C# code

The Views/_ViewStart.cshtml file brings in the Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml file to each view.

Views/_ViewStart.cshtml  文件将 Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml  文件中的布局设置带给了每一个视图页面。

You can use the Layout property to set a different layout view, or set it to null so no layout file will be used.

你可以设置 Layout 属性,指定一个不同的布局视图,也可以赋值null代表没有任何布局被使用。

Change the title of the Index view.

修改 Index 视图的标题。

Open Views/HelloWorld/Index.cshtml. There are two places to make a change:

打开 Views/HelloWorld/Index.cshtml 文件,这有两个地方需要修改:

  • The text that appears in the title of the browser.


  • The secondary header (<h2> element).


You'll make them slightly different so you can see which bit of code changes which part of the app.



     ViewData["Title"] = "Movie List";


 <h2>My Movie List</h2>

 <p>Hello from our View Template!</p>

HTML code

ViewData["Title"] = "Movie List"; in the code above sets the Title property of the ViewDatadictionary to "Movie List".

在上面的代码中,给 ViewData 中的 Title 属性赋予 "Movie List" 这个值。

The Title property is used in the <title> HTML element in the layout page:

Title 这个属性的值被布局页的 <title> 标签所使用,如下:

 <title>@ViewData["Title"] - Movie App</title>

HTML code

Save your change and navigate to http://localhost:xxxx/HelloWorld.

保存修改,并导航至地址 http://localhost:xxxx/HelloWorld

Notice that the browser title, the primary heading, and the secondary headings have changed.


(If you don't see changes in the browser, you might be viewing cached content.


Press Ctrl+F5 in your browser to force the response from the server to be loaded.)

按 Ctrl+F5 强制浏览器重新从服务器加载。

The browser title is created with ViewData["Title"] we set in the Index.cshtml view template and the additional "- Movie App" added in the layout file.

浏览器的标题由 Index.cshtml  中设置的 ViewData["Title"] 值和布局页中的 "- Movie App"  一起构成。

Also notice how the content in the Index.cshtml view template was merged with the Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml view template and a single HTML response was sent to the browser.

同样需要注意的是,Index.cshtml  视图与 Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml 视图是如何合并在一起并产生一个HTML响应给浏览器的。

Layout templates make it really easy to make changes that apply across all of the pages in your application.


To learn more see Layout.

查看 Layout 可以获得更多相关信息。

Our little bit of "data" (in this case the "Hello from our View Template!" message) is hard-coded, though.


The MVC application has a "V" (view) and you've got a "C" (controller), but no "M" (model) yet.


Passing Data from the Controller to the View


Controller actions are invoked in response to an incoming URL request.


A controller class is where you write the code that handles the incoming browser requests.


The controller retrieves data from a data source and decides what type of response to send back to the browser.


View templates can be used from a controller to generate and format an HTML response to the browser.


Controllers are responsible for providing the data required in order for a view template to render a response.


A best practice: View templates should not perform business logic or interact with a database directly.


Rather, a view template should work only with the data that's provided to it by the controller.


Maintaining this "separation of concerns" helps keep your code clean, testable, and maintainable.


Currently, the Welcome method in the HelloWorldController class takes a name and a IDparameter and then outputs the values directly to the browser.

目前,HelloWorldController 控制器中的 Welcome 方法获取 name 、ID 两个参数并且直接输出一个值响应给浏览器。

Rather than have the controller render this response as a string, let’s change the controller to use a view template instead.


The view template will generate a dynamic response,


which means that you need to pass appropriate bits of data from the controller to the view in order to generate the response.


You can do this by having the controller put the dynamic data (parameters) that the view template needs in a ViewDatadictionary that the view template can then access.

你可以在 ViewData 字典中动态的放入一些数据,然后视图模板就可以访问并使用这些数据。

Return to the HelloWorldController.cs file and change the Welcome method to add a Message and NumTimes value to the ViewData dictionary.

回到 HelloWorldController.cs 文件,修改 Welcome 方法,在 ViewData 字典中加入 Message 和 NumTimes 的值。

The ViewData dictionary is a dynamic object, which means you can put whatever you want in to it;

ViewData 字典是一个动态类型对象,你可以在里面放入任何你想放入的类型;

the ViewData object has no defined properties until you put something inside it.

ViewData 对象在你放入数据前,里面没有任何属性与数据。

The MVC model binding system automatically maps the named parameters (name and numTimes) from the query string in the address bar to parameters in your method.

Mvc 模型绑定系统 会自动将url中的命名参数的值映射赋值到你的action方法上。

The complete HelloWorldController.cs file looks like this:

HelloWorldController.cs 最终的代码如下所示:

 using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

 using System.Text.Encodings.Web;

 namespace MvcMovie.Controllers


     public class HelloWorldController : Controller


         public IActionResult Index()


             return View();


         public IActionResult Welcome(string name, int numTimes = )


             ViewData["Message"] = "Hello " + name;

             ViewData["NumTimes"] = numTimes;

             return View();




C# code

The ViewData dictionary object contains data that will be passed to the view.

ViewData 字典包含了要传递给视图的数据。

Create a Welcome view template named Views/HelloWorld/Welcome.cshtml.

创建视图模板文件并命名为 Views/HelloWorld/Welcome.cshtml

You'll create a loop in the Welcome.cshtml view template that displays "Hello" NumTimes.

你将创建一个循环在 Welcome.cshtml  视图中,显示 NumTimes 次 "Hello" 。

Replace the contents of Views/HelloWorld/Welcome.cshtml with the following:

用下面的代码 替换 Views/HelloWorld/Welcome.cshtml 中的内容:


     ViewData["Title"] = "Welcome";




     @for (int i = 0; i < (int)ViewData["NumTimes"]; i++)





HTML code

Save your changes and browse to the following URL:



Data is taken from the URL and passed to the controller using the MVC model binder .


The controller packages the data into a ViewData dictionary and passes that object to the view.

控制器通过 ViewData 字典对象包裹数据并传递给视图。

The view then renders the data as HTML to the browser.


In the sample above, we used the ViewData dictionary to pass data from the controller to a view.

在上面的例子中,我们使用 ViewData 字典将数据从控制器传递给视图。

Later in the tutorial, we will use a view model to pass data from a controller to a view.

在稍后的教程中,我们会使用一个 vm (视图模型 view model)将数据从控制器传递给视图。

The view model approach to passing data is generally much preferred over the ViewData dictionary approach.

视图模型通过 ViewData 字典传递数据,

See ViewModel vs ViewData vs ViewBag vs TempData vs Session in MVC for more information.

查看 ViewModel vs ViewData vs ViewBag vs TempData vs Session in MVC 以获得更多信息。

Well, that was a kind of an "M" for model, but not the database kind. Let's take what we've learned and create a database of movies.

好了,这是M的一种,但不是数据库那种 model,让我用学到的创建一个DB 电影库。(看下一节)


                                    2017-07-14 17:06 周五

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