* Copyright (c) 2018, 北京博习园教育科技有限公司
* All rights reserved.
* 文件名称: xmodel.php
* 摘 要: 模型公共类
* 作 者: 刘泉皓
* $Id$
*/ /**
* 数据库连接类,依赖 PDO_MYSQL 扩展
* walkor:在 https://github.com/auraphp/Aura.SqlQuery 的基础上修改而成
* liuquanhao:在 https://github.com/walkor/mysql 的基础上修改而成
*/ require_once __DIR__ . '/' . '../../../config/config.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/' . '../function/cache.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/' . '../function/comm_func.php'; class XModel
* @var array
protected $union = array(); /**
* 是否是更新
* @var bool
protected $for_update = false; /**
* 选择的列
* @var array
protected $cols = array(); /**
* 从哪些表里面 SELECT
* @var array
protected $from = array(); /**
* $from 当前的 key
* @var int
protected $from_key = -1; /**
* @var array
protected $group_by = array(); /**
* HAVING 条件数组.
* @var array
protected $having = array(); /**
* HAVING 语句中绑定的值.
* @var array
protected $bind_having = array(); /**
* 每页多少条记录
* @var int
protected $paging = 10; /**
* sql 中绑定的值
* @var array
protected $bind_values = array(); /**
* WHERE 条件.
* @var array
protected $where = array(); /**
* WHERE 语句绑定的值
* @var array
protected $bind_where = array(); /**
* @var array
protected $order_by = array(); /**
* ORDER BY 的排序方式,默认为升序
* @var bool
protected $order_asc = true;
* SELECT 多少记录
* @var int
protected $limit = 0; /**
* 返回记录的游标
* @var int
protected $offset = 0; /**
* flags 列表
* @var array
protected $flags = array(); /**
* 操作哪个表
* @var string
protected $table; /**
* 表.列 和 last-insert-id 映射
* @var array
protected $last_insert_id_names = array(); /**
* @param array
protected $col_values; /**
* 返回的列
* @var array
protected $returning = array(); /**
* @var string
protected $type = ''; /**
* pdo 实例
* @var PDO
protected $pdo; /**
* PDOStatement 实例
* @var PDOStatement
protected $sQuery; /**
* 数据库用户名密码等配置
* @var array
protected $readSettings = array();
protected $writeSettings = array(); /**
* sql 的参数
* @var array
protected $parameters = array(); /**
* 最后一条直行的 sql
* @var string
protected $lastSql = ''; /**
* 使用memcache
* @var object
protected $mem = null;
* memcache key
* @var string
protected $memKey = '';
* memcache active time
* @var int
protected $memTime = 0;
* log
* @var boolean
protected $log = false;
protected $logName = __CLASS__; /**
* 是否执行成功
* @var bool
protected $success = false; /**
* 构造函数
public function __construct($dbname = '')
if (!empty($dbname)) {
} // 使用惰性连接
} /*
* 选择数据库
public function database($dbname)
switch ($dbname) {
case 'tongzhuo_ask_db':
case 'tongzhuonet_db':
case 'tongzhuo_weixin_db':
case 'tongzhuo_user_db':
case 'tongzhuo_examination_db':
case 'tongzhuo_tv_db':
case 'tongzhuo_db':
throw new Exception('Not found database!');
return $this;
} /*
* 使用memcache
public function mem($key = '', $activeTime = 0)
global $mem;
$this->mem = $mem;
$this->memKey = $key;
$this->memTime = $activeTime;
return $this;
} /**
* 选择哪些列
* @param string|array $cols
* @return self
public function select($cols = '*')
$this->type = 'SELECT';
if (!is_array($cols)) {
$cols = explode(',', $cols);
return $this;
} /**
* 从哪个表删除
* @param string $table
* @return self
public function delete($table)
$this->type = 'DELETE';
$this->table = $this->quoteName($table);
return $this;
} /**
* 从哪个表hash删除
* @param string $pre
* @param string $salt
* @return self
public function deleteHash($pre, $salt)
$table = $this->hashTable($pre, $salt);
return $this->delete($table);
} /**
* 更新哪个表
* @param string $table
* @return self
public function update($table)
$this->type = 'UPDATE';
$this->table = $this->quoteName($table);
return $this;
} /**
* 更新哪个hash表
* @param string $pre
* @param string $salt
* @return self
public function updateHash($pre, $salt)
$table = $this->hashTable($pre, $salt);
return $this->update($table);
} /**
* 向哪个表插入
* @param string $table
* @return self
public function insert($table)
$this->type = 'INSERT';
$this->table = $this->quoteName($table);
return $this;
} /**
* 向哪个hash表插入
* @param string $pre
* @param string $hash
* @return self
public function insertHash($pre, $salt)
$table = $this->hashTable($pre, $salt);
return $this->insert($table);
} /**
* from 哪个表
* @param string $table
* @return self
public function from($table)
return $this->fromRaw($this->quoteName($table));
} /**
* from 哪个hash表
* @param string $pre
* @param string $salt
* @return self
public function fromHash($pre, $salt)
$table = $this->hashTable($pre, $salt);
return $this->from($table);
} /**
* from的表
* @param string $table
* @return self
public function fromRaw($table)
$this->from[] = array($table);
return $this;
} /**
* 子查询
* @param string $table
* @param string $name The alias name for the sub-select.
