A palindrome is a nonempty string over some alphabet that reads the same forward
and backward. Examples of palindromes are all strings of length 1, civic,
racecar, and aibohphobia (fear of palindromes).
Give an efficient algorithm to find the longest palindrome that is a subsequence
of a given input string. For example, given the input character, your algorithm
should return carac. What is the running time of your algorithm?

struct Palindrome {
std::string strPalindrome;
std::string strFront;
std::string strEnd;
}; using VectorOfVectorOfIntermediate = std::vector<std::vector<Palindrome>>; std::string findLongestPalindrome(const std::string &strInput) {
VectorOfVectorOfIntermediate vecVecIntermediate = VectorOfVectorOfIntermediate(strInput.size(), std::vector<Palindrome>(strInput.size() + ));
for ( int i = ; i < strInput.size(); ++ i ) {
vecVecIntermediate[i][].strPalindrome = strInput[i];
vecVecIntermediate[i][].strFront = "";
vecVecIntermediate[i][].strEnd = "";
} for ( int i = ; i < strInput.size() - ; ++ i ) {
if ( strInput[i] == strInput[i + ]) {
vecVecIntermediate[i][].strPalindrome = strInput.substr(i, );
vecVecIntermediate[i][].strFront = "";
vecVecIntermediate[i][].strEnd = "";
}else {
vecVecIntermediate[i][].strPalindrome = strInput[i];
vecVecIntermediate[i][].strEnd = strInput[i+];
} for ( int L = ; L <= strInput.size(); L += ) {
for ( int n = ; n <= strInput.size() - L; ++ n ) {
size_t findPos; Palindrome p2 = vecVecIntermediate[n][L-];
p2.strEnd.push_back ( strInput[n + L - ] );
findPos = p2.strFront.find_first_of ( p2.strEnd );
if ( findPos != std::string::npos) {
auto charFind = p2.strFront[findPos];
p2.strPalindrome.insert ( p2.strPalindrome.begin(), charFind );
p2.strPalindrome.push_back ( charFind );
p2.strFront = p2.strFront.substr ( , findPos );
findPos = p2.strEnd.find ( charFind );
p2.strEnd = p2.strEnd.substr ( findPos + );
} Palindrome p3 = vecVecIntermediate[n+][L-];
p3.strFront.insert ( p3.strFront.begin(), strInput[n] );
findPos = p3.strFront.find_first_of ( p3.strEnd );
if ( findPos != std::string::npos) {
auto charFind = p3.strFront[findPos];
p3.strPalindrome.insert ( p3.strPalindrome.begin(), charFind );
p3.strPalindrome.push_back ( charFind );
p3.strFront = p3.strFront.substr ( , findPos );
findPos = p3.strEnd.find ( charFind );
p3.strEnd = p3.strEnd.substr ( findPos + );
} std::vector<Palindrome> vecP{p2, p3};
int nMaxIndex = ;
for ( int index = ; index < vecP.size(); ++ index ) {
if ( vecP[index].strPalindrome.length() > vecP[nMaxIndex].strPalindrome.length() ) {
nMaxIndex = index;
vecVecIntermediate[n][L] = vecP[nMaxIndex];
return vecVecIntermediate[][strInput.size()].strPalindrome;
} void Test_findLongestPalindrome()
std::string strTestCase("a");
auto strPalindrome = findLongestPalindrome ( strTestCase );
std::cout << "Test case " << strTestCase << ", result " << strPalindrome << std::endl;
} {
std::string strTestCase("aa");
auto strPalindrome = findLongestPalindrome ( strTestCase );
std::cout << "Test case " << strTestCase << ", result " << strPalindrome << std::endl;
} {
std::string strTestCase("ab");
auto strPalindrome = findLongestPalindrome ( strTestCase );
std::cout << "Test case " << strTestCase << ", result " << strPalindrome << std::endl;
} {
std::string strTestCase("abbac");
auto strPalindrome = findLongestPalindrome ( strTestCase );
std::cout << "Test case " << strTestCase << ", result " << strPalindrome << std::endl;
} {
std::string strTestCase("abcdefghijkjhgfed");
auto strPalindrome = findLongestPalindrome ( strTestCase );
std::cout << "Test case " << strTestCase << ", result " << strPalindrome << std::endl;
} {
std::string strTestCase("character");
auto strPalindrome = findLongestPalindrome ( strTestCase );
std::cout << "Test case " << strTestCase << ", result " << strPalindrome << std::endl;
} {
std::string strTestCase("GEEKS FOR GEEKS");
auto strPalindrome = findLongestPalindrome ( strTestCase );
std::cout << "Test case " << strTestCase << ", result " << strPalindrome << std::endl;

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