I kept my head down and glanced up under my lashes.


None of them were looking this way. I lifted my head a little.


They were laughing. Edward, Jasper, and Emmett all had their hairentirely saturated with melting snow.

他们在笑,Edward, Jasper, 和Emmett他们的头发上面都留着雪花。

Alice and Rosalie were leaning awayas Emmett shook his dripping hair toward them.


They were enjoying the snowy day, just like everyone else — only they looked more like a scene from a movie than the rest of us.



But, aside from the laughter and playfulness, there was something different, and I couldn't quite pinpoint what that difference was.



I examined Edward the most carefully. His skin was less pale, I decided —flushed from the snow fight maybe — the circles under his eyes much less noticeable.



But there was something more. I pondered, staring, trying to isolate the change.



"Bella, what are you staring at?" Jessica intruded, her eyes following my stare.



At that precise moment, his eyes flashed over to meet mine.



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