seaborn.distplot(a, bins=None, hist=True, kde=True, rug=False, fit=None, hist_kws=None, kde_kws=None, rug_kws=None, fit_kws=None, color=None, vertical=False, norm_hist=False, axlabel=None, label=None, ax=None)
- a:传入的一维数据
- bins:控制直方图的竖直的长方形的数量
- hist:是否绘制直方图
- kde:是否绘制高斯和密度估计曲线
- rug:是否在坐标轴上绘制rug
- fit:An object with fit method, returning a tuple that can be passed to a pdf method a positional arguments following an grid of values to evaluate the pdf on.
- color:设置颜色
- vertical:设置为true,观察值在y轴
- norm_hist:设置为true,直方图显示的是密度而不是count数
- axlabel:Name for the support axis label
- label:Legend label for the relevent component of the plot
- ax:if provided, plot on this axis
- ax: matplotlib Axes.Returns the Axes object with the plot for further tweaking
seaborn.kdeplot(data, data2=None, shade=False, vertical=False, kernel='gau', bw='scott', gridsize=100, cut=3, clip=None, legend=True, cumulative=False, shade_lowest=True, cbar=False, cbar_ax=None, cbar_kws=None, ax=None, **kwargs)
- data:Input data
- data2:Second input data. If present, a bivariate KDE will be estimated.
- shade:If True, shade in the area under the KDE curve (or draw with filled contours when data is bivariate)
- vertical:If True, density is on x-axis
- kernel:{‘gau’ | ‘cos’ | ‘biw’ | ‘epa’ | ‘tri’ | ‘triw’ } optional.
Code for shape of kernel to fit with. Bivariate KDE can only use gaussian kernel. bw
:{‘scott’ | ‘silverman’ | scalar | pair of scalars }, optional
Name of reference method to determine kernel size, scalar factor, or scalar for each dimension of the bivariate plot.- gridsize:int,optional.Number of discrete points in the evaluation grid.(评估网格中的离散点的数量)
- cut:scalar,optional.Draw the estimate to cut * bw from the extreme data points.
- clipt:Lower and upper bounds for datapoints used to fit KDE. Can provide a pair of (low, high) bounds for bivariate plots.定义上下界
- legend:If True, add a legend or label the axes when possible.添加图例
- cumulative:If True, draw the cumulative distribution estimated by the kde.累积概率密度
- shade_lowest:If True, shade the lowest contour of a bivariate KDE plot. Not relevant when drawing a univariate plot or when shade=False. Setting this to False can be useful when you want multiple densities on the same Axes.
- cbar:If True and drawing a bivariate KDE plot, add a colorbar.
- cbar_ax:Existing axes to draw the colorbar onto, otherwise space is taken from the main axes.
- cbar_kws:Keyword arguments for
. - ax:Axes to plot on, otherwise uses current axes.
- kwargs:Other keyword arguments are passed to
depending on whether a univariate or bivariate plot is being drawn.
ax:Axes with plot
(x, y, data=None, x_estimator=None, x_bins=None, x_ci='ci', scatter=True, fit_reg=True, ci=95, n_boot=1000, units=None, order=1, logistic=False, lowess=False, robust=False, logx=False, x_partial=None, y_partial=None, truncate=False, dropna=True, x_jitter=None, y_jitter=None, label=None, color=None, marker='o', scatter_kws=None, line_kws=None, ax=None)
- x, y: string, series, or vector array
Input variables. If strings, these should correspond with column names in data. When pandas objects are used, axes will be labeled with the series name. - data : DataFrame
Tidy (“long-form”) dataframe where each column is a variable and each row is an observation. - x_estimator : callable that maps vector -> scalar, optional
Apply this function to each unique value of x and plot the resulting estimate. This is useful when x is a discrete variable. If x_ci is given, this estimate will be bootstrapped and a confidence interval will be drawn. - x_bins : int or vector, optional
Bin the x variable into discrete bins and then estimate the central tendency and a confidence interval. This binning only influences how the scatterplot is drawn; the regression is still fit to the original data. This parameter is interpreted either as the number of evenly-sized (not necessary spaced) bins or the positions of the bin centers. When this parameter is used, it implies that the default of x_estimator is numpy.mean. - x_ci : “ci”, “sd”, int in [0, 100] or None, optional
Size of the confidence interval used when plotting a central tendency for discrete values of x. If "ci", defer to the value of the ci parameter. If "sd", skip bootstrappig and show the standard deviation of the observations in each bin. - scatter : bool, optional 是否绘制散点图
If True, draw a scatterplot with the underlying observations (or the x_estimator values). - fit_reg : bool, optional 是否绘制拟合曲线
If True, estimate and plot a regression model relating the x and y variables. - ci : int in [0, 100] or None, optional 回归估计的置信区间的大小
Size of the confidence interval for the regression estimate. This will be drawn using translucent bands around the regression line. The confidence interval is estimated using a bootstrap; for large datasets, it may be advisable to avoid that computation by setting this parameter to None. - n_boot : int, optional
Number of bootstrap resamples used to estimate the ci. The default value attempts to balance time and stability; you may want to increase this value for “final” versions of plots. - units : variable name in data, optional
If the x and y observations are nested within sampling units, those can be specified here. This will be taken into account when computing the confidence intervals by performing a multilevel bootstrap that resamples both units and observations (within unit). This does not otherwise influence how the regression is estimated or drawn. - order : int, optional 如果order大于1,则用polyfit进行多项式回归
If order is greater than 1, use numpy.polyfit to estimate a polynomial regression. - logistic : bool, optional 逻辑回归
If True, assume that y is a binary variable and use statsmodels to estimate a logistic regression model. Note that this is substantially more computationally intensive than linear regression, so you may wish to decrease the number of bootstrap resamples (n_boot) or set ci to None. - lowess : bool, optional
If True, use statsmodels to estimate a nonparametric lowess model (locally weighted linear regression). Note that confidence intervals cannot currently be drawn for this kind of model. - robust : bool, optional 减轻异常值,进行强回归
If True, use statsmodels to estimate a robust regression. This will de-weight outliers. Note that this is substantially more computationally intensive than standard linear regression, so you may wish to decrease the number of bootstrap resamples (n_boot) or set ci to None. - logx : bool, optional y=log(x)的回归,x必须为正数
If True, estimate a linear regression of the form y ~ log(x), but plot the scatterplot and regression model in the input space. Note that x must be positive for this to work. - {x,y}_partial : strings in data or matrices
Confounding variables to regress out of the x or y variables before plotting. - truncate : bool, optional 截取一部分
By default, the regression line is drawn to fill the x axis limits after the scatterplot is drawn. If truncate is True, it will instead by bounded by the data limits. - {x,y}_jitter : floats, optional 增加噪音值
Add uniform random noise of this size to either the x or y variables. The noise is added to a copy of the data after fitting the regression, and only influences the look of the scatterplot. This can be helpful when plotting variables that take discrete values. - label : string
Label to apply to ether the scatterplot or regression line (if scatter is False) for use in a legend. - color : matplotlib color
Color to apply to all plot elements; will be superseded by colors passed in scatter_kws or line_kws. - marker : matplotlib marker code
Marker to use for the scatterplot glyphs. - {scatter,line}_kws : dictionaries
Additional keyword arguments to pass to plt.scatter and plt.plot. - ax : matplotlib Axes, optional
Axes object to draw the plot onto, otherwise uses the current Axes.
ax : matplotlib Axes
The Axes object containing the plot
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