rdma centos 7.3安装
rdma centos 7.3安装
yum install epel-release -y
yum install gcc gcc-c++ bc openssl-devel automake ncurses-devel libibverbs -y
yum install libibverbs-devel libibverbs-utils librdmacm librdmacm-devel librdmacm-utils perl-Switch elfutils-libelf-devel -y
2、 librxe-dev 和 rxe-dev下载
Github: https://github.com/SoftRoCE/rxe-dev.git
Github: https://github.com/SoftRoCE/librxe-dev.git
unzip rxe-dev-rxe_submission_v18.zip
cd rxe-dev-rxe_submission_v18/
cp /boot/config-3.10.0-514.el7.x86_64 .config
make menuconfig
会出现选择界面(如果没出现,需要安装 ncurse-devel)
输入 "/" ,然后输入 rxe,按下 enter,会查找有关 rxe 的选择项。
输入数字 1,就会选择到“Software RDMA over Ethernet (ROCE) driver”的设置,输入 "M" ,选中 RDMA 的配置,如果 输不了 M,那就输入空格。
然后 vi .config 来确认
make -j 4
make modules_install ,可能执行中途 会提示 丢失一些 module,这个 没关系,无关紧要。
make install
make headers_install INSTALL_HDR_PATH=/usr
确认 新的内核是否在 grub 引导中。查看 /etc/grub.cfg 即可看见。在开机的时候可以选择 新内核启动
4、安装 librxe-dev
cd librxe-dev
./configure --libdir=/usr/lib64/ --prefix=
make install Here is the issue:
checking for ibv_get_device_list in -libverbs...
checking infiniband/driver.h usability... no
checking infiniband/driver.h presence... no
checking for infiniband/driver.h... no
configure: error: <infiniband/driver.h> not found. librxe requires libibverbs.
How to fix?
rxe-dev and librxe_dev these two repositories lack maintenance. And the RDMA-core has already contrained all the RXE utilities. So please use RDMA-core instead of librxe-dev.
uname -r
5、验证 rdma
[root@aboss ~]# rxe_cfg start
Name Link Driver Speed NMTU IPv4_addr RDEV RMTU
ens33 yes e1000
virbr0 no bridge
virbr0-nic no tun
[root@aboss ~]# rxe_cfg add ens33
[root@aboss ~]# rxe_cfg status
Name Link Driver Speed NMTU IPv4_addr RDEV RMTU
ens33 yes e1000 rxe0 1024 (3)
virbr0 no bridge
virbr0-nic no tun
ibvdevices 程序显示该系统中目前所有设备,而 ibvdevinfo 命令会给出每个设备的具体信息
[root@aboss ~]# ibv_devices
device node GUID
------ ----------------
rxe0 020c29fffe55c818
[root@aboss ~]# ibv_devinfo rxe0
hca_id: rxe0
transport: InfiniBand (0)
fw_ver: 0.0.0
node_guid: 020c:29ff:fe55:c818
sys_p_w_picpath_guid: 0000:0000:0000:0000
vendor_id: 0x0000
vendor_part_id: 0
hw_ver: 0x0
phys_port_cnt: 1
port: 1
state: PORT_ACTIVE (4)
max_mtu: 4096 (5)
active_mtu: 1024 (3)
sm_lid: 0
port_lid: 0
port_lmc: 0x00
link_layer: Ethernet
rping -s -a -v -C 10
rping -c -a -v -C 10
Test connectivity.
- On the server:
1 |
ibv_rc_pingpong -d rxe0 -g 0 |
- On the client:
1 |
ibv_rc_pingpong -d rxe0 -g 0 <server_management_ip> |
e.g Client:
1 |
kevin@ubuntu:~$ ibv_rc_pingpong -g 0 -d rxe0 -i 1 |
1 |
ib_send_bw –a |
1 |
ib_send_bw –a |
git clone https://github.com/ofiwg/librdmacm.git
cd librdmacm
yum install autoconf automake gettext gettext-devel libtool -y
make install
How to build the development environment of Software RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) ?
Soft-RoCE (RXE)
In order to study the coding of RDMA, I need build the corresponding environment. Due to the lack of hardware, I found Soft-RoCE would be the first choice after some research work.
All the information focus on these two repositories: [rxe-dev] and [librxe-dev]. And others aim to help us how to build this virtual RDMA device which named RXE and how to use it.
Struggle Against RXE
Internet shows that the RXE need kernel support and user space codes.
Firstly, we git clone the [rxe-dev] to compile and install the new kernel to support RoCE. Then restart with the new kernel. Finally, compile the [librxe-dev] to get the utilities of Soft-Roce.
When I switched to the compiled new kernel, but it failed to start the system. When I configured the [librxe-dev], it showed “configure: error: <infiniband/driver.h> not found. librxe requires libibverbs”.
This page also shows the same issue, and several people also hangs on this error.
Sudden Inspiration
MosesAlexander’s comment of “I just found that the rxe functionality is all in rdma-core now.” gives me sudden inspiration. The rdma-core has already contained all the RXE utilities, and it looks like that there’s no maintenance for the two repositories [rxe-dev] and [librxe-dev].
Just “yum -y install libibverbs libibverbs-devel libibverbs-utils librdmacm librdmacm-devel librdmacm-utils” will be OK !
Notice: I blog this post at 2018/09/03, based on CentOS 7 (3.10.0-862.el7.x86_64), whose kernel support RDMA-related technologies originally.
Run some commands to verify:
[root@localhost ~]# rxe_cfg start
Name Link Driver Speed NMTU IPv4_addr RDEV RMTU
ens33 yes e1000
virbr0 no bridge
virbr0-nic no tun
[root@localhost ~]# rxe_cfg add ens33
[root@localhost ~]# rxe_cfg status
Name Link Driver Speed NMTU IPv4_addr RDEV RMTU
ens33 yes e1000 rxe0 1024 (3)
virbr0 no bridge
virbr0-nic no tun
[root@localhost ~]# ibv_devices
device node GUID
------ ----------------
rxe0 020c29fffe495c4d
Also, you could run example codes from the-geek-in-the-corner.
http://www.unjeep.com/article/23742.html (rping测试,softroce/rdma安装测试)
https://github.com/SoftRoCE/rxe-dev/wiki/Validate-that-RXE-is-working (验证rxe是否工作)
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