* @return self
public function fromSubSelect($table, $name)
$this->from[] = array("($table) AS " . $this->quoteName($name));
return $this;
} /**
* 增加 join 语句
* @param string $table
* @param string $cond
* @param string $type
* @return self
* @throws Exception
public function join($table, $cond = null, $type = '')
return $this->joinInternal($type, $table, $cond);
} /**
* 增加 join 语句
* @param string $join inner, left, natural
* @param string $table
* @param string $cond
* @return self
* @throws Exception
protected function joinInternal($join, $table, $cond = null)
if (!$this->from) {
throw new Exception('Cannot join() without from()');
} $join = strtoupper(ltrim("$join JOIN"));
$table = $this->quoteName($table);
$cond = $this->fixJoinCondition($cond);
$this->from[$this->from_key][] = rtrim("$join $table $cond");
return $this;
} /**
* left join
* @param string $table
* @param string $cond
* @return self
* @throws Exception
public function leftJoin($table, $cond = null)
return $this->joinInternal('LEFT', $table, $cond);
} /**
* right join
* @param string $table
* @param string $cond
* @return self
* @throws Exception
public function rightJoin($table, $cond = null)
return $this->joinInternal('RIGHT', $table, $cond);
} /**
* joinSubSelect
* @param string $join inner, left, natural
* @param string $spec
* @param string $name sub-select 的别名
* @param string $cond
* @return self
* @throws Exception
public function joinSubSelect($join, $spec, $name, $cond = null)
if (!$this->from) {
throw new Exception('Cannot join() without from() first.');
} $join = strtoupper(ltrim("$join JOIN"));
$name = $this->quoteName($name);
$cond = $this->fixJoinCondition($cond);
$this->from[$this->from_key][] = rtrim("$join ($spec) AS $name $cond");
return $this;
} /**
* group by 语句
* @param array $cols
* @return self
public function groupBy(array $cols)
foreach ($cols as $col) {
$this->group_by[] = $this->quoteNamesIn($col);
return $this;
} /**
* having 语句
* @param string $cond
* @return self
public function having($cond)
$this->addClauseCondWithBind('having', 'AND', func_get_args());
return $this;
} /**
* or having 语句
* @param string $cond The HAVING condition.
* @return self
public function orHaving($cond)
$this->addClauseCondWithBind('having', 'OR', func_get_args());
return $this;
} /*
* 重连tv读写数据库
protected function selectTvHost()
$this->readSettings['user'] = $GLOBALS['user_tv_read'];
$this->readSettings['password'] = $GLOBALS['pw_tv_read'];
$this->readSettings['host'] = $GLOBALS['host_tv_read'];
$this->readSettings['port'] = $GLOBALS['port_tv_read'];
$this->readSettings['dbname'] = $GLOBALS['database_tv_read'];
$this->writeSettings['user'] = $GLOBALS['user_tv_write'];
$this->writeSettings['password'] = $GLOBALS['pw_tv_write'];
$this->writeSettings['host'] = $GLOBALS['host_tv_write'];
$this->writeSettings['port'] = $GLOBALS['port_tv_write'];
$this->writeSettings['dbname'] = $GLOBALS['database_tv_write'];
} /*
* 重连ask读写数据库
protected function selectAskHost()
$this->readSettings['user'] = $GLOBALS['user_ask_read'];
$this->readSettings['password'] = $GLOBALS['pw_ask_read'];
$this->readSettings['host'] = $GLOBALS['host_ask_read'];
$this->readSettings['port'] = $GLOBALS['port_ask_read'];
$this->readSettings['dbname'] = $GLOBALS['database_ask_read'];
$this->writeSettings['user'] = $GLOBALS['user_ask_write'];
$this->writeSettings['password'] = $GLOBALS['pw_ask_write'];
$this->writeSettings['host'] = $GLOBALS['host_ask_write'];
$this->writeSettings['port'] = $GLOBALS['port_ask_write'];
$this->writeSettings['dbname'] = $GLOBALS['database_ask_write'];
* 重连net读写数据库
protected function selectTznetHost()
$this->readSettings['user'] = $GLOBALS['user_tz_read'];
$this->readSettings['password'] = $GLOBALS['pw_tz_read'];
$this->readSettings['host'] = $GLOBALS['host_tz_read'];
$this->readSettings['port'] = $GLOBALS['port_tz_read'];
