
练习6.1 试改写以下类,使它成为一个class template:

class example
example(double min, double max);
example(const double* array, int size);
double& operator[](int index);
bool operator==(const example&) const;
bool insert(const double*, int);
bool insert(double);
double min() const { return _min; }
double max() const { return _max; }
void min(double);
void max(double);
int count(double value) const; private:
int size;
double* parray;
double _min;
double _max;


template <typename elemType>
class example
example(const elemType& min, const elemType& max);
example(const elemType* array, int size);
elemType& operator[](int index);
bool operator==(const example&) const;
bool insert(const elemType*, int);
bool insert(const elemType&);
elemType min() const { return _min; }
elemType max() const { return _max; }
void min(const elemType&);
void max(const elemType&);
int count(const elemType& value) const; private:
int _size;
elemType* _parray;
elemType _min;
elemType _max;

练习6.2 重新以template形式实现练习4.3的Matrix class,并扩充其功能,使它能够通过通过heap memory(堆内存)来支持任意行列大小。分配/释放内存的操作,请在constructor/destructor中进行。

#ifndef MATRIX_H
#define MATRIX_H
#include <iostream>
using namespace std; template <typename elemType>
class Matrix; template <typename elemType>
class Matrix
friend Matrix operator+ <elemType> (const Matrix&, const Matrix&);
template <typename elemType>
friend Matrix<elemType> operator* (const Matrix<elemType>&, const Matrix<elemType>&); public:
Matrix(int rows, int columns);
Matrix(const Matrix&);
~Matrix() { delete[] _matrix; }
Matrix& operator=(const Matrix&);
void operator+= (const Matrix&);
elemType& operator()(int row, int column)
return _matrix[row * cols() + column];
} const elemType& operator()(int row, int column) const
return _matrix[row * cols() + column];
} int rows() const { return _rows; }
int cols() const { return _cols; } bool same_size(const Matrix& m) const
return rows() == m.rows() && cols() == m.cols();
} bool comfortable(const Matrix& m) const
return (cols() == m.rows());
} ostream& print(ostream&) const; protected:
int _rows;
int _cols;
elemType* _matrix;
}; template <typename elemType>
inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Matrix<elemType>& m)
return m.print(os);
} template<typename elemType>
Matrix<elemType> operator+(const Matrix<elemType>& m1, const Matrix<elemType>& m2)
Matrix<elemType> result(m1);
result += m2;
return result;
} template<typename elemType>
Matrix<elemType> operator * (const Matrix<elemType>& m1, const Matrix<elemType>& m2)
Matrix<elemType> result(m1.rows(), m2.cols());
for (int ix = 0;ix < m1.rows();++ix)
for (int jx = 0;jx < m1.cols();++jx)
result(ix, jx) = 0;
for (int kx = 0;kx < m1.cols();++kx)
result(ix, jx) += m1(ix, kx) * m2(kx, jx);
return result;
} template <typename elemType>
void Matrix<elemType>::operator+=(const Matrix& m)
int matrix_size = cols() * rows();
for (int ix = 0;ix < matrix_size;++ix)
(*(_matrix + ix)) += (*(m._matrix + ix));
} template <typename elemType>
ostream& Matrix<elemType> ::print(ostream& os) const
int col = cols();
int matrix_size = col * rows();
for (int ix = 0;ix < matrix_size;++ix)
if (ix % col == 0)
os << endl;
os << (*(_matrix + ix)) << ' ';
os << endl;
return os;
} template <typename elemType>
Matrix<elemType>& Matrix<elemType>::operator=(const Matrix& rhs)
if (this != &rhs)
_rows = rhs._rows;
_cols = rhs._cols;
int mat_size = _rows * _cols;
delete[] _matrix;
_matrix = new elemType[mat_size];
for (int ix = 0;ix < mat_size;++ix)
_matrix[ix] = rhs._matrix[ix];
return *this;
} template <typename elemType>
Matrix<elemType>::Matrix(int rows, int columns) :_rows(rows), _cols(columns)
int size = _rows * _cols;
_matrix = new elemType[size];
for (int ix = 0;ix < size;++ix)
_matrix[ix] = elemType();
} template <typename elemType>
Matrix<elemType>::Matrix(const Matrix& rhs)
_rows = rhs._rows;
_cols = rhs._cols;
int mat_size = _rows * _cols;
_matrix = new elemType[mat_size];
for (int ix = 0;ix < mat_size;++ix)
_matrix[ix] = rhs._matrix[ix];
} #endif main.cpp #include "Matrix.h"
#include <fstream> int main()
ofstream log("log.txt");
if (!log)
cerr << "can't open log file!\n";
return 0;
} Matrix<float> identity(4, 4);
log << "identity: " << identity << endl;
float ar[16] = { 1.,0.,0.,0.,0.,1.,0.,0.,
0.,0.,1.,0.,0.,0.,0.,1. }; for (int i = 0, k = 0;i < 4;++i)
for (int j = 0;j < 4;++j)
identity(i, j) = ar[k++];
log << "identity after set: " << identity << endl; Matrix<float> m(identity);
log << "m: memberwise initialized: " << m << endl; Matrix<float> m2(8, 12);
log << "m2: 8*12: " << m2 << endl;
m2 = m;
log << "m2 after memberwise assigned to m: "
<< m2 << endl; float ar2[16] = { 1.3,0.4,2.6,8.2,6.2,1.7,1.3,8.3,
4.2,7.4,2.7,1.9,6.3,8.1,5.6,6.6 }; Matrix<float> m3(4, 4);
for (int ix = 0, kx = 0;ix < 4;++ix)
for (int j = 0;j < 4;++j)
m3(ix, j) = ar2[kx++]; log << "m3: assigned random values: " << m3 << endl; Matrix<float> m4 = m3 * identity;
log << m4 << endl;
Matrix<float> m5 = m3 + m4;
log << m5 << endl; m3 += m4;
log << m3 << endl; return 0;

感谢https://www.cnblogs.com/lv-anchoret/p/8342842.htmlhttps://blog.csdn.net/mind_v/article/details/70228402 给出的友元重载解决方法。



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