package clientv3

import (
    pb ""   //protobuffer  
    ""   //google  rpc 框架

type (
    CompactResponse pb.CompactionResponse  //带压缩的响应
    PutResponse     pb.PutResponse   //添加响应
    GetResponse     pb.RangeResponse  // 带区间的响应
    DeleteResponse  pb.DeleteRangeResponse  // 删除带区间数据的响应
    TxnResponse     pb.TxnResponse    //带事务的响应

type KV interface {
    // Put puts a key-value pair into etcd.
    // Note that key,value can be plain bytes array and string is
    // an immutable representation of that bytes array.
       //注意:键值对可以是字节数组或者字符串  字符串是原子性的字节数组
    // To get a string of bytes, do string([]byte(0x10, 0x20)).
    Put(ctx context.Context, key, val string, opts ...OpOption) (*PutResponse, error)

    // Get retrieves keys.
    // By default, Get will return the value for "key", if any.
        //默认 获取键对应的值  在任何情况下
    // When passed WithRange(end), Get will return the keys in the range [key, end).
        //当opts 使用了 WithRange(end),将得到键对应的区间[key, end)之间的值
    // When passed WithFromKey(), Get returns keys greater than or equal to key.
             //opts 使用了WithFromKey(),得到大于等于当前key 对应的value
    // When passed WithRev(rev) with rev > 0, Get retrieves keys at the given revision;
                //当opts 使用了 WithRev(rev),如果版本号rev>0 获取指定的版本号对应的value
    // if the required revision is compacted, the request will fail with ErrCompacted .
    // When passed WithLimit(limit), the number of returned keys is bounded by limit.
             //当opts 使用了 WithLimit(limit),将得到键对应的区间[key最小值  默认的   end [limit   )的值   例如:  key为 foo   实际的key为 fooN。。。。到foolimit  之间对应的value
    // When passed WithSort(), the keys will be sorted.
             //当opts 使用了 WithSort(),得到的值将排序  按照字典的顺序来排序
    Get(ctx context.Context, key string, opts ...OpOption) (*GetResponse, error)

    // Delete deletes a key, or optionally using WithRange(end), [key, end).
       //  删除一个键值对    更常使用 WithRange(end), [key, end).
    Delete(ctx context.Context, key string, opts ...OpOption) (*DeleteResponse, error)

    // Compact compacts etcd KV history before the given rev.
               // 压缩etcd kv历史数据  通常再给出版本号之前
    Compact(ctx context.Context, rev int64, opts ...CompactOption) (*CompactResponse, error)

    // Do applies a single Op on KV without a transaction.
    // Do is useful when declaring operations to be issued at a later time
    // whereas Get/Put/Delete are for better suited for when the operation
    // should be immediately issued at time of declaration.

    // Do applies a single Op on KV without a transaction.
    // Do is useful when creating arbitrary operations to be issued at a
    // later time; the user can range over the operations, calling Do to
    // execute them. Get/Put/Delete, on the other hand, are best suited
    // for when the operation should be issued at the time of declaration.
    Do(ctx context.Context, op Op) (OpResponse, error)

    // Txn creates a transaction.
    Txn(ctx context.Context) Txn
type OpResponse struct {
    put *PutResponse
    get *GetResponse
    del *DeleteResponse

func (op OpResponse) Put() *PutResponse    { return op.put }
func (op OpResponse) Get() *GetResponse    { return op.get }
func (op OpResponse) Del() *DeleteResponse { return op.del }
type kv struct {
    remote pb.KVClient
//创建kv 服务  带着指定的客户端
func NewKV(c *Client) KV {
    return &kv{remote: RetryKVClient(c)}
//创建一个kv服务客户端  带着指定的protobuffer 客户端
func NewKVFromKVClient(remote pb.KVClient) KV {
    return &kv{remote: remote}
//kv结构体实现了 kv接口
func (kv *kv) Put(ctx context.Context, key, val string, opts ...OpOption) (*PutResponse, error) {
    r, err := kv.Do(ctx, OpPut(key, val, opts...))
    return r.put, toErr(ctx, err)

func (kv *kv) Get(ctx context.Context, key string, opts ...OpOption) (*GetResponse, error) {
    r, err := kv.Do(ctx, OpGet(key, opts...))
    return r.get, toErr(ctx, err)

func (kv *kv) Delete(ctx context.Context, key string, opts ...OpOption) (*DeleteResponse, error) {
    r, err := kv.Do(ctx, OpDelete(key, opts...))
    return r.del, toErr(ctx, err)

func (kv *kv) Compact(ctx context.Context, rev int64, opts ...CompactOption) (*CompactResponse, error) {
    resp, err := kv.remote.Compact(ctx, OpCompact(rev, opts...).toRequest())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, toErr(ctx, err)
    return (*CompactResponse)(resp), err

func (kv *kv) Txn(ctx context.Context) Txn {
    return &txn{
        kv:  kv,
        ctx: ctx,

func (kv *kv) Do(ctx context.Context, op Op) (OpResponse, error) {
    for {
        resp, err :=, op)
        if err == nil {
            return resp, nil

        if isHaltErr(ctx, err) {
            return resp, toErr(ctx, err)
        // do not retry on modifications
        if op.isWrite() {
            return resp, toErr(ctx, err)

func (kv *kv) do(ctx context.Context, op Op) (OpResponse, error) {
    var err error
    switch op.t {
    // TODO: handle other ops
    case tRange:
        var resp *pb.RangeResponse
        resp, err = kv.remote.Range(ctx, op.toRangeRequest(), grpc.FailFast(false))
        if err == nil {
            return OpResponse{get: (*GetResponse)(resp)}, nil
    case tPut:
        var resp *pb.PutResponse
        r := &pb.PutRequest{Key: op.key, Value: op.val, Lease: int64(op.leaseID), PrevKv: op.prevKV}
        resp, err = kv.remote.Put(ctx, r)
        if err == nil {
            return OpResponse{put: (*PutResponse)(resp)}, nil
    case tDeleteRange:
        var resp *pb.DeleteRangeResponse
        r := &pb.DeleteRangeRequest{Key: op.key, RangeEnd: op.end, PrevKv: op.prevKV}
        resp, err = kv.remote.DeleteRange(ctx, r)
        if err == nil {
            return OpResponse{del: (*DeleteResponse)(resp)}, nil
        panic("Unknown op")
    return OpResponse{}, err


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