[poj P2976] Dropping tests

Time Limit: 1000MS  Memory Limit: 65536K


In a certain course, you take n tests. If you get ai out of bi questions correct on test i, your cumulative average is defined to be


Given your test scores and a positive integer k, determine how high you can make your cumulative average if you are allowed to drop any k of your test scores.

Suppose you take 3 tests with scores of 5/5, 0/1, and 2/6. Without dropping any tests, your cumulative average is . However, if you drop the third test, your cumulative average becomes .


The input test file will contain multiple test cases, each containing exactly three lines. The first line contains two integers, 1 ≤ n ≤ 1000 and 0 ≤ k < n. The second line contains n integers indicating ai for all i. The third line contains n positive integers indicating bi for all i. It is guaranteed that 0 ≤ ai ≤ bi ≤ 1, 000, 000, 000. The end-of-file is marked by a test case with n = k = 0 and should not be processed.


For each test case, write a single line with the highest cumulative average possible after dropping k of the given test scores. The average should be rounded to the nearest integer.

Sample Input

3 1
5 0 2
5 1 6
4 2
1 2 7 9
5 6 7 9
0 0

Sample Output



To avoid ambiguities due to rounding errors, the judge tests have been constructed so that all answers are at least 0.001 away from a decision boundary (i.e., you can assume that the average is never 83.4997).














 #define LL long long
 #define M ((L)+(R)>>1)
 using namespace std;
 int n,k,L,R,ans,final; LL sum;
 struct ob {LL a,b,c;}o[N];
 bool cmp(ob x,ob y) {return x.c>y.c;}
 bool jug(LL lv) {
     ; i<=n; i++) o[i].c=o[i].a*lim-lv*o[i].b;
     ; i<=n-k; i++) sum+=o[i].c;
 int main() {
     while (scanf("%d%d",&n,&k)!=EOF,n|k) {
         ; i<=n; i++) scanf("%lld",&o[i].a);
         ; i<=n; i++) scanf("%lld",&o[i].b);
         ,R=lim; L<=R; )
         final=ans/; ans%=;
         ) final+=;

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