$this->readSettings['dbname'] = $GLOBALS['database_tz_read'];
$this->writeSettings['user'] = $GLOBALS['user_tz_write'];
$this->writeSettings['password'] = $GLOBALS['pw_tz_write'];
$this->writeSettings['host'] = $GLOBALS['host_tz_write'];
$this->writeSettings['port'] = $GLOBALS['port_tz_write'];
$this->writeSettings['dbname'] = $GLOBALS['database_tz_write'];
* 重连weixin读写数据库
protected function selectWeixinHost()
$this->readSettings['user'] = $GLOBALS['user_wx_read'];
$this->readSettings['password'] = $GLOBALS['pw_wx_read'];
$this->readSettings['host'] = $GLOBALS['host_wx_read'];
$this->readSettings['port'] = $GLOBALS['port_wx_read'];
$this->readSettings['dbname'] = $GLOBALS['database_wx_read'];
$this->writeSettings['user'] = $GLOBALS['user_wx_write'];
$this->writeSettings['password'] = $GLOBALS['pw_wx_write'];
$this->writeSettings['host'] = $GLOBALS['host_wx_write'];
$this->writeSettings['port'] = $GLOBALS['port_wx_write'];
$this->writeSettings['dbname'] = $GLOBALS['database_wx_write'];
* 重连用户日志读写数据库
protected function selectUserHost()
$this->readSettings['user'] = $GLOBALS['user_user_read'];
$this->readSettings['password'] = $GLOBALS['pw_user_read'];
$this->readSettings['host'] = $GLOBALS['host_user_read'];
$this->readSettings['port'] = $GLOBALS['port_user_read'];
$this->readSettings['dbname'] = $GLOBALS['database_user_read'];
$this->writeSettings['user'] = $GLOBALS['user_user_write'];
$this->writeSettings['password'] = $GLOBALS['pw_user_write'];
$this->writeSettings['host'] = $GLOBALS['host_user_write'];
$this->writeSettings['port'] = $GLOBALS['port_user_write'];
$this->writeSettings['dbname'] = $GLOBALS['database_user_write'];
* 模拟考试读写数据库
protected function selectExaminationHost()
$this->readSettings['user'] = $GLOBALS['user_ex_read'];
$this->readSettings['password'] = $GLOBALS['pw_ex_read'];
$this->readSettings['host'] = $GLOBALS['host_ex_read'];
$this->readSettings['port'] = $GLOBALS['port_ex_read'];
$this->readSettings['dbname'] = $GLOBALS['database_ex_read'];
$this->writeSettings['user'] = $GLOBALS['user_user_write'];
$this->writeSettings['password'] = $GLOBALS['pw_ex_write'];
$this->writeSettings['host'] = $GLOBALS['host_ex_write'];
$this->writeSettings['port'] = $GLOBALS['port_ex_write'];
$this->writeSettings['dbname'] = $GLOBALS['database_ex_write'];
* 重连tongzhuo读写数据库
protected function selectTzHost()
$this->readSettings['user'] = $GLOBALS['user_one_read'];
$this->readSettings['password'] = $GLOBALS['pw_one_read'];
$this->readSettings['host'] = $GLOBALS['host_one_read'];
$this->readSettings['port'] = $GLOBALS['port_one_read'];
$this->readSettings['dbname'] = $GLOBALS['database_one_read'];
$this->writeSettings['user'] = $GLOBALS['user_one_write'];
$this->writeSettings['password'] = $GLOBALS['pw_one_write'];
$this->writeSettings['host'] = $GLOBALS['host_one_write'];
$this->writeSettings['port'] = $GLOBALS['port_one_write'];
$this->writeSettings['dbname'] = $GLOBALS['database_one_write'];
} /**
* 创建 PDO 实例
protected function connect()
if ($this->type == 'SELECT') {
if (
empty($this->readSettings['dbname']) &&
empty($this->readSettings['host']) &&
empty($this->readSettings['port']) &&
empty($this->readSettings['user']) &&
empty($this->readSettings['password'])) {
throw new Exception('Database configuration fail!');
$dsn = 'mysql:dbname=' . $this->readSettings['dbname'] .
';host=' . $this->readSettings['host'] . ';port=' . $this->readSettings['port'] .
$this->pdo = new PDO(
} else {
if (
empty($this->writeSettings['dbname']) &&
empty($this->writeSettings['host']) &&
empty($this->writeSettings['port']) &&
empty($this->writeSettings['user']) &&
empty($this->writeSettings['password'])) {
throw new Exception('Database configuration fail!');
$dsn = 'mysql:dbname=' . $this->writeSettings['dbname'] .
';host=' . $this->writeSettings['host'] . ';port=' . $this->writeSettings['port'] .
