namespace App\Http\Controllers; use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; use paragraph1\phpFCM\Client;
use paragraph1\phpFCM\Message;
use paragraph1\phpFCM\Recipient\Device;
use paragraph1\phpFCM\Notification; class FcmController extends Controller{ private $apikey;
public function __construct()
$this->apikey='自己应用的apikey'; } //用Fcm推送消息
public function push($content='',$fcmtoken=''){
$apiKey = $this->apikey;
$client = new Client();
$client->injectHttpClient(new \GuzzleHttp\Client()); // $note = new Notification('test title', '现在时间是 '.date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
$note = new Notification('', $content);
->setBadge(1); $message = new Message();
$message->addRecipient(new Device($fcmtoken));
->setData(array('someId' =>11112));
$message->setNotification($note); $response = $client->send($message);
} /**
* 这里没用了
* @param array $requestData
* @return bool
public function old_insertIntoGroup($requestData=[]){
if(!$requestData['tuid'] || !$requestData['version'] || !$requestData['fcmtoken'] ){
return false;
} //创建和添加设备组的 url
$url = 'https://android.googleapis.com/gcm/notification'; $header = [
'project_id:自己项目id', ];
$gdata=DB::select('select count(id) num,groupkey from zeai_andro_push group by groupkey order by id desc limit 1;');
// $gdata=DB::select('select groupkey from zeai_andro_push order by id desc limit 1;'); //确保能有推送fcmtoken
if( !DB::table('zeai_andro_push')->where(['tuid'=>$requestData['tuid']])->count(['id'])) {
$requestData['groupkey'] = $gdata[0]->groupkey;
$data = [
"notification_key_name"=> "appUser-Chris",//设备组名
]; $res = json_decode( $this->http($url,$data,'post',$header) ,true);
if (isset($res['notification_key'])){
return $res ? true : false;
//一个设备组是否满员未能测试 如果运行到这里 可以根据返回的提示
return false;
} } /**
* 添加用户的主题,保存用户的fcmtoken
* @param array $requestData
* @return bool
public function insertIntoGroup($requestData=[]){
if(!$requestData['tuid'] || !$requestData['version'] || !$requestData['fcmtoken'] ){
return false;
//先查找表中最近新的设备组的key,若key里面的子账号已经达到一定数目,就新建一个组 //确保能有推送fcmtoken
if( !DB::table('zeai_andro_push')->where(['tuid'=>$requestData['tuid']])->count(['id'])) {
$requestData['groupkey'] = 0;
} }
public function createGroup($fcmtoken=''){
//创建和添加设备组的 url
$url = 'https://android.googleapis.com/gcm/notification';
$header = [
$data = [
"notification_key_name"=> (string)time(),//设备组名
$res = json_decode( $this->http($url,$data,'post',$header) ,true);
return $res['notification_key'];
} //向主题发送消息
public function sendMessageToGroup(){
$url = 'https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send';
$header = [
'body'=>"^_^ Come and get the coins.There are a lot of new tasks. ^_^",
$res = $this->http($url,$data,'post',$header);
} /**
* 获取自己的主题内容
private function myTopic($fcmtoken='')
$header = [
// 'Content-Type:application/json',
} /**
* 给自己添加主题 wdwdinstagram
* @param $fcmtoken
private function oldmyTopic($fcmtoken)
$header = [
'Content-Length: 0',


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