Problem Description:
You are attempting to shut down the database and the database hangs.  The
alert log contains the following message:
   SHUTDOWN: Waiting for active calls to complete
There are no other error messages in the alert log.

Solution Description:

Caveat:   This note is intended for Unix platforms primarily, but we should
address this issue on Windows platforms as well.  On Windows, stopping the
service is a valid workaround for these errors.

Locate and kill any client connections to the database at the Unix level, as
1. Locate any client connections to the database using ps, and grep for any
   processes belonging to this.
       Example: ps -ef | grep V733
2. Look for processes that include a 'Local=No' designation.
       Example: osupport 6235 1 0 Nov 24  0:01 oracleV733  (LOCAL=NO)
3. Kill the Unix process(es) with the 'Local=No' designation.
       Example: Kill -9 6235

The database is waiting for pmon to clean up processes, but pmon is unable to
clean them. The client connections to the server are causing the shutdown
immediate or normal to hang.  Killing them allows pmon to clean up and release
the associated Oracle processes and resources.

What resources are we talking about?

1) Any non committed transactions must be rolled back
2) Any temporary space (sort segments / lobs / session temporary tables) must be freed
3) The session itself and any associated memory consumed by the session.
4) Internal locks / enqueues must be cleaned up

Often Oracle (SMON or PMON depending on whether Shared Server is used) will wait for the OS to terminate the process(es) associated with the session.  I the

OS never returns, or fails to terminate them, then the instance shutdown will hang with this message (Shutdown Waiting for Active Calls to Complete)

Other means exist to achieve a quick shutdown, as outlined inNote 386408.1- What Is The Fastest Way To Cleanly Shutdown An Oracle Database?

Note that in E-Business Environments, the same messages can be produced if the database shutdown process starts before the concurrent manager stops in the

application server .

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