$this->pdo = new PDO(
$this->pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
$this->pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES, false);
$this->pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);
} /*
* 清空本次mem设置信息
protected function resetMem()
$this->mem = null;
$this->memKey = '';
$this->memTime = 0;
} /**
* 关闭连接
public function closeConnection()
$this->pdo = null;
* @param bool $enable
* @return self
public function calcFoundRows($enable = true)
$this->setFlag('SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS', $enable);
return $this;
} /**
* 设置 SQL_CACHE 标记
* @param bool $enable
* @return self
public function cache($enable = true)
$this->setFlag('SQL_CACHE', $enable);
return $this;
} /**
* 设置 SQL_NO_CACHE 标记
* @param bool $enable
* @return self
public function noCache($enable = true)
$this->setFlag('SQL_NO_CACHE', $enable);
return $this;
} /**
* @param bool $enable
* @return self
public function straightJoin($enable = true)
$this->setFlag('STRAIGHT_JOIN', $enable);
return $this;
} /**
* @param bool $enable
* @return self
public function highPriority($enable = true)
$this->setFlag('HIGH_PRIORITY', $enable);
return $this;
} /**
* @param bool $enable
* @return self
public function smallResult($enable = true)
$this->setFlag('SQL_SMALL_RESULT', $enable);
return $this;
} /**
* @param bool $enable
* @return self
public function bigResult($enable = true)
$this->setFlag('SQL_BIG_RESULT', $enable);
return $this;
} /**
* @param bool $enable
* @return self
public function bufferResult($enable = true)
$this->setFlag('SQL_BUFFER_RESULT', $enable);
return $this;
} /**
* 设置 DISTINCT 标记
* @param bool $enable
* @return self
public function distinct($enable = true)
$this->setFlag('DISTINCT', $enable);
return $this;
} /**
* @param bool $enable
* @return self
public function lowPriority($enable = true)
$this->setFlag('LOW_PRIORITY', $enable);
return $this;
} /**
* 设置 IGNORE 标记
* @param bool $enable
* @return self
public function ignore($enable = true)
$this->setFlag('IGNORE', $enable);
return $this;
} /**
* 设置 QUICK 标记
* @param bool $enable
* @return self
public function quick($enable = true)
$this->setFlag('QUICK', $enable);
return $this;
} /**
* 设置 DELAYED 标记
* @param bool $enable
* @return self
public function delayed($enable = true)
$this->setFlag('DELAYED', $enable);
return $this;
} /**
* 设置 FOR UPDATE 标记
* @param bool $enable
* @return self
public function forUpdate($enable = true)
$this->for_update = (bool) $enable;
return $this;
} /**
* 设置每页多少条记录
* @param int $paging
* @return self
public function setPaging($paging)
$this->paging = (int) $paging;
return $this;
} /**
* 获取每页多少条记录
* @return int
public function getPaging()
return $this->paging;
} /**
* 序列化
* @return string
public function __toString()
$union = '';
if ($this->union) {
$union = implode(' ', $this->union) . ' ';
return $union . $this->build();
} /**
* 获取绑定在占位符上的值
public function getBindValues()
switch ($this->type) {
case 'SELECT':
return $this->getBindValuesSELECT();
case 'DELETE':
case 'UPDATE':
case 'INSERT':
return $this->getBindValuesCOMMON();
throw new Exception("type err");
} /**
* 获取绑定在占位符上的值
* @return array
public function getBindValuesSELECT()
$bind_values = $this->bind_values;
$i = 1;
foreach ($this->bind_where as $val) {
$bind_values[$i] = $val;
foreach ($this->bind_having as $val) {
$bind_values[$i] = $val;
return $bind_values;
} /**
* SELECT选择哪些列
* @param mixed $key
* @param string $val
* @return void
protected function addColSELECT($col, $alias)
if (is_string($col)) {
$this->cols[$alias] = $col;
} else {
} /**
* SELECT 增加选择的列
* @param string $spec
protected function addColWithAlias($spec)
$parts = explode(' ', trim($spec));
$count = count($parts);
if ($count == 2) {
$this->cols[$parts[1]] = $parts[0];
} elseif ($count == 3 && strtoupper($parts[1]) == 'AS') {
$this->cols[$parts[2]] = $parts[0];
} else {
$this->cols[] = $spec;
} /**
* quote
* @param string $cond
* @return string
protected function fixJoinCondition($cond)
if (!$cond) {
return '';
} $cond = $this->quoteNamesIn($cond); if (strtoupper(substr(ltrim($cond), 0, 3)) == 'ON ') {
return $cond;
} if (strtoupper(substr(ltrim($cond), 0, 6)) == 'USING ') {
return $cond;
} return 'ON ' . $cond;
} /**
* inner join
* @param string $table
* @param string $cond
* @return self
* @throws Exception
public function innerJoin($table, $cond = null)
return $this->joinInternal('INNER', $table, $cond);
* 设置每页的记录数量
* @param int $page
* @return self
public function page($page)
$this->limit = 0;
$this->offset = 0; $page = (int) $page;
if ($page > 0) {
$this->limit = $this->paging;
$this->offset = $this->paging * ($page - 1);
return $this;
} /**
* union
* @return self
public function union()
$this->union[] = $this->build() . ' UNION';
return $this;
} /**
* unionAll
* @return self
public function unionAll()
$this->union[] = $this->build() . ' UNION ALL';
return $this;
} /**
* 重置
protected function reset()
$this->cols = array();
$this->from = array();
$this->from_key = -1;
$this->where = array();
$this->group_by = array();
$this->having = array();
$this->order_by = array();
$this->limit = 0;
$this->offset = 0;
$this->for_update = false;
} /**
* 清除所有数据
protected function resetAll()
$this->union = array();
$this->for_update = false;
$this->cols = array();
$this->from = array();
$this->from_key = -1;
$this->group_by = array();
$this->having = array();
$this->bind_having = array();
$this->paging = 10;
$this->bind_values = array();
$this->where = array();
$this->bind_where = array();
$this->order_by = array();
$this->limit = 0;
$this->offset = 0;
$this->flags = array();
$this->table = '';
$this->last_insert_id_names = array();
$this->col_values = array();
$this->returning = array();
$this->parameters = array();
} /**
* @return string
protected function buildSELECT()
return 'SELECT'
. $this->buildFlags()
. $this->buildCols()
. $this->buildFrom()
. $this->buildWhere()
. $this->buildGroupBy()
. $this->buildHaving()
. $this->buildOrderBy()
. $this->buildLimit()
. $this->buildForUpdate();
} /**
protected function buildDELETE()
return 'DELETE'
. $this->buildFlags()
. $this->buildFrom()
. $this->buildWhere()
. $this->buildOrderBy()
. $this->buildLimit()
. $this->buildReturning();
} /**
* 生成 SELECT 列语句
* @return string
* @throws Exception
protected function buildCols()
if (!$this->cols) {
throw new Exception('No columns in the SELECT.');
} $cols = array();
foreach ($this->cols as $key => $val) {
if (is_int($key)) {
$cols[] = $this->quoteNamesIn($val);
} else {
$cols[] = $this->quoteNamesIn("$val AS $key");
} return $this->indentCsv($cols);
} /**
* 生成 FROM 语句.
