Nothing behind me, everything ahead of me, as is ever so on the road.


That is the very feeling I feel now, and I know that is the life for the pioneers.

There is no precedent, at least in my team, for what I am doing now, so maybe it can't be considered to be some kind of boasts, it is the truth.

Sometimes I always expect there would be some experts who can give me some helps or guidelines to my research, make my work easier and get me out of the seemingly limitless questions.

But it appears there are few people who know how to handle those questions.

Even if there are, they may be not wiling to offer some accurate answers, because those answers often are kept as confidential.

So, I have to mainly rely on myself, I should put forward some feasible solutions for those problems and build up the developing environment for my team.

That is exactly what a pioneer should do.

There may be no existing way, but we are the ones who will pave the way.

Let's witness the miracles created by us.

Love should give a sense of freedom, not of prison.


From D.H.Lawrence.

Make sure to let her feel the best wiht you, that is, to give her a feeling of security, a feeling of freedom.

But how to provide her with such feelings, I think, I should make sure I have the capabilities needed to support a family and to maintain the relationship.

Come on, let the relationship become more stable and more prosperous.

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