





using namespace std;
string Ans[] ;
string T[] ;
string Name[] = {"Alice","Bob","Yazid"};
string name[] = {"alice" ,"bob","yazid"};
string Color[] = {"red","blue","green"};
string str; int cnt = ; void Init(){
int N_idx[] = {,,};
int C_idx[] = {,,}; do{
for(int i=;i<;i++)
T[cnt] += name[N_idx[i]] + "is" + Color[C_idx[i]] ;
for(int i=;i<;i++)
Ans[cnt] += Name[N_idx[i]] + " is " + Color[C_idx[i]] + ".";
cnt ++ ;
}while( next_permutation(N_idx,N_idx+));
int main()
ios_base :: sync_with_stdio(false);
cin.tie(NULL) , cout.tie(NULL) ;
Init(); sort( T , T + );
sort( Ans , Ans + ); //cout << T[0].length() << endl; /*
for( auto x : Ans ){
cout << x << endl;
*/ int kase ;
cin >> kase ;
while( kase -- ){
cin >> str;
int len = str.length() ;
int i , j , k ;
for(k = ; k < ; k++ ){
i = j = ;
while( i < && j < len ){
if( T[k][i] == str[j] ) i++ ;
j ++ ;
if( i == ){
if( k == ){
cout << "No solution." << endl;
cout << Ans[k] << endl;
return ;


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