If I can't hear your heartbeat, you are too far away.


Only when the two tightly hug to each other together could they hear the other's hearbeat and feel the other's fervor affections.

If the distance is too far away, even the deepest love will gradually fade away.

My current relationship with the one I met earlier this year is just of the case, the distance of thousands of kilometers, and the intermittent communications, probably bring some damages to this unstable love.

I want to stay with you, I want to leave for a new life as soon as possbile, I don't intend to let this relationship end with no outcome.

Unfortunately, considering that all my past expectations had fallen through, this one, may be also disappointing.

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.


From Mignon McLaughlin.

If you want to have a meaningful romantic relationship, you must make sure that you are worthy of being loved, you must dedicate a lot to the relationship, otherwise you will have trouble in creating a sincere relationship.

Try to add some color to your dreary life, don't let it dry up, don't let it become too prosaic.

No man was born to be romantic, all those romantic behaviours and sweet words, need a lot of conscious exercises.

News: Today, an American destroyer collided with a freighter in the South China Sea, it is the second time.

How can they do that, with so advanced technology?

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