本来想把PB 的函数封装成COM组件调用,结果怎么都搞不定,只能讲代码搞出来换种语言实现了.

string s_ret
integer i_first,i_second,i_third,i_fourth
integer by4,i,reallen
long i_total
string is_key
string is_base64
string EncMap[ to ]
int DecMap[ to ]
integer by3
is_base64 = is_base64 + "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
is_base64 = is_base64 + ""
is_base64 = is_base64 + "+/"
for i = to
for i = to
DecMap[asc(EncMap[i])] = i
choose case a_type
case //加密
s_ret = ""
if len(a_text)= then
return s_ret
end if
by3=len(a_text) - mod(len(a_text),)
do while i<= by3
i_first = asc(mid(a_text,i + ,))
i_second = asc(mid(a_text, i + ,))
i_third = asc(mid(a_text,i + ,))
s_ret = s_ret + encmap[i_first / ]
s_ret = s_ret + encmap[mod(i_first , ) * + i_second / ]
s_ret = s_ret + encmap[mod(i_second , ) * + i_third / ]
s_ret = s_ret + encmap[mod(i_third , )]
i = i +
if i <= len(a_text) then
i_first = asc(mid(a_text, i + , ))
if mod(len(a_text), )= then
i_second =asc(mid(a_text,i+,))
s_ret = s_ret + encmap[i_first / ]
s_ret = s_ret + encmap[mod(i_first , ) * + i_second / ]
s_ret = s_ret + encmap[mod(i_second , ) * ]
s_ret = s_ret + "="
s_ret = s_ret + encmap[i_first / ]
s_ret = s_ret + encmap[mod(i_first,) * ]
s_ret = s_ret + "=="
end if
end if
i_len = len(s_ret)
s_ret = left(string(i_len+),) + s_ret case //解密
if len(a_text)= then
s_ret = ""
return s_ret
end if
reallen = len(a_text)
do while mid(a_text,reallen,) = "="
reallen = reallen -
by4=reallen - mod(reallen,)
do while i<= by4
i_first = decmap[asc(mid(a_text,i + ,))]
i_second = decmap[asc(mid(a_text, i + ,))]
i_third = decmap[asc(mid(a_text,i + ,))]
i_fourth = decmap[asc(mid(a_text,i + ,))]
s_ret = s_ret + char(i_first * + i_second / )
s_ret = s_ret + char(mod(i_second,) * + i_third / )
if mod(i_third,) * + i_fourth <> then
s_ret = s_ret + char(mod(i_third,) * + i_fourth)
end if
i = i +
if i<= reallen then //只可能是xx==或xxx=两种形式有效
if mod(reallen,) = then //xx==形式
i_first = decmap[asc(mid(a_text,i + ,))]
i_second = decmap[asc(mid(a_text, i + ,))]
s_ret = s_ret + char(i_first * + i_second / )
s_ret = s_ret + char(mod(i_second,) * )
i_first = decmap[asc(mid(a_text,i + ,))]
i_second = decmap[asc(mid(a_text, i + ,))]
i_third = decmap[asc(mid(a_text,i + ,))]
s_ret = s_ret + char(i_first * + i_second / )
s_ret = s_ret + char(mod(i_second,) * + i_third / )
end if
end if end choose
return s_ret
        public static string right(string s1, int str)
return s1.Substring(s1.Trim().Length - str, str);
} public static string left(string s1, int str)
return s1.Substring( , str);
} public static char mid(string s1, int str, int len)
return s1.Substring(str, len).ToArray()[];
} public static int asc(char c1)
} public static int mod(int x,int y)
return x % y;
} public static int len(string s1)
return s1.Length;
} public static string encrypt(string a_text, string type = "")
string s_ret;
int i_first, i_second, i_third, i_fourth;
int by4, i, reallen;
long i_total;
string is_key;
string is_base64;
char[] encmap = new char[];
int[] decmap = new int[];
int by3 = ;
long i_len; is_base64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
is_base64 = is_base64 + "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
is_base64 = is_base64 + "";
is_base64 = is_base64 + "+/"; char[] tk = is_base64.ToCharArray(); for (i = ; i <= ; i++)
encmap[i] = tk[i];
} for (i = ; i <= ; i++)
int tp = (int)asc(encmap[i]);
decmap[tp] = i;
} s_ret = "";
if (a_text.Trim() == "")
return s_ret;
} if (type == "")
by3 = a_text.Length - (a_text.Length % ); i = ;
while (i < by3)
i_first = asc(mid(a_text, i + , )); i_second = asc(mid(a_text, i + , ));
i_third = asc(mid(a_text, i + , ));
s_ret = s_ret + encmap[i_first / ];
s_ret = s_ret + encmap[mod(i_first, ) * + i_second / ];
s_ret = s_ret + encmap[mod(i_second, ) * + i_third / ];
s_ret = s_ret + encmap[mod(i_third, )];
i = i + ;
if (i < len(a_text))
i_first = asc(mid(a_text, i + , ));
if ((a_text.Length % ) == )
i_second = asc(mid(a_text, i + , ));
s_ret = s_ret + encmap[i_first / ];
s_ret = s_ret + encmap[mod(i_first, ) * + i_second / ];
s_ret = s_ret + encmap[mod(i_second, ) * ];
s_ret = s_ret + "=";
s_ret = s_ret + encmap[i_first / ];
s_ret = s_ret + encmap[mod(i_first, ) * ];
s_ret = s_ret + "==";
i_len = len(s_ret);
s_ret = left((i_len + ).ToString(), ) + s_ret;
{ a_text = right(a_text, len(a_text) - );
reallen = len(a_text);
while (mid(a_text, reallen - , ) == '=')
reallen = reallen - ;
} by4 = reallen - mod(reallen, ); i = ; while (i < by4)
i_first = decmap[asc(mid(a_text, i + , ))];
i_second = decmap[asc(mid(a_text, i + , ))];
i_third = decmap[asc(mid(a_text, i + , ))];
i_fourth = decmap[asc(mid(a_text, i + , ))];
s_ret = s_ret + (char)(i_first * + i_second / );
s_ret = s_ret + (char)(mod(i_second, ) * + i_third / );
if (mod(i_third, ) * + i_fourth != )
s_ret = s_ret + (char)(mod(i_third, ) * + i_fourth);
i = i + ;
if (i < reallen)
if (mod(reallen, ) == ) //xx==形式
i_first = decmap[asc(mid(a_text, i + , ))];
i_second = decmap[asc(mid(a_text, i + , ))];
s_ret = s_ret + (char)(i_first * + i_second / );
s_ret = s_ret + (char)(mod(i_second, ) * );
i_first = decmap[asc(mid(a_text, i + , ))];
i_second = decmap[asc(mid(a_text, i + , ))];
i_third = decmap[asc(mid(a_text, i + , ))];
s_ret = s_ret + (char)(i_first * + i_second / );
s_ret = s_ret + (char)(mod(i_second, ) * + i_third / );
return s_ret;


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