reAir 有批量复制与增量复制功能 今天我们先来看看批量复制功能


cd reair
./gradlew shadowjar -p main -x test
# 如果是本地table-list 一样要加file:/// ; 如果直接写 --table-list ~/reair/local_table_list ,此文件必须在hdfs上!
hadoop jar main/build/libs/airbnb-reair-main-1.0.0-all.jar com.airbnb.reair.batch.hive.MetastoreReplicationJob --config-files my_config_file.xml --table-list file:///reair/local_table_list

1.table_list 内容,用户要复制的库名.表名

  1. my_config_file.xml 配置
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?> <configuration>
Name of the source cluster. It can be an arbitrary string and is used in
logs, tags, etc.
</property> <property>
<comment>Source metastore Thrift URL.</comment>
</property> <property>
<comment>Source cluster HDFS root. Note trailing slash.</comment>
</property> <property>
Directory for temporary files on the source cluster.
</property> <property>
Name of the destination cluster. It can be an arbitrary string and is used in
logs, tags, etc.
</property> <property>
<comment>Destination metastore Thrift URL.</comment>
</property> <property>
<comment>Destination cluster HDFS root. Note trailing slash.</comment>
</property> <property>
Directory for temporary files on the source cluster. Table / partition
data is copied to this location before it is moved to the final location,
so it should be on the same filesystem as the final location.
</property> <property>
This configuration must be provided. It gives location to store each stage
MR job output.
</property> <property>
Comma separated regex blacklist. dbname_regex:tablename_regex,...
</property> <property>
The parallelism to use for jobs requiring metastore calls. This translates to the number of
mappers or reducers in the relevant jobs.
</property> <property>
The parallelism to use for jobs that copy files. This translates to the number of reducers
in the relevant jobs.
</property> <property>
Whether the batch job will overwrite newer tables/partitions on the destination. Default is true.
</property> <property>
Speculative execution is currently not supported for batch replication.
</property> <property>
Speculative execution is currently not supported for batch replication.
</property> </configuration>


Stage 1

1. 读取用户配置.xml文件配置(setup方法)
2. 读取用户配置的table-list内容
1). 过滤与黑名单匹配表名
2). 生成TaskEstimate对象,通过各种策略封装了 的操作
3). 如果src 是分区表,通过desc metastore thrift 执行 create/alter/noop 相应表
4). 如果是分区表,会增加Check_Partition 任务(为每个分区创建任务,如dt=20180801等)
5). 返回List<String> result,由 \t 分割
result结构:TaskType isUpdateMeta isUpdateData srcPath destPath db_name table_name partition_name
TaskEstimate对象: TaskType isUpdateMeta isUpdateData srcPath destPath
HiveObjectSpec对象:db_name table_name partition_name
6). map 输出结果:<key:result.hashCode(), new Text(result)> 对mapper 2-3)的补充说明:
2). NO_OP
1)). CREATE(如果dest没有对应表); ALTER(如果dest存在相应表(ExistingTable), ExistingTable与我们期待的根据srcTable生成的expectTable不同); NO_OP(默认不操作)
2)). CHECK_PARTITION(生成分区表所有分区,如dt=20180101,dt=20180102等等)
1. 反序列化map的vaule值,Pair<TaskEstimate, HiveObjectSpec>
2. 如果taskType == CHKER_PARTITION,重新对spec做任务类型校验(重复map端检验逻辑)
3. 输出的result与map的value相同
<new Text(result), Expection.toString>

Stage 2

1. 反序列化stage1的result,如果estimate.TaskType == COPY_PARTITION_TABLE OR COPY_UNPARTITION_TABLE 并且需要更新 data 就走updateDir()方法,否则NO_OP
2. updateDir():
1). 清理destPath,并重新创建
2). 以srcPath递归所有非隐藏文件
3. 输出:<key:(srcFile.size + fileModificationTime).hashCode(), value:(srcFileName \t destPath \t srcFileSize)> Reduce:
1. 反序列化value
2. 进行校验copy(重试三次)
1). 成功日志: COPIED srcPathFileName DestPath srcFileSize "" currentSystemTime
2). 失败(或未通过校验)日志:SKIPPED srcPathFileName DestPath srcFileSize Expection.toString currentSystemTime

Stage 3

1. Input为Stage1的输出(<new Text(result), Expection.toString>)
2. 判断Stage1的结果反序列化得到Estimate.TaskType,进行src/dest元数据的校验,并根据策略进行相应的 CREATE/ALTER/NOOP 操作


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