* @return string
protected function buildFrom()
if (!$this->from) {
return '';
} $refs = array();
foreach ($this->from as $from) {
$refs[] = implode(' ', $from);
return ' FROM' . $this->indentCsv($refs);
} /**
* 生成 GROUP BY 语句.
* @return string
protected function buildGroupBy()
if (!$this->group_by) {
return '';
return ' GROUP BY' . $this->indentCsv($this->group_by);
} /**
* 生成 HAVING 语句.
* @return string
protected function buildHaving()
if (!$this->having) {
return '';
return ' HAVING' . $this->indent($this->having);
} /**
* 生成 FOR UPDATE 语句
* @return string
protected function buildForUpdate()
if (!$this->for_update) {
return '';
return ' FOR UPDATE';
} /**
* where
* @param string|array $cond
* @return self
public function where($cond)
if (is_array($cond)) {
foreach ($cond as $key => $val) {
if (is_string($key)) {
$this->addWhere('AND', array($key, $val));
} else {
$this->addWhere('AND', array($val));
} else {
$this->addWhere('AND', func_get_args());
return $this;
} /**
* or where
* @param string|array $cond
* @return self
public function orWhere($cond)
if (is_array($cond)) {
foreach ($cond as $key => $val) {
if (is_string($key)) {
$this->addWhere('OR', array($key, $val));
} else {
$this->addWhere('OR', array($val));
} else {
$this->addWhere('OR', func_get_args());
return $this;
} /**
* limit
* @param int $limit
* @return self
public function limit($limit)
$this->limit = (int) $limit;
return $this;
} /**
* limit offset
* @param int $offset
* @return self
public function offset($offset)
$this->offset = (int) $offset;
return $this;
} /**
* orderby.
* @param array $cols
* @return self
public function orderBy(array $cols)
return $this->addOrderBy($cols);
} /**
* order by ASC OR DESC
* @param array $cols
* @param bool $order_asc
* @return self
public function orderByASC(array $cols, $order_asc = true)
$this->order_asc = $order_asc;
return $this->addOrderBy($cols);
} /**
* order by DESC
* @param array $cols
* @return self
public function orderByDESC(array $cols)
$this->order_asc = false;
return $this->addOrderBy($cols);
} // -------------abstractquery----------
* 返回逗号分隔的字符串
* @param array $list
* @return string
protected function indentCsv(array $list)
return ' ' . implode(',', $list);
} /**
* 返回空格分隔的字符串
* @param array $list
* @return string
protected function indent(array $list)
return ' ' . implode(' ', $list);
} /**
* 批量为占位符绑定值
* @param array $bind_values
* @return self
public function bindValues(array $bind_values)
foreach ($bind_values as $key => $val) {
$this->bindValue($key, $val);
return $this;
} /**
* 单个为占位符绑定值
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $value
* @return self
public function bindValue($name, $value)
$this->bind_values[$name] = $value;
return $this;
} /**
* 生成 flag
* @return string
protected function buildFlags()
if (!$this->flags) {
return '';
return ' ' . implode(' ', array_keys($this->flags));
} /**
* 设置 flag.
* @param string $flag
* @param bool $enable
protected function setFlag($flag, $enable = true)
if ($enable) {
$this->flags[$flag] = true;
} else {
} /**
* 重置 flag
protected function resetFlags()
$this->flags = array();
} /**
* 添加 where 语句
* @param string $andor 'AND' or 'OR
* @param array $conditions
* @return self
protected function addWhere($andor, $conditions)
$this->addClauseCondWithBind('where', $andor, $conditions);
return $this;
} /**
* 添加条件和绑定值
* @param string $clause where 、having等
* @param string $andor AND、OR等
* @param array $conditions
protected function addClauseCondWithBind($clause, $andor, $conditions)
$cond = array_shift($conditions);
$cond = $this->quoteNamesIn($cond); $bind = &$this->{"bind_{$clause}"};
foreach ($conditions as $value) {
$bind[] = $value;
} $clause = &$this->$clause;
if ($clause) {
$clause[] = "$andor $cond";
} else {
$clause[] = $cond;
} /**
* 生成 where 语句
* @return string
protected function buildWhere()
if (!$this->where) {
return '';
return ' WHERE' . $this->indent($this->where);
} /**
* 增加 order by
* @param array $spec The columns and direction to order by.
