微软亚太区全球技术支持中心(APGC CSS)是微软为个人用户、开发者、IT 专业人员到合作伙伴和企业级合作伙伴提供全方位、多元化的服务和技术支持的部门。一个优秀的SQL Server技术支持工程师应该具备如下基本素质:技术精尖、耐心细致、善于交流、并善于释放压力、善于应对客户提出的紧危情况、不断充电以保持技术不断更新、具备有效的客户沟通能力和应变能力,并且能够借助各种资源,在工作中追求精益求精。我们真诚地欢迎对微软SQL Server及相关技术感兴趣并拥有创新精神的您加入我们,成为微软的一员!

1. Position Requirements



Must to have

BS in Computer Science or equivalent experience

In depth knowledge of RDBMS, such as SQL Server, or Oracle, or DB2

In depth knowledge of computer science, such as Operating System, Network, Data Structure, Algorithm or Developer experience: .net server, SDK, C++/C# coding, DDK, WinCE Embedded system, Visual Studio, ASP.Net, IIS, Com+, etc.

Better to have

3+ years of experience on Database deployments, maintenance, programming.

Experience in other Microsoft technologies – such as Platform- servers/OS; Active Directory; network, etc

Quick learning and troubleshooting skills



Must to have

Good communication skill and good service skill are expected

Excellent written and verbal English skill

Hard working and great passion on new computer technology

2. Main Responsibilities: Customer Issue Resolution & Responsiveness - Drive the communication to ensure the customer is confident with our resolution - Resolve critical issues of Microsoft SQL Server - Represent Microsoft and achieve high customer satisfaction.
Effective Communication & Collaboration - Identify the right resource to collaborate with for tough & political hot problem. - Collaborate with cross-group peers both proactively and reactively. - Share knowledge proactively

Training & Readiness - Identify current knowledge deficiencies/training needs, as well as potential future needs. - Make effective technical presentations, both internal and external. - Continuously make self-development on tech-skills
Operational Precision - Use appropriate documentation and utilization (labor tracking) methods to account for time. - Manage and prioritize your workload while keeping team members and management appropriately informed. - Participate in ad-hoc projects per management request or business need.



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