参考 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/119442308



pivot: The normalized position in this RectTransform that it rotates around.
pivot: 旋转中心点的归一化位置(使用自己的宽高归一化)
pivotPos = rectMinPos + rect.size * pivot localPosition: Position of the transform relative to the parent transform
localPosition: 相对于父节点的位置
localPosition2D = pivotPos rect.min: The position of the minimum corner of the rectangle.
rect.min: 左下角的位置(相对于谁?应该是中心点pivot坐标)
rect.max: 右上角的位置
rectMinPos = rect.min + pivotPos
rectMaxPos = rect.max + pivotPos anchorMin: The normalized position in the parent RectTransform that the lower left corner is anchored to.
anchorMin: 左下角相对于父节点(左下角)的归一化位置(使用父节点宽高归一化)
anchorMax: 右上角相对于父节点的归一化位置
anchorMin = (anchorMinPos - parentRect.min) / parentRect.size
anchorMax = (anchorMaxPos - parentRect.min) / parentRect.size
anchorMinPos = parentRect.min + anchorMin * parentRect.size
anchorMaxPos = parentRect.min + anchorMax * parentRect.size anchoredPosition: The position of the pivot of this RectTransform relative to the anchor reference point.
anchoredPosition: 中心点相对于"the anchor reference point"的位
anchoredPosition = pivotPos - (anchorMinPos + (anchorMaxPos - anchorMinPos) * pivot) offsetMin: The offset of the lower left corner of the rectangle relative to the lower left anchor
offsetMin: 左下角相对于左下锚点的偏移
offsetMax: 右上角相对于右上锚点的偏移
offsetMin = rectMinPos - anchorMinPos
offsetMax = rectMaxPos - anchorMaxPos sizeDelta: The size of this RectTransform relative to the distances between the anchors.
sizeDelta: 宽高与锚点之间宽高的差值
sizeDelta = rect.size - (anchorMaxPos - anchorMinPos)
= (rectMaxPos - rectMinPos) - (anchorMaxPos - anchorMinPos)
= (rectMaxPos - anchorMaxPos) - (rectMinPos - anchorMinPos)
= offsetMax - offsetMin

1. 从localPosition到anchoredPosition

// 计算自身的anchoredPosition(直接从RectTransform获取即可,这里只演示推导流程,没有实用性)
public static Vector2 GetAnchoredPosition(RectTransform transform)
/* 计算推导
anchoredPosition = pivotPos - (anchorMinPos + (anchorMaxPos - anchorMinPos) * pivot)
到这里其实就已经可以算了, 只是步骤多一点, 继续化简以达到参考文章的公式
代入 sizeDelta = rect.size - (anchorMaxPos - anchorMinPos)
anchoredPosition = pivotPos - anchorMinPos - (rect.size - sizeDelta) * pivot
代入 pivotPos = localPosition2D = rectMinPos + rect.size * pivot
anchoredPosition = rectMinPos + rect.size * pivot - anchorMinPos - rect.size * pivot + sizeDelta * pivot
= rectMinPos - anchorMinPos + sizeDelta * pivot
代入 offsetMin = rectMinPos - anchorMinPos
anchoredPosition = offsetMin + sizeDelta * pivot
*/ if (transform == null || transform.Equals(null)) return Vector2.zero;
return transform.offsetMin + sizeDelta * pivot;
} public static Vector2 LocalToAnchoredPosition(RectTransform transform, Vector2 localPosition2D)
if (transform == null || transform.Equals(null)) return Vector2.zero;
RectTransform parent = transform.parent?.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
if (parent == null) return Vector2.zero; // 在传入localPosition2D的情况下, 就不能使用刚才化简的结果了, 使用最早一版的公式
Rect parentRect = parent.rect;
Vector2 pivot = transform.pivot;
Vector2 anchorMin = transform.anchorMin;
Vector2 anchorMax = transform.anchorMax;
Vector2 anchorMinPos = parentRect.min + anchorMin * parentRect.size;
Vector2 anchorMaxPos = parentRect.min + anchorMax * parentRect.size; return localPosition2D - (anchorMinPos + (anchorMaxPos - anchorMinPos) * pivot);

2. 从anchoredPosition到localPosition

// 刚才的函数反向一下即可
public static Vector2 AnchoredToLocalPosition(RectTransform transform, Vector2 anchoredPosition)
if (transform == null || transform.Equals(null)) return Vector2.zero;
RectTransform parent = transform.parent?.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
if (parent == null) return Vector2.zero; Rect parentRect = parent.rect;
Vector2 pivot = transform.pivot;
Vector2 anchorMin = transform.anchorMin;
Vector2 anchorMax = transform.anchorMax;
Vector2 anchorMinPos = parentRect.min + anchorMin * parentRect.size;
Vector2 anchorMaxPos = parentRect.min + anchorMax * parentRect.size; return anchoredPosition + (anchorMinPos + (anchorMaxPos - anchorMinPos) * pivot);

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