* @return self
protected function addOrderBy(array $spec)
foreach ($spec as $col) {
$this->order_by[] = $this->quoteNamesIn($col);
return $this;
} /**
* 生成 order by 语句
* @return string
protected function buildOrderBy()
if (!$this->order_by) {
return '';
} if ($this->order_asc) {
return ' ORDER BY' . $this->indentCsv($this->order_by) . ' ASC';
} else {
return ' ORDER BY' . $this->indentCsv($this->order_by) . ' DESC';
} /**
* 生成 limit 语句
* @return string
protected function buildLimit()
$has_limit = $this->type == 'DELETE' || $this->type == 'UPDATE';
$has_offset = $this->type == 'SELECT'; if ($has_offset && $this->limit) {
$clause = " LIMIT {$this->limit}";
if ($this->offset) {
$clause .= " OFFSET {$this->offset}";
return $clause;
} elseif ($has_limit && $this->limit) {
return " LIMIT {$this->limit}";
return '';
} /**
* Quotes
* @param string $spec
* @return string|array
public function quoteName($spec)
$spec = trim($spec);
$seps = array(' AS ', ' ', '.');
foreach ($seps as $sep) {
$pos = strripos($spec, $sep);
if (false !== $pos) {
return $this->quoteNameWithSeparator($spec, $sep, $pos);
return $this->replaceName($spec);
} /**
* 指定分隔符的 Quotes
* @param string $spec
* @param string $sep
* @param int $pos
* @return string
protected function quoteNameWithSeparator($spec, $sep, $pos)
$len = strlen($sep);
$part1 = $this->quoteName(substr($spec, 0, $pos));
$part2 = $this->replaceName(substr($spec, $pos + $len));
return "{$part1}{$sep}{$part2}";
} /**
* Quotes "table.col" 格式的字符串
* @param string $text
* @return string|array
public function quoteNamesIn($text)
$list = $this->getListForQuoteNamesIn($text);
$last = count($list) - 1;
$text = null;
foreach ($list as $key => $val) {
if (($key + 1) % 3) {
$text .= $this->quoteNamesInLoop($val, $key == $last);
return $text;
} /**
* 返回 quote 元素列表
* @param string $text
* @return array
protected function getListForQuoteNamesIn($text)
$apos = "'";
$quot = '"';
return preg_split(
} /**
* 循环 quote
* @param string $val
* @param bool $is_last
* @return string
protected function quoteNamesInLoop($val, $is_last)
if ($is_last) {
return $this->replaceNamesAndAliasIn($val);
return $this->replaceNamesIn($val);
} /**
* 替换成别名
* @param string $val
* @return string
protected function replaceNamesAndAliasIn($val)
$quoted = $this->replaceNamesIn($val);
$pos = strripos($quoted, ' AS ');
if ($pos !== false) {
$alias = $this->replaceName(substr($quoted, $pos + 4));
$quoted = substr($quoted, 0, $pos) . " AS $alias";
return $quoted;
} /**
* Quotes name
* @param string $name
* @return string
protected function replaceName($name)
$name = trim($name);
if ($name == '*') {
return $name;
return '`' . $name . '`';
} /**
* Quotes
* @param string $text
* @return string|array
protected function replaceNamesIn($text)
$is_string_literal = strpos($text, "'") !== false
|| strpos($text, '"') !== false;
if ($is_string_literal) {
return $text;
} $word = '[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*'; $find = "/(\\b)($word)\\.($word)(\\b)/i"; $repl = '$1`$2`.`$3`$4'; $text = preg_replace($find, $repl, $text); return $text;
} // ---------- insert --------------
* 设置 `table.column` 与 last-insert-id 的映射
* @param array $last_insert_id_names
public function setLastInsertIdNames(array $last_insert_id_names)
$this->last_insert_id_names = $last_insert_id_names;
} /**
* insert into.
* @param string $table
* @return self
public function into($table)
$this->table = $this->quoteName($table);
return $this;
} /**
* 生成 INSERT 语句
* @return string
protected function buildINSERT()
return 'INSERT'
. $this->buildFlags()
. $this->buildInto()
. $this->buildValuesForInsert()
. $this->buildReturning();
} /**
* 生成 INTO 语句
* @return string
protected function buildInto()
return " INTO " . $this->table;
} /**
* PDO::lastInsertId()
* @param string $col
* @return mixed
public function getLastInsertIdName($col)
$key = str_replace('`', '', $this->table) . '.' . $col;
if (isset($this->last_insert_id_names[$key])) {
return $this->last_insert_id_names[$key];
} return null;
} /**
* 设置一列,如果有第二各参数,则把第二个参数绑定在占位符上
* @param string $col
* @return self
public function col($col)
return call_user_func_array(array($this, 'addCol'), func_get_args());
} /**
* 设置多列
* @param array $cols
* @return self
public function cols(array $cols)
if ($this->type == 'SELECT') {
foreach ($cols as $key => $val) {
$this->addColSELECT($key, $val);
return $this;
return $this->addCols($cols);
} /**
* 直接设置列的值
* @param string $col
* @param string $value
* @return self
public function set($col, $value)
return $this->setCol($col, $value);
} /**
* 为 INSERT 语句绑定值
* @return string
protected function buildValuesForInsert()
return ' (' . $this->indentCsv(array_keys($this->col_values)) . ') VALUES (' .
