Pycharm: keyboard reference
Source: Official set
♥ Editing
Ctrl + Space Basic code completion (the name of any class, method or variable)
Ctrl + Alt + Space Class name completion (the name of any project class independently of current imports)
Ctrl + Shift + Enter Complete statement
Ctrl + P Parameter info (within method call arguments)
Ctrl + Q Quick documentation lookup
Shift + F1 External Doc
Ctrl + mouse over code Brief Info
Ctrl + F1 Show descriptions of error or warning at caret
Alt + Insert Generate code...
Ctrl + O Override methods
Ctrl + Alt + T Surround with...
Ctrl + / Comment/uncomment with line comment
Ctrl + Shift + / Comment/uncomment with block comment
Ctrl + W Select successively increasing code blocks
Ctrl + Shift + W Decrease current selection to previous state
Ctrl + Shift + ] Select till code block end
Ctrl + Shift + [ Select till code block start
Alt + Enter Show intention actions and quick-fixes
Ctrl + Alt + L Reformat code
Ctrl + Alt + O Optimize imports
Ctrl + Alt + I Auto-indent line(s)
Tab Indent selected lines
Shift + Tab Unindent selected lines
Ctrl + X , Shift + Delete Cut current line or selected block to clipboard
Ctrl + C , Ctrl + Insert Copy current line or selected block to clipboard
Ctrl + V , Shift + Insert Paste from clipboard
Ctrl + Shift + V Paste from recent buffers...
Ctrl + D Duplicate current line or selected block
Ctrl + Y Delete line at caret
Ctrl + Shift + J Smart line join
Ctrl + Enter Smart line split
Shift + Enter Start new line
Ctrl + Shift + U Toggle case for word at caret or selected block
Ctrl + Delete Delete to word end
Ctrl + Backspace Delete to word start
Ctrl + NumPad+ Expand code block
Ctrl + NumPad- Collapse code block
Ctrl + Shift + NumPad+ Expand all
Ctrl + Shift + NumPad- Collapse all
Ctrl + F4 Close active editor tab
♥ Running
Alt + Shift + F10 Select configuration and run
Alt + Shift + F9 Select configuration and debug
Shift + F10 Run
Shift + F9 Debug
Ctrl + Shift + F10 Run context configuration from editor
Ctrl + Alt + R Run task
♥ Debugging
F8 / F7 Step over/into
Shift + F8 Step out
Alt + F9 Run to cursor
Alt + F8 Evaluate expression
Ctrl + Alt + F8 Quick evaluate expression F9 Resume program
Ctrl + F8 Toggle breakpoint
Ctrl + Shift + F8 View breakpoints
♥ Navigation
Ctrl + N Go to class
Ctrl + Shift + N Go to file
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N Go to symbol
Alt + Right Go to next editor tab
Alt + Left Go to previous editor tab
F12 Go back to previous tool window
Esc Go to editor (from tool window)
Shift + Esc Hide active or last active window
Ctrl + Shift + F4 Close active run/messages/find/... tab
Ctrl + G Go to line
Ctrl + E Recent files popup
Ctrl + Alt + Right Navigate forward
Ctrl + Alt + Left Navigate back
Ctrl + Shift + Backspace Navigate to last edit location
Alt + F1 Select current file or symbol in any view
Ctrl + B , Ctrl + Click Go to declaration
Ctrl + Alt + B Go to implementation(s)
Ctrl + Shift + I Open quick definition lookup
Ctrl + Shift + B Go to type declaration
Ctrl + UGo to super-method/super-class
Alt + Up / Down Go to previous/next method
Ctrl + ] / [ Move to code block end/start
Ctrl + F12 File structure popup
Ctrl + H Type hierarchy
Ctrl + Shift + H Method hierarchy
Ctrl + Alt + H Call hierarchy
F2 / Shift + F2 Next/previous highlighted error
F4 Edit source
Ctrl + Enter View source
Alt + Home Show navigation bar
F11 Toggle bookmark
Ctrl + Shift + F11 Toggle bookmark with mnemonic
Ctrl + #[0-9] Go to numbered bookmark
Shift + F11 Show bookmarks
♥ Search/Replace
Ctrl + F/ Ctrl + R Find/Replace
F3 / Shift + F3 Find next/previous
Ctrl + Shift + F Find in path
Ctrl + Shift + R Replace in path
♥ Usage Search
Alt + F7 / Ctrl + F7 Find usages / Find usages in file
Ctrl + Shift + F7 Highlight usages in file
Ctrl + Alt + F7 Show usages
♥ Refactoring
F5 / F6 Copy / Move
Alt + Delete Safe Delete
Shift + F6 Rename
Ctrl + F6 Change Signature
Ctrl + Alt + N Inline
Ctrl + Alt + M Extract Method
Ctrl + Alt + V Extract Variable
Ctrl + Alt + F Extract Field
Ctrl + Alt + C Extract Constant
Ctrl + Alt + P Extract Parameter
♥ General
Alt + #[0-9] Open corresponding tool window
Ctrl + S Save all
Ctrl + Alt + Y Synchronize
Ctrl + Shift + F12 Toggle maximizing editor
Alt + Shift + F Add to Favorites
Alt + Shift + I Inspect current file with current profile
Ctrl + BackQuote (`) Quick switch current scheme
Ctrl + Alt + S Open Settings dialog
Ctrl + Shift + A Find Action
Ctrl + Tab Switch between tabs and tool window
♥ VCS/ Local history
Ctrl + K Commit project to VCS
Ctrl + T Update project from VCS
Alt + Shift + C View recent changes
Alt + BackQuote (`) ‘VCS’ quick popup
♥ Live template
Ctrl + Alt + J Surround with Live Template
Ctrl + J Insert Live Template
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