
  我先把官方命令资料给大家,实际命令要以文档为主 下载地址:http://www.printmark.de/downloads/prog_manuals/Prog_handb_B-EV4.pdf




  1. 关闭打印机电源,把介质卷装入打印机。
  2. 开启打印机的同时按下【FEED】按钮。指示灯将按照以下顺序持续亮起:

    绿色(闪烁)→ 红色(闪烁)→ 橙色(闪烁)→

    橙色 → 红色 → 绿色

  3. 当指示灯持续亮起且为绿色时,释放【FEED】按钮。

  4. 打印机将自动实现自动打印测试,然后进入倾印模式。

  5. 要开始联机操作,先关闭打印机,然后再次开启。


  PARAMETER 下显示了机器目前的串口信息,串口的连接信息在以后的命令中也可以自己进行修改。 命令:{Z2; 1, abcdefghijklmnopqqrst(uvw) |}




  {D;aaa,bbb|} D是指令的名称,告诉打印机执行什么动作,aaa和bbb是参数告诉打印机执行具体执行的数据。需要注意参数是有位数限制。文档上给出的位数在调用的时候一定要位数一致,数值不够的需要在前方补0 ,例如 {PV00;0050,0030,0030,0030,J,00,B|}。在机器报错首先检查是否指令的位数和文档不符合。


  {D;|} 指定打印大小、纸张大小。这项一定要按照打印标签的参数进行设置,否则在以后切纸的时候就会有偏移,就会有可能切到下一张标签上。如果没有标签纸的资料也可以用游标卡尺进行测量。(要求精度)

  {AX;} 制定切纸大小、切纸偏移位置等。我在使用中没用这条指令,打印纸张大小确定好后,机器有识别功能的话,会自动识别标签的切割位置。

  {AY;} 设置打印浓度。

  {T;} 进纸命令,执行完命令后会传出一份。


  1. If a command is not recognized as a command, it is ignored. e.g.) [ESC] H, [ESC]AA, and so on.

  2. If the number of digits of the parameter is specified, when the number of in put digits does not match the specified number of digits, a command error occurs.

  3. When a parameter is set to any character/value other than specified characters/values, a command error occurs.

    e.g.) In the case that a value should be set for parameter, “0001” is acceptable, however, “000A” results in an error.

    In the case that a character should be set for parameter, “A” is acceptable, however, “1” results in an error.

  4. If the value range of the parameter is specified, when any value beyond the range is entered, a command error occurs. (Except for the D command)

  5. When a parameter is missing, which cannot be omitted, a command error occurs.

  6. The parameter should be set to either a value or a character, even if the parameter is defined as “Ignore”.

    e.g.) a : Ignore
    If it is omitted, a command error occurs, except when the parameter is omissible.

    If the number of digits of the parameter is specified, when the number of input digits does not
match the specified number of digits, a command error occurs.

   7.When any value/character other than available values/characters for the parameter function is set,
a command error occurs.

    1. e.g.) Parameter “e” for the LC command.
      e: Type of line

      0: Line
      1: Rectangle
        If “2” is set to parameter “e”, a command error occurs.

  1. About D command

    1) Parameter “aaaa”, “bbbb” and “cccc”

    When any value lager than maximum value is entered for these three parameters, the
entered value is internally changed to the maximum value.
    When any value smaller than minimum value is entered for these tree parameters, the
entered value is internally changed to the minimum value.

    2) When “aaaa” is smaller than “cccc”, a command error occurs.
    3) When “aaaa – cccc < 2mm”, it is internally changed to “cccc = aaaa – 2mm”.

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