$this->indentCsv(array_values($this->col_values)) . ')';
} // ------update-------
* 更新哪个表
* @param string $table
* @return self
public function table($table)
$this->table = $this->quoteName($table);
return $this;
} /**
* 生成完整 SQL 语句
* @return string
* @throws Exception
protected function build()
switch ($this->type) {
case 'DELETE':
return $this->buildDELETE();
case 'INSERT':
return $this->buildINSERT();
case 'UPDATE':
return $this->buildUPDATE();
case 'SELECT':
return $this->buildSELECT();
throw new Exception("type empty");
} /**
* 生成更新的 SQL 语句
protected function buildUPDATE()
return 'UPDATE'
. $this->buildFlags()
. $this->buildTable()
. $this->buildValuesForUpdate()
. $this->buildWhere()
. $this->buildOrderBy()
. $this->buildLimit()
. $this->buildReturning();
} /**
* 哪个表
* @return string
protected function buildTable()
return " {$this->table}";
} /**
* 为更新语句绑定值
* @return string
protected function buildValuesForUpdate()
$values = array();
foreach ($this->col_values as $col => $value) {
$values[] = "{$col} = {$value}";
return ' SET' . $this->indentCsv($values);
} // ----------Dml---------------
* 获取绑定的值
* @return array
public function getBindValuesCOMMON()
$bind_values = $this->bind_values;
$i = 1;
foreach ($this->bind_where as $val) {
$bind_values[$i] = $val;
return $bind_values;
} /**
* 设置列
* @param string $col
* @return self
protected function addCol($col)
$key = $this->quoteName($col);
$this->col_values[$key] = ":$col";
$args = func_get_args();
if (count($args) > 1) {
$this->bindValue($col, $args[1]);
return $this;
} /**
* 设置多个列
* @param array $cols
* @return self
protected function addCols(array $cols)
foreach ($cols as $key => $val) {
if (is_int($key)) {
} else {
$this->addCol($key, $val);
return $this;
} /**
* 设置单列的值
* @param string $col .
* @param string $value
* @return self
protected function setCol($col, $value)
if ($value === null) {
$value = 'NULL';
} $key = $this->quoteName($col);
$value = $this->quoteNamesIn($value);
$this->col_values[$key] = $value;
return $this;
} /**
* 增加返回的列
* @param array $cols
* @return self
protected function addReturning(array $cols)
foreach ($cols as $col) {
$this->returning[] = $this->quoteNamesIn($col);
return $this;
} /**
* @return string
protected function buildReturning()
if (!$this->returning) {
return '';
return ' RETURNING' . $this->indentCsv($this->returning);
} /**
* 执行
* @param string $query
* @param string $parameters
* @throws PDOException
protected function execute($query, $parameters = "")
try {
$this->sQuery = @$this->pdo->prepare($query);
if (!empty($this->parameters)) {
foreach ($this->parameters as $param) {
$parameters = explode("\x7F", $param);
$this->sQuery->bindParam($parameters[0], $parameters[1]);
$this->success = $this->sQuery->execute();
} catch (PDOException $e) {
// 服务端断开时重连一次
if ($e->errorInfo[1] == 2006 || $e->errorInfo[1] == 2013) {
try {
$this->sQuery = $this->pdo->prepare($query);
if (!empty($this->parameters)) {
foreach ($this->parameters as $param) {
$parameters = explode("\x7F", $param);
$this->sQuery->bindParam($parameters[0], $parameters[1]);
$this->success = $this->sQuery->execute();
} catch (PDOException $ex) {
throw $ex;
} else {
$msg = $e->getMessage();
$err_msg = "SQL:" . $this->lastSQL() . " " . $msg;
$exception = new PDOException($err_msg, (int) $e->getCode());
throw $exception;
if ($this->log) {
$message = sprintf("%s|%s", $query, implode(',', $this->parameters));
comm_log($this->logName, $message);
$this->parameters = array();
} /**
* 绑定
* @param string $para
* @param string $value
public function bind($para, $value)
if (is_string($para)) {
$this->parameters[sizeof($this->parameters)] = ":" . $para . "\x7F" . $value;
} else {
$this->parameters[sizeof($this->parameters)] = $para . "\x7F" . $value;
} /**
* 绑定多个
* @param array $parray
public function bindMore($parray)
if (empty($this->parameters) && is_array($parray)) {
$columns = array_keys($parray);
foreach ($columns as $i => &$column) {
$this->bind($column, $parray[$column]);
} /**
* 执行 SQL
* @param string $query
* @param array $params
* @param int $fetchmode
* @return mixed
public function query($query = '', $params = null, $fetchmode = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)
$query = trim($query);
if (empty($query)) {
$query = $this->build();
if (!$params) {
$params = $this->getBindValues();
} else {
$this->lastSql = $query;
if ($this->type == 'SELECT' && $this->mem) {
if (empty($this->memKey)) {
$this->memKey = $query . ' [' . implode(',', $params) . ']';
} $buf = $this->mem->get($this->memKey);
if ($buf !== false) {
return $buf;
$this->execute($query, $params);
$rawStatement = explode(" ", $query);
$statement = strtolower(trim($rawStatement[0]));
if ($statement === 'select' || $statement === 'show') {
$rs = $this->sQuery->fetchAll($fetchmode);
if ($statement === 'select' && $this->mem) {
$this->mem->set($this->memKey, $rs, 0, $this->memTime);
return $rs;
} elseif ($statement === 'update' || $statement === 'delete') {
return $this->sQuery->rowCount();
} elseif ($statement === 'insert') {
if ($this->sQuery->rowCount() > 0) {
return $this->lastInsertId();
} else {
return null;
} return null;
} /**
* 返回一列
* @param string $query
* @param array $params
* @return array
public function column($query = '', $params = null)
$query = trim($query);
if (empty($query)) {
$query = $this->build();
if (!$params) {
$params = $this->getBindValues();
$this->lastSql = $query;
if ($this->mem) {
if (empty($this->memKey)) {
$this->memKey = $query . ' [' . implode(',', $params) . ']';
} $buf = $this->mem->get($this->memKey);
if ($buf !== false) {
return $buf;
if (empty($this->type)) {
$this->execute($query, $params);
$columns = $this->sQuery->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
$column = null;
foreach ($columns as $cells) {
$column[] = $cells[0];
if ($this->mem) {
$this->mem->set($this->memKey, $column, 0, $this->memTime);
return $column;
} /**
* 返回一行
* @param string $query
* @param array $params
* @param int $fetchmode
* @return array
public function row($query = '', $params = null, $fetchmode = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)
$query = trim($query);
if (empty($query)) {
$query = $this->build();
if (!$params) {
$params = $this->getBindValues();
} $this->resetAll();
$this->lastSql = $query;
if ($this->mem) {
if (empty($this->memKey)) {
$this->memKey = $query . ' [' . implode(',', $params) . ']';
$buf = $this->mem->get($this->memKey);
if ($buf !== false) {
return $buf;
if (empty($this->type)) {
$this->execute($query, $params);
$rs = $this->sQuery->fetch($fetchmode);
if ($this->mem) {
$this->mem->set($this->memKey, $rs, 0, $this->memTime);
return $rs;
} /**
* 返回单个值
* @param string $query
* @param array $params
* @return string
public function single($query = '', $params = null)
$query = trim($query);
if (empty($query)) {
$query = $this->build();
if (!$params) {
$params = $this->getBindValues();
if ($this->mem) {
if (empty($this->memKey)) {
$this->memKey = $query . ' [' . implode(',', $params) . ']';
$buf = $this->mem->get($this->memKey);
if ($buf !== false) {
return $buf;
if (empty($this->type)) {
$this->execute($query, $params);
$rs = $this->sQuery->fetchColumn();
if ($this->mem) {
$this->mem->set($this->memKey, $rs, 0, $this->memTime);
return $rs;
} /**
* 返回 lastInsertId
* @return string
public function lastInsertId()
return $this->pdo->lastInsertId();
} /**
* 返回最后一条执行的 sql
* @return string
public function lastSQL()
return $this->lastSql;
} /**
* 开始事务
public function beginTrans()
try {
return $this->pdo->beginTransaction();
} catch (PDOException $e) {
// 服务端断开时重连一次
if ($e->errorInfo[1] == 2006 || $e->errorInfo[1] == 2013) {
return $this->pdo->beginTransaction();
} else {
throw $e;
} /**
* 提交事务
public function commitTrans()
return $this->pdo->commit();
} /**
* 事务回滚
public function rollBackTrans()
if ($this->pdo) {
if ($this->pdo->inTransaction()) {
return $this->pdo->rollBack();
return true;
} /**
* hash分表
protected function hashTable($pre, $salt)
if (empty($salt)) {
return $pre . '0';
} $salt = strtolower($salt);
if (is_numeric($salt) && strlen($salt) > 1) {
$hash = substr($salt, -2, 2);
} else if (preg_match("/^[0-9a-z]{1}$/", substr($salt, -1, 1))) {
$hash = substr($salt, -1, 1);
} else {
return $pre . '0';
return $pre . $hash;
} public function log($logName = '')
$this->log = true;
if (!empty($logName)) {
$this->logName = $logName;
return $this;
} /**
* 没有设置type,也不是select(),update(),insert(),delete()方法,则分析sql语句,设置type
public function parseType($query)
$query = trim($query);
if (empty($query)) {
$this->type = 'SELECT';
$this->type = strtoupper(explode(' ', $query)[0]);
* (废弃,已自动判断)
* 其他:写库
public function setType($type) {
$this->type = strtoupper($type);


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