【kata Daily 190905】What's a Perfect Power anyway?(完美幂)
A perfect power is a classification of positive integers:
In mathematics, a perfect power is a positive integer that can be expressed as an integer power of another positive integer. More formally, n is a perfect power if there exist natural numbers m > 1, and k > 1 such that mk = n.
Your task is to check wheter a given integer is a perfect power. If it is a perfect power, return a pair m
and k
with mk = n as a proof. Otherwise return Nothing
, Nil
, null
, None
or your language's equivalent.
Note: For a perfect power, there might be several pairs. For example 81 = 3^4 = 9^2
, so (3,4)
and (9,2)
are valid solutions. However, the tests take care of this, so if a number is a perfect power, return any pair that proves it.
isPP(4) => [2,2]
isPP(9) => [3,2]
isPP(5) => None
def isPP(n):
# your code here
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
if i**j == n:
return [i, j]
return None
def isPP(n):
#your code here
from math import sqrt
for i in range(2,m+1):
while i**k < n:
if i**k==n:
return [i,k]
return None
from math import ceil, log, sqrt def isPP(n):
for b in xrange(2, int(sqrt(n)) + 1):
e = int(round(log(n, b)))
if b ** e == n:
return [b, e]
return None
困惑:e 的根据是什么不太懂,,,
2、数的对数运算,math.log(x[, base]):base默认为e
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