cocos2dx 3.6源码分析之文件路径
void addSearchPath(const std::string & path, const bool front=false);
virtual void addSearchResolutionsOrder(const std::string &order,const bool front=false);
virtual std::string fullPathForFilename(const std::string &filename) const;
void FileUtils::addSearchPath(const std::string &searchpath,const bool front)
std::string prefix;
if (!isAbsolutePath(searchpath))
prefix = _defaultResRootPath; std::string path = prefix + searchpath;
if (path.length() > && path[path.length()-] != '/')
path += "/";
if (front) {
_searchPathArray.insert(_searchPathArray.begin(), path);
} else {
void FileUtils::addSearchResolutionsOrder(const std::string &order,const bool front)
std::string resOrder = order;
if (!resOrder.empty() && resOrder[resOrder.length()-] != '/')
resOrder.append("/"); if (front) {
_searchResolutionsOrderArray.insert(_searchResolutionsOrderArray.begin(), resOrder);
} else {
std::string FileUtils::fullPathForFilename(const std::string &filename) const
if (filename.empty())
return "";
} if (isAbsolutePath(filename))
return filename;
} // Already Cached ?
auto cacheIter = _fullPathCache.find(filename);
if(cacheIter != _fullPathCache.end())
return cacheIter->second;
} // Get the new file name.
const std::string newFilename( getNewFilename(filename) ); std::string fullpath; for (const auto& searchIt : _searchPathArray)
for (const auto& resolutionIt : _searchResolutionsOrderArray)
fullpath = this->getPathForFilename(newFilename, resolutionIt, searchIt); if (fullpath.length() > )
// Using the filename passed in as key.
_fullPathCache.insert(std::make_pair(filename, fullpath));
return fullpath;
} }
} if(isPopupNotify()){
CCLOG("cocos2d: fullPathForFilename: No file found at %s. Possible missing file.", filename.c_str());
} // The file wasn't found, return empty string.
return "";
std::string FileUtils::getPathForFilename(const std::string& filename, const std::string& resolutionDirectory, const std::string& searchPath) const
std::string file = filename;
std::string file_path = "";
size_t pos = filename.find_last_of("/");
if (pos != std::string::npos)
file_path = filename.substr(, pos+);
file = filename.substr(pos+);
} // searchPath + file_path + resourceDirectory
std::string path = searchPath;
path += file_path;
path += resolutionDirectory; path = getFullPathForDirectoryAndFilename(path, file); //CCLOG("getPathForFilename, fullPath = %s", path.c_str());
return path;
找到最后一个"/"出现的位置,如果filename字符串中没有"/",则Path = searchPath + resolutionDirectory,这里path只是文件夹路径,所以searchPath和resolutionDirectory也可以是多级目录路径。
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