



Image img=null, imgDefaultDa = null, imgDefaultXiao = Image.FromFile(s + "菜单小项.png");
foreach (ToolStripMenuItem mnu in mnu_Main.Items)
{ //循环遍历所有节点
IconPanel m = new IconPanel();
bar.AddBand(mnu.Text, m);
foreach (object o in mnu.DropDownItems)
ToolStripMenuItem mnuSub = null;
if (o is ToolStripSeparator)
else if (o is ToolStripMenuItem)
mnuSub = o as ToolStripMenuItem;
img = mnuSub.Image;
if (img == null) img = imgDefaultXiao;
//Delegate[] ev = gsClass.getComponentEventDelegates(mnuSub, "Click", "EventHandler");
PanelIcon btn = m.AddIcon(mnuSub.Text, img, delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { mnuSub.PerformClick(); });




using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms; namespace iPublic
{ /// <summary>
/// outLook、 xp风格的菜单条,左侧,网上下来修改的,作者不知道是谁
/// i'm 力生智能周承昊。20161226
/// </summary>
public class OutlookBar : Panel
private int buttonHeight;
private int selectedBand;
private int selectedBandHeight;
public int 顶部位置偏移 = ; //zch,20161226
public int 底部位置偏移 = ; public int ButtonHeight
return buttonHeight;
} set
buttonHeight = value;
// do recalc layout for entire bar
} public int SelectedBand
return selectedBand;
} public OutlookBar()
buttonHeight = ;
selectedBand = ;
selectedBandHeight = ;
} public void Initialize()
// parent must exist!
Parent.SizeChanged += new EventHandler(SizeChangedEvent);
} public void AddBand(string caption, ContentPanel content)
content.outlookBar = this;
int index = Controls.Count;
BandTagInfo bti = new BandTagInfo(this, index);
BandPanel bandPanel = new BandPanel(caption, content, bti);
RecalcLayout(bandPanel, index);
} public void SelectBand(int index)
selectedBand = index;
} private void RedrawBands()
for (int i = ; i < Controls.Count; i++)
BandPanel bp = Controls[i] as BandPanel;
RecalcLayout(bp, i);
} private void UpdateBarInfo()
selectedBandHeight = ClientRectangle.Height - (Controls.Count * buttonHeight);
} private void RecalcLayout(BandPanel bandPanel, int index)
int vPos = (index <= selectedBand) ? buttonHeight * index : buttonHeight * index + selectedBandHeight;
int height = selectedBand == index ? selectedBandHeight + buttonHeight : buttonHeight; // the band dimensions
bandPanel.Location = new Point(, vPos);
bandPanel.Size = new Size(ClientRectangle.Width, height); // the contained button dimensions
bandPanel.Controls[].Location = new Point(, );
bandPanel.Controls[].Size = new Size(ClientRectangle.Width, buttonHeight); // the contained content panel dimensions
bandPanel.Controls[].Location = new Point(, buttonHeight);
bandPanel.Controls[].Size = new Size(ClientRectangle.Width - , height - );
} private void SizeChangedEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)
Size = new Size(Size.Width, ((Control)sender).ClientRectangle.Size.Height - 顶部位置偏移 - 底部位置偏移);
} } internal class BandPanel : Panel
public BandPanel(string caption, ContentPanel content, BandTagInfo bti)
BandButton bandButton = new BandButton(caption, bti);
} internal class BandTagInfo
public OutlookBar outlookBar;
public int index; public BandTagInfo(OutlookBar ob, int index)
outlookBar = ob;
this.index = index;
} internal class BandButton : Button
private BandTagInfo bti; public BandButton(string caption, BandTagInfo bti)
Text = caption;
FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Standard;
Visible = true;
this.bti = bti;
Click += new EventHandler(SelectBand);
} private void SelectBand(object sender, EventArgs e)
} public abstract class ContentPanel : Panel
public OutlookBar outlookBar; public ContentPanel()
// initial state
Visible = true;
} /// <summary>
/// 主菜单项
/// </summary>
public class IconPanel : ContentPanel
protected int iconSpacing;
protected int margin; public int IconSpacing
return iconSpacing;
} public int Margin
return margin;
} public IconPanel()
margin = ;
iconSpacing = + + ; // icon height + text height + margin
BackColor = Color.LightBlue;
AutoScroll = true;
} public PanelIcon AddIcon(string caption, Image image, EventHandler onClickEvent)
{ //添加小项按钮
int index = Controls.Count / ; // two entries per icon
PanelIcon result = new PanelIcon(this, image, index, onClickEvent);
Size sz = (image == null ? new Size(, ) : image.Size);
Label label = new Label();
label.Text = caption;
label.Visible = true;
label.Location = new Point(, margin + sz.Height + index * iconSpacing);
label.Size = new Size(Size.Width, );
label.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopCenter;
if (onClickEvent != null) label.Click += onClickEvent;
label.Tag = result;
return result;
} } public class PanelIcon : PictureBox
public int index;
public IconPanel iconPanel; private Color bckgColor;
private bool mouseEnter; public int Index { get { return index; } } public PanelIcon(IconPanel parent, Image image, int index, EventHandler onClickEvent)
{ //新建按钮项
this.index = index;
this.iconPanel = parent;
Image = image;
Visible = true;
Size sz = (image == null ? new Size(, ) : image.Size);
Location = new Point(iconPanel.outlookBar.Size.Width / - sz.Width / ,
iconPanel.Margin + index * iconPanel.IconSpacing);
Size = sz;
if (onClickEvent != null) Click += onClickEvent;
Tag = this; MouseEnter += new EventHandler(OnMouseEnter);
MouseLeave += new EventHandler(OnMouseLeave);
MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(OnMouseMove); bckgColor = iconPanel.BackColor;
mouseEnter = false;
} private void OnMouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs args)
{ //鼠标移动
if ((args.X < Size.Width - ) &&
(args.Y < Size.Width - ) &&
BackColor = Color.LightCyan;
BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
Location = Location - new Size(, );
mouseEnter = true;
} private void OnMouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e)
} private void OnMouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ //鼠标离开
if (!mouseEnter) return;
BackColor = bckgColor;
BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
Location = Location + new Size(, );
mouseEnter = false;
} } #region //调用的例子代码
public class 调用的例子代码
{ private void loadLeftMenuBar(Form form)
{ //加载左侧菜单树
//mnu_Main.Visible = false;
object o = form.Controls.Find("mnu_Main", true), o2 = form.Controls.Find("sts_Main", true);
if (o2 == null) o2 = form.Controls.Find("stb_Main", true);
MenuStrip mnu_Main = (o == null ? null : o as MenuStrip);
StatusStrip sts_Main = (o2 == null ? null : o2 as StatusStrip);
string s = _iDefine.getRootPath() + "\\images\\";
OutlookBar outlookBar = new OutlookBar();
if (mnu_Main != null) outlookBar.顶部位置偏移 = (!mnu_Main.Visible ? : * (mnu_Main.Height + ));
if (sts_Main != null) outlookBar.底部位置偏移 = sts_Main.Height + ;
outlookBar.Location = new Point(, outlookBar.顶部位置偏移);
outlookBar.Size = new Size(, form.ClientSize.Height - outlookBar.顶部位置偏移 - outlookBar.底部位置偏移);
outlookBar.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
IconPanel iconPanel1 = new IconPanel();
IconPanel iconPanel2 = new IconPanel();
IconPanel iconPanel3 = new IconPanel();
outlookBar.AddBand("Outlook Shortcuts", iconPanel1);
outlookBar.AddBand("我的桌面", iconPanel2);
outlookBar.AddBand("Other Shortcuts", iconPanel3);
iconPanel1.AddIcon("Outlook Today", Image.FromFile(s + "img1.ico"), new EventHandler(PanelEvent));
iconPanel1.AddIcon("Calendar", Image.FromFile(s + "img2.ico"), new EventHandler(PanelEvent));
iconPanel1.AddIcon("Contacts", Image.FromFile(s + "img3.ico"), new EventHandler(PanelEvent));
iconPanel1.AddIcon("Tasks", Image.FromFile(s + "img4.ico"), new EventHandler(PanelEvent)); iconPanel2.AddIcon("ABC", Image.FromFile(s + "img4.ico"), new EventHandler(PanelEvent)); iconPanel3.AddIcon("DEFD", Image.FromFile(s + "img4.ico"), new EventHandler(PanelEvent));
} public void PanelEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)
Control ctrl = (Control)sender;
PanelIcon panelIcon = ctrl.Tag as PanelIcon;
MessageBox.Show("#" + panelIcon.Index.ToString(), "Panel Event");
} }
#endregion }


/// <summary>
/// 取一个控件的事件托管清单,例如想判断一个GridView是否定义了PageIndexChanging事件
/// 从CSDN搜来的:http://blog.csdn.net/zxkid/archive/2006/12/15/1444396.aspx
/// </summary>
/// <param name="component">组件对象实例</param>
/// <param name="EventName">事件的名称,如:Click</param>
/// <param name="EventHandlerTypeName">事件委托类型,如"ItemClickEventHander"</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static Delegate[] getComponentEventDelegates(object component, string EventName, string EventHandlerTypeName)
Type componentType = component.GetType();
PropertyInfo eventsPropertyInfo = componentType.GetProperty("Events", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
EventHandlerList eventHanlderList = eventsPropertyInfo.GetValue(component, null) as EventHandlerList;
FieldInfo HeadFieldInfo = eventHanlderList.GetType().GetField("head", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
object HeadObject = HeadFieldInfo.GetValue(eventHanlderList);
FieldInfo[] fieldInfoList = componentType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in fieldInfoList)
object fieldValue = fieldInfo.GetValue(component);
if (fieldValue != null)
Type fieldType = fieldValue.GetType();
if (fieldType.Name == EventHandlerTypeName && (fieldValue as Delegate) != null)
return (fieldValue as Delegate).GetInvocationList();
else if (fieldType.Name == typeof(Object).Name)
if (fieldInfo.Name.IndexOf(EventName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -)
if (HeadObject != null)
Delegate delegateObject = eventHanlderList[fieldValue];
if (delegateObject != null)
return delegateObject.GetInvocationList();
componentType = componentType.BaseType;
while (componentType != null); //循环结束 //
if (HeadObject == null) return null; //没有
object ListEntry = HeadObject;
Type ListEntryType = ListEntry.GetType();
FieldInfo handlerFieldInfo = ListEntryType.GetField("handler", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
FieldInfo keyFieldInfo = ListEntryType.GetField("key", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
FieldInfo nextFieldInfo = ListEntryType.GetField("next", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); while (ListEntry != null)
Delegate handler = handlerFieldInfo.GetValue(ListEntry) as Delegate;
object key = keyFieldInfo.GetValue(ListEntry);
ListEntry = nextFieldInfo.GetValue(ListEntry); if (handler != null && handler.GetType().Name == EventHandlerTypeName)
return handler.GetInvocationList();
return null;



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