1 check if correct data is getting saved is database upon successful page submit
2 check values for columns which are not accepting null values
3 check for data integrity. Data should be stored in single or multiple tables based on design
4 Index names should be given as per the standards e.g. IND_<Table name>_<Column Name>
5 Tables should have primary key column
6 table columns should have description information available( except for audit columns like created date, created by etc.)
7 for every database add/update operation log should be added
8 required table indexes should be created
9 check if data is committed to database only when the operation is successfully completed
10 data should be rolled back in case of failed transactions
11 database name should be given as per the application type i.e. test, UAT, sandbox, live (though this is not a standard it is helpful for database maintenance)
12 database logical names should be given according to database name (again this is not standard but helpful for DB maintenance)
13 stored procedures should not be named with prefix "sp_"
14 check is values for table audit columns (like createddate, createdby, updatedby, updatedate, isdeleted, deleteddate, deletedby etc. ) are populated properly.
15 check if input data is not truncated while saving. Field length shown to user on page and in database schema should be same
16 check numeric fields with minimum, maximum, and float values
17check numeric fields with negative values (for both acceptance and non-acceptance)
18 check if radio button and dropdown list options are saved correctly in database
19 check if database fields are designed with correct data type and data length
20 check if all table constraints like primary key , foreign key etc. are implemented correctly
21 test stored procedures and triggers with sample input data
22 input field leading and trailing spaces should be truncated before committing data to database
23 null values should not be allowed for primary key column

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