Given a collection of intervals, merge all overlapping intervals.


Given intervals => merged intervals:

[                     [
[1, 3], [1, 6],
[2, 6], => [8, 10],
[8, 10], [15, 18]
[15, 18] ]

O(n log n) time and O(1) extra space.


* Definition of Interval:
* classs Interval {
* int start, end;
* Interval(int start, int end) {
* this->start = start;
* this->end = end;
* }
*/ class Solution {
* @param intervals: interval list.
* @return: A new interval list.
static bool cmp(const Interval &a, const Interval &b) {
return (a.start < b.start);
} vector<Interval> merge(vector<Interval>& intervals) {
vector<Interval> ans;
if (intervals.empty()) {
return ans;
} sort(intervals.begin(), intervals.end(), cmp);
for (int i = ; i < intervals.size(); i++) {
if (ans.back().end >= intervals[i].start) {
ans.back().end = max(ans.back().end, intervals[i].end);
} else {
